Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Come Back to Me

"Robin, come on," I called out as I went searching for him around the forest when I knew him better as I looked up.

There he was sitting on a branch as he tried to act like I couldn't see him or anything.

"Robin, seriously, you don't think I'll come up there?"

He didn't say anything as I sighed, "Look, if Allan betrays me again, then you can say I told you so but for now, just let me have this one thing. He's my best friend."
"You could've come to me first."
"How was I supposed to know that I'd get captured?" I questioned, "By my own family. Robin, I've got nothing left except this gang. You've seen how my family is outcasted as gypsies and are willing to turn me over in an instant. Then my brother, I thought I finally found someone but no."
"I'm sorry."
"You didn't know," I shrugged, "They all hate me just because my mom had a relationship with Will's father all those years ago."
"They don't hate you," He jumped down from the tree to stand in front of me.
"They do," I nodded at him, "They want me dead."
"I'm sorry, Adora," He went to put a hand on my shoulder as I shrugged.
"I just don't want to lose the trust of this gang now, especially not yours. I love you too much."
"And I love you too," He smiled at me while touching my cheek lightly then leaning in to kiss me.

The kiss started to instensify when someone walked in our direction which caused us to seperate quickly. We quickly got of the clearing as some random guards were looking for me now, ones that were riding with Gisborne and followed by Allan in which we watched them from our spot in the darkness.

"I don't get why he decided to join his side," I whispered to Robin as we watched them leave.
"Because he felt like he was put in the shadows."
"That's ridicolous," I rolled my eyes, "I swear he may have saved me and I still see him as a bit of a best friend but that's the stupid reason and thing to go and do."
"Come on, let's get back to the camp," Robin took my hand as I felt a bolt of electricity race through it.

As we all sat around talking, I told them about the Black Knights that Allan had told me about. I didn't know much else about the situation except that they were devoted followers to Prince John, someone who I'm not exactly on a good side with right now.

"I know someone," Robin whispered as he looked at us, "He could help me get in with the Black Knights so we can stop this."
"Robin, it's too risky," Will mentioned as I nodded.
"He's right."
"What other choice do we have?" Robin asked, "Marian can't get into the castle and I'm not risking any of you."
"We want to help you," Djaq added as he nodded.
"I know you do, and you will but for now, I need you to be my back up on the oustide."
"Ok," Will nodded as the rest agreed as I was silent for a second.
"Can you give us a minute?" Robin asked as the others got up to leave.

"Did you not hear the part of my speech earlier that I don't want to loose you?" I asked not looking at Robin.
"I did," He whispered softly as I stood up.
"Then why are you doing this? You need all the help you can get!" I threw my hands in the air, "Oh that's right, you're Robin Hood!"
"Adora," Robin stood up as he brought my arms back down, "I'm doing this to save England, to give you a chance, to give us a chance. You understand right?"
"If you die, I'll die too," I whispered lightly as he pushed a piece of hair out of my face.
"I need you to stay strong," He looked into my eyes, "They'll look to you if something happens to me. I'll need you to be there."
I nodded slowly but felt tears sting my eyes, "You might not die."
"I'll be waiting for you," He smiled as he kissed my lips softly, "Trust me."
"I do," I nodded as he pulled me into him as I felt like it could be the last time I held onto him.

In the morning, I woke up in Robin's bed with him as I felt him move then get out of the bed to get dressed before the others did. I woke up slowly, feeling the sun hit my eyes which stung a bit as I sat up in bed, making sure that the rest of my naked flesh was covered.

"Morning," Robin smiled at me as I gave him a light smirk.
"You ready?"
"I guess," I shrugged as I looked at him as he handed me my clothes, "You'll come back to me right?"
"Yes," He kissed me lightly, "Now get dressed. I'm going to wake the others."

As I got dressed, my head started to swim. I was extremely dizzy and had to brace myself before pulling my shirt over my head as I felt like I was about to collaspe. As I finally got rid of the dizzy spell, my stomach decided to churn in which it felt as if I had possibly caught something but was hoping it wasn't so.

Walking out into the camp, Much had already started to cook breakfast but the smell of the food caused my stomach to churn even more as I sat far away from the food.

"Morning Adora," Much smiled at me as I gave him a light smile, "Breakfast is almost ready."
"I'm not hungry," I looked away from him as he looked concerned, "Please don't mention food either."
"Are you ok?"
"Fine," I nodded at him, "Just don't worry about me."
"Ok," He nodded as I went to get up but felt a dizzy spell come over me again and stumbled as Will caught me as he walked into the camp.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine," I nodded as my stomach churned worse than before as I pushed myself away from him to run off to empty the contents of my stomach.
"What's wrong with her?" Will asked as he looked at Much as he shrugged, "Maybe Djaq could talk to her?"
"Talk to who?" Djaq asked as she walked into the camp as they looked at her.
"Adora," Will mentioned, "She's dizzy and I think she's sick or something."
"Hmm, where is she?" Djaq questioned as Will pointed to the direction that I was in.