Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Save Me

As I was preparing to save Robin, some guards caught me in which I put up a good fight. Of course I had to kill a few but I wasn't about to be caught. As I tried to open the door, I found it was locked which I silently kicked the door as I heard a scimmage on the other side.

Soon the door opened and I was face to face with Winchester, the man that Robin said he could trust. He smirked at me as I seen they had Robin already shackled.

"Come to save the day?" He let out a wicked grin as I drew my sword.
"Oh, I wouldn't kill you, Prince John wants you alive so he can kill you."
"Like that'll happen," I scouffed as I was surrounded by guards.
"Oh, I see," Winchester smirked wickedly again, "You came to save your boyfriend."
"Adora," Robin started, "Go."
"No," I looked at Robin as his eye pleaded with mine.
"Well this should be fun," Winchester laughed, "Guards!"

As Robin was held back, I managed to escape out a near by window with one last smirk which I heard the Sheriff order guards to get me but it was already too late. Running back into the forest, my heart was beating as I came across the gang again who looked clueless.

"Robin's been captured!" I caught my breath as the rest of them looked at me as I gathered more weapons.
"Shouldn't you wait here?" Much asked as I gave him a look.
"Why would I do that?"
"I thought you were sick," He shrugged as I glared at him.
"I'm fine! Will everyone stop worrying about me?"
"We're just concerned," Will walked closer to me.
"Then help me save Robin," I looked at him as I started to run back hearing the rest of them follow behind me as Mateo ran at my side.

By time we got there, we discovered that the Sheriff had thought of an evil plan to make Robin fight Allan which even though Robin was upset with Allan, he didn't want to do. I couldn't watch since on one side, it was my best friend and then the other was the one man that I ever loved. I still couldn't look away because if I did something drastic, then everything could go wrong.

By time we had saved Robin, Marian was now prisoner for Winchester which was something I didn't think should've happened even though I hated that look that Robin gave her. I took one last look at Allan who's eyes caught mine and I just gave him a "I can't believe you did that" look as he hung his head down and we ran off to the forest.

I honestly just wanted to be left alone right now once we got back. With everything that just happened and my news that, that still crazy old lady, Matilda, told me, it was too much. But in the life of an outlaw, there is no shutting off when lives are at stake and we had to save Marian. I'll admit, I was jealous but I was still in on the plot to save her. Which turns out, we didn't really need to do since Gisborne and the Sheriff were right there to save her.

Watching Marian leave on Guy's horse with him, we all headed back to camp from the long day. I was off in my own world as Djaq walked up to me since I didn't tell her what Matlida had actually said earlier.

"Are you ok?"
"Fine," I sighed.
"What did Matilda tell you?"
"Are you still trying to get me to answer that?"
"I'm worried," She smiled at me as I let out a scouff as I moved away from my spot.
"You're guess earlier was right."
"Wait," Djaq's mouth dropped open, "And Robin-"
"Yes," I grumbled as I walked off.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going for a walk," I mumbled as I walked past her into the woods in which I didn't want to deal with it right now.

Little did I know that Djaq was desperately trying to get Robin to talk to me and almost letting out my secret to him.