Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Return to Innocence

Walking with them into town, we kept our distance from each other but I knew Robin was watching me out of the corner of his eye. I knew they all were, just in case something happened. I kept my hood over my head, careful not to make direct eye contact with the wrong people. That's when I seen them, my family, and my cousin, Coraline dancing and making money. Money that wouldn't go to them.

Slowly I approached Coraline as people watched my family and listened to my father's tales that he was telling. Getting her attention carefully she looked in my direction as I smiled at her and her eyes went wide.

"Adora?"She whispered and I nodded,"Make it quick."
"What's the sheriff planning?"I asked as she walked to the side to talk to me but I didn't look directly at her.
"You shouldn't be here."
"I know,"I looked at her,"I'm sorry for what happened but-"
"You don't know what we've been through,"She hissed.
"Adora, it's been hell,"She looked at me as I turned my attention to her.
"I'll help you, this I promise now."
"Gisbourne and the Sheriff set this up to lure you here,"She let out a sigh,"I shouldn't be telling you this but this is wrong."
"What are they doing?"
"They raised the price on your head and told your parents if they ever find you that they'd go free if you were behind bars."
"And?"I looked at her in which her face fell.
"They agreed to it."
"They did?"
"Adora, I'm sorry,"She smiled lightly at me.
"I'm fine,"I pushed the tears back feeling like my heart had been stabbed,"What happens when they find me?"
"Gisbourne wants you and if there's any resistance, they'll hang you."
"And my parents allowed this?"I looked at her.
"I told you it was wrong."
"Adora,"I felt Will pull on my arm,"We've got to go."
"Stay out of trouble,"Coraline smiled at me as I watched my family laugh with younger siblings and other people.
"Be strong,"I told her as Will pulled me through the crowd just in time when the sheriff and Gisbourne walked through it.

Getting back to our hideout, I wouldn't talk to anyone. Just kept to myself, even pushing Mateo away from me for a bit which he only sat close as I sat on a rock to think. Tired of thinking and listening to the hush whispers of what I could've heard, I got up to walk into a forest clearing with Mateo close by my side. I pulled out my bow and arrows and started to take target practice at the closest tree, hitting my mark each time. I knew I wasn't alone and someone was behind me, watching me but I paid them no attention.

Robin stood there watching me, taking in everything that I did. Studying the way I took each arrow from behind me and effortlessly found my target. I was about to aim another arrow with my eyes closed this time when I felt a second pair of hands guide their way onto mine and my eyes opened slowly. I kept my attention focused on where I was going when I heard a whisper of "focus" in my ear as the arrow was released and I turned to see Robin slowly move from behind me.

"Are you ok?"
"Yes,"I looked at him collecting arrows and putting them back.
"No,"I walked back towards him,"But I can't do anything about it since it goes against the code of this gang and all I want to do is see the sheriff hurt."
"What happened?"Robin asked sincerly since I haven't told anyone what had been said.
"I'm set to hang if I'm caught and don't follow what the sheriff and Gisbourne have planned for me. Then my parents,"I let out an aggrivated sigh as I paced,"If they turn me in, they get to be set free and to make things all the better, the price on my head has been raised. I hate them!"
"No one will turn you in here,"Robin watched me as I stopped to look at him.
"Do you have any idea how betrayed I feel?"I looked at him feeling the tears prick my eyes.
Robin stood up to walk towards me placing a hand on my shoulder which I looked at him and fell into his chest to let out my tears.

Standing back up, I dried my eyes as I looked at him,"I can't cry anymore. I've got to be strong."
"It's fine,"He looked at me,"Everyone has to sometimes."
"If I let the tears fall than it'll show my weakness."
"Much has supper done,"He gave me a weak smile as I nodded and called for Mateo.

As we ate, no one really said anything, it was just silent which I wasn't liking but me being stubborn wasn't about to break that silence first.
"So why the dog?"Much asked finally breaking the silence.
"What?"I asked looking up at him.
"Why does the dog follow you around?"
"For one,"I rolled my eyes at him,"His name is Mateo and two well he's been with me for 3 years now since I've been running. I was training with this guy one day one he told me I needed someone to watch me and in came Mateo."
"Not that he's a bad dog,"Much mentioned as Mateo laid at his feet peacefully,"I was just wondering."
"It's ok,"I smiled at him,"He's taken a liking to all of you."
"See, she smiles,"Allan smiled at me which everyone chuckled and the night was slowly starting to fall.
"Well,"John stood up,"I'm getting some sleep for tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow morning?"I asked looking at them all.
"Yeah,"Robin smiled,"A caravan is coming through, which only means one thing-"
"Fun,"Will added as I looked at him.
"I should be too,"Djaq smiled as she stood up,"Night."

"You going to bed?"asked Robin as I watched the fire.
"In a bit,"I sighed,"I just need some time to think."
"Ok,"He smiled,"We'll be here."

Walking to the clearing close to the camp again, I took in the night sky with Mateo as the bird and animals filled the air. I watched the stars twinkle a bit as I leant against a tree just thinking to myself. That's when I seen him, he was leaning against a tree watching me with a smirk on his face.

"If I didn't know any better,"I smiled at him,"I'd think you were following me yet again."
"I thought you could use some company,"Robin looked at me.
"Eh,"I shrugged as I moved closer to him,"I just think someone's falling for me and just won't admit it."
"You meantioned Locksley before,"Robin started,"Did you live there?"
"Passed through,"I smiled,"We were there for a month, I think that's the first time I ever fell for someone."
"He was a boy, cute kid, we went on adventures as my parents made money. I remember this one time we ran through the forest to a creek and he pushed me into it which he thought was funny until I pulled him in,"I shook my head with a smile,"He understood me."
"How old were you?"
"12, I think,"I shrugged.
"He was 13 wasn't he?"Robin asked with a smile.
"Yes,"I looked at him suspicously,"How'd you know?"
"I remember a kid talking,"He shrugged,"You do know he fell for you in that instant."
"Why didn't he do anything then?"I asked walking on a log carefully as Robin watched me.
"He was scared she wouldn't feel the same, but he thought she was beautiful,"He watched me then mumbled,"Still does."
"Ok, then,"I looked at him not hearing the last part,"Why didn't he just take the chance on her then? You know, maybe save her from everything?"
"He was afraid that he'd break her heart and to him, it was the worst thing he could think of."
"What did happen to this boy?"I asked while leaping across the log for a second.
"He grew up,"Robin looked me with a shrug,"He's still childish but wiser now, understands things better."
"Well,"I hopped off the log,"Maybe I'll run into him again?"

I walked off as Robin stood there watching me but I didn't hear him add,"You already have."