Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Promise Not to Break

The Dungeons, not exactly a person like wants to be. I don't think any outlaw wants to be here but you can't really do anything about it when you've got a sheriff like Vasey. Other than becoming said outlaw, yet no one wants to take that charge. Story of my life, I guess.

As I was sitting against the wall, planning my own escape in case Allan decided he couldn't do it, I heard rustling by the door than someone whispering something to someone and the guard who was watching us, leave.

Watching the figure move closer, I seen Allan's frame come into view as I stood up with a smile on my face.

"Ssh," He whispered as he took out keys next to my cell, "Someone will hear you."
"Thank you," I smiled as he unlocked my door then took off the shackles, "I guess I can trust you again?"
"Of course," He smiled.
"But wait, how are you going to explaining me getting out?"
"Someone just got too close to you with keys," He shrugged, "You're not exactly helpless anyways."
"You're right," I smirked at him, "I did have two different ways of getting out if you didn't show up."
"Funny," He glared at me as I dusted myself off.
"Now," I looked at him.
"Um," I stood there like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Can't fight without them-"
"I thought you'd forget," He laughed as he handed over my bow and arrows, sword, and dagger.
"Thank you," I smiled as I put them back on and he watched me.
"You know, if things don't work out with you and Robin-"
"You're a good friend Allan," I smiled at him as he looked at me for a second when I kissed him on the cheek, "I owe you."

There was a noise outside in the hall as I looked at Allan and he hid me until whoever it was had left.

"Oh and Adora," Allan mentioned as he looked at me as I stopped, "I only saved you, the others are on their own."
"That's why we're so different Allan," I gave him a light smile, "You only go after the things you want for yourself, but me I'm like Robin. I'll take down whoever it is no matter what."
"But you owe me," He started.
"I do," I nodded, "But step over the wrong line and it could be the end again."
"There's a back window," Allan nodded, "If you go now, they won't catch you."
"Thank you," I smiled at him as I went to leave but he called out to me again, "What?"
"The Black Knights are coming here, if that means anything to anyone of you."
"Thank you," I nodded as I went to get out of the castle.

Running back through the woods, I finally made it back to camp, out of breath as the rest of them looked at me.

The flames lit up the grounds and my face as they were all waiting for some explanation as to why I was gone so long and what happened. I put up my hand a second to catch my breath as I looked at everyone.

"I was caught by brother..." I slowly caught my breath, "No one trusts him, do you hear me?"
"But how'd you get out?" Much asked as he looked at me.
"I have my ways," I smirked as I sat down and the gang tried to wrap their heads on what was going on.
"So you just walked out?" Robin questioned as I shook my head trying to avoid.
"Allan helped me, I can trust him."
"Allan?" Robin raised an eyebrow at me, "So now you're back to trusting Allan?"
"God, Robin, will for one second just stop to think that maybe we don't all have the same feelings as you do?"
"He betrayed you too!" Robin shouted as he stood up trying not to get too aggrivated.
"I know but Robin, he helped me get out. What if he's not all that bad?"
"Listen to yourself," Robin interupted my thoughts, "He's just as good a liar as you are. How do you know that he's not back at the castle, telling the Sheriff where you are? Or what if he's making up a lie on how you escaped?"
"I owe him," I looked at Robin.

Robin just gave me a fake smirk as he walked off and I looked at the rest of the gang who stared at me. Letting out an aggrivated sigh as I leant against a tree as Will walked up to me.

"You do know he was just worried about you."
"But I'm not some prize or something that will break," I scouffed, "I'm fine. I've taken care of myself long before I met him again."
"You're going to end it all over this?"
"No," I looked at him, "I'm not."
"Go and talk to him," Will nudged me as I rolled my eyes.
"Because I'm your brother," He smirked at me, "And Robin's a good man. Don't let him get away."
"Fine, but if he snaps at me, I'll come back to hurt you," I glared at him.
"I'm going," I mumbled as I walked off into the direction of where Robin had went.