Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

It'll Be Fine

The stars sparkled in the night sky as I walked through Locksley again. Small campfires were lit outside as families sat around telling stories of Knights and Kings as I smiled as I passed them in my own thought.

As I kept walking, I noticed a woman and her two children of whom I known in which I walked towards them.

"Mira," I smiled as I walked up to her, "I thought I told you to get out of town."
"You did," She smiled while standing up from playing with her kids, "But this is home. I wouldn't know where else to go."
"Far enough," I sighed as I sat on a fence post as I watched her.
"Besides you still need someone to watch after you," She smiled as Mateo walked back up to me and sat at my feet.
"Hey boy," I smiled as I looked at Mira, "You don't have to."
"Is something on your mind dear?" She asked while standing next to me as we watched the kids.
"Me? No," I shook my head as she gave me a look as I sighed, "Maybe."
"What is it?" She looked at me.
"It's not important," I stood up as she stopped me as I looked at her, "Mira-"
"You're with child," She looked seriously at me as I shook my head but didn't change her look as I nodded.
"But how-"
"I was the same way you were when I first found out," She smiled at me, "I was scared, tried to deny, didn't think I could be a mom."
"But I'm different," I looked at her, "I'm an outlaw, how can I raise a child and keep it safe?"
"You'll find a way," She smiled as the children in the village started gathering around a now present Robin Hood who was more than happy to see them, "And he'll help you."
"I didn't say-"
"You didn't have to," She smiled as she gave me a slight smile while taking her kids off to play with the others as she left me alone on the fence.

Robin noticed me as he walked towards me with a smile on his face as I smiled back at him.

"You're predictable," He smirked as I let out a small chuckle.
"I guess that's good so you can find me easily."
"It's a bad hiding spot though," He shrugged as he pulled himself up onto the fence with me.
"You're right."
"Are you ok?" Robin asked as he looked at me as I shrugged.
"I will be," I sighed as I watched the kids run under the night sky.
"They're so innocent."
"They are, which is why we've got to stop the Sheriff and Gisbourne and make it all right again."
""We will," His fingers entwined with mine as I gave him a light smile.
"Would you?"
"It's nothing," I shook my head as Robin looked at me.
"Would I what?"
"Nevermind," I shrugged.
"Adora," Robin got down off the fence to stand in front of me, "Whatever it is, you can tell me."
"What would happen if an outlaw you knew was with child?"
"Depends," He shrugged, "Do I know them personally?"
"Yes," I nodded.
"Would they ever hurt anyone?"
"Only if they had to," I smiled at him as he hung his head then looked back at me.
"I'm happy."
"Djaq," Robin smiled, "She didn't say it exactly but it was pretty close. I can figure out the rest for myself."
"I wanted to tell you," I looked at him, "I was just scared."
"Come on," Robin held out his hand for me as I slowly took it, and he helped me down, "Much has got dinner done."
"Can we stay here for a while?"
"Of course," He smiled at me as he took me towards the kids who were playing, just as the sound of hooves were heard approaching in the distance.