Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Say It Isn't So

Over the next two weeks, I was still able to hide the fact that I was carrying Robin's child. We still haven't told them yet, mainly because I was scared that they'd think different of me and try to protect me when I didn't need it. So much was going on too that it was hard to just bring it up.

Which brings me to now, Robin gave me the task of going to Nottingham Castle to check on Marian and her father Edward. As I snuck into the castle, I dogded Gisbourne a few times while making my way to Marian's chambers. Knocking slightly on the door, she let me in as I slid in with a sigh.

"They sure like adding more guards don't they?" I smirked as I took my hood off as Marian watched me.
"The Sheriff thinks it'll help stop Robin."
"Yeah," I rolled my eyes, "But then there's Allan now, no one knows what he's going to do."
"I'm sorry," Marian smiled lightly at me.
"It's ok," I shrugged.
"You lost your best friend," She watched me as I tried not to think about it, "I'm sorry it had to be like this."
"It's not your fault," I smiled at her, "You don't think for Allan."
"So your father," I changed the subject, "Robin sent me to come check on the two of you."
"Right," She nodded, "But you'll have to stay farther behind."
"I will," I nodded as I followed her down to the dungeons.

I had brought food for Marian's father which I had Marian give to him as I stayed in the shadows. That's when I heard the sound of voices not far from here, one was Gisbourne, the other was Allan. I knew Marian heard too since she got up to follow me as I went to find what they were talking about. As I watched them, Allan was now dressed in all black and was showing Gisbourne all our entrances, exits, everything. My fists clenched as Marian mentioned something about making sure her father was ok.

As Gisbourne walked off, Allan stood there with a smirk on his face as he started to walk when I tripped him and he fell on his face. Turning over, he smirked up at me as I held a sword at his throat.

"What do you think you're doing?" I questioned as that smile just grew wider.
"You know, I should have you arrested since you are part of Robin Hood's men."
Pressing the blade closer in his neck he flinched as I glared, "And so were you! Now I see you with Gisbourne, his right hand man, giving all our secrets away. I thought you said I could trust you?"
"The offer got better," Allan smiled as I placed a small cut on his neck while gritting my teeth and moving away from him.
"Get away from me before I do kill you," I turned to look at him.
"You wouldn't," Allan let a small chuckle out.
"Because you know me so well."
"I'm sorry Adora," Allan moved closer to me.
"Stop with being sorry," I glared as I put the sword up, "You once said you loved me, you even saved me. So what is this?"
"It's hard to explain," Allan started as he tried to move closer to me but I stopped him.
"Then don't."
Guards were fast approaching as Allan sighed, "I haven't told him everything, there's an exit in the back, go."
"Go," Allan rolled his eyes, "Now before I do change my mind."

Running quickly out of the castle, I made my way back to camp to tell everyone what Allan was doing. As they listened to me, let it out all in one breath, I could see the anger in eyes. Robin then told me of a plan that he had involving John of York since he promised he would save the girl that he loved. Nodding slowly, I sat down for a second feeling a wave of dizziness hit me. My hand went to my stomach as I tried to make the dizziness stop as Robin placed a hand on my back softly.

"Are you ok?" Will asked looking at me which earned looks from the rest of the gang.
"She'll be fine, "Robin smiled at them as I nodded.
"Thank you," I stood up to kiss his lips lightly.
"We should tell them tonight."
"If we're still alive," I half laughed as he shot me a look.
"We will be."
"Robin," I looked into his eyes as it felt as if the world stopped for a brief second, "Please don't kill Allan."
"I can't promise anything," He stated softly.
"I know, I almost did so myself but I think that loyal Allan is still there."

Robin just kissed me quickly as the rest of the gang waited on us.

"Robin," Will stated as he handed him his bow, "We need to get going."
"Right," He nodded then took my hand, "Come on, let's go."

Once saving John of York's love, and the near death fight Robin had with Allan which Marian told him not to kill him either, we headed back to the camp. Marian went with us as we went to the forest in which Robin was going to marry John of York and his life. It was beautiful as we all stood around watching them. Robin's eyes locked with mine as he spoke which I felt a spark of something which caused me to feel all giddy. Once the John of York rode off into the fading sunlight, Robin took my head to lead me off into a quieter spot.

"That was nice what you did," I smiled at him as he smiled back.
"What if that was us one day?" His hand ran down my cheek as I let out a small smile.
"I don't know," I shrugged, "I didn't think you were that serious."
"I am," He smiled as he looked into my eyes, "I love you."
"I love you too," I took his hand in mine, "But let's wait until we tell them about our child."
"Not too long," Robin smiled.
"No," I felt his lips against mine.
"Come on, let's go," Robin smiled as he took my hand to head back out to the rest of the gang.

"I have an annoucement," Robin started as he looked at everyone, "Adora and I have been seeing each other for a while."
"What's your point?" Much asked as he looked at them.
"I'm getting to that Much," Robin laughed as I blushed a little, "She is carrying my child."

Did I just hear a needle drop on the forest floor?