Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

8 Months Later

I had to escape for a while, just so I could have Robin's son. Our son. He was beautiful, We named him Aiden and he was staying with Mira since I found it hard to look after him being an outlaw. This way, I could still keep an eye on him and know he's in good hands. Plus, Mira didn't mind us coming in to watch him every now and then.

"Adora," Robin brought me out of my daze as I went to look at him.
"We're going to Locksley, are you coming with?" He smirked while holding out his hand.
"Of course," I smiled at him as I took his hand then he helped me onto the horse.

Riding into the town, people were about their business as Will, Djaq, Much and John followed behind. I got down off the horse as Robin did too as I walked into the town to see Mira smiling at me with a baby in her arms.

"There's my little angel," I smiled as I took Aiden in my arms as Mira smiled.
"He was looking for the two of you," She smiled at us, "He's special."
"It's because his father is Robin Hood," I smirked as I handed him to Robin, "I'm going to go help the others. Watch your son."
"Don't be too long," Robin smirked as I walked off quickly with a smile on my face.

I was busy helping a local girl, Kate, I think her name was with finding things for the family dinner when Marian ran up to me on a horse. She was an outlaw but for the time being she was our inside source in the castle. Something that could be very dangerous for her.

"Adora," Marian rushed out as she got off her horse.
"What?" I looked up at her quickly.
"Your brother and the Sheriff are on their way here."
"How did you get out?"
"I told them I'd hunt for Robin," She whispered, "To save my father."
"Go back Marian," I looked at her quickly, "This isn't your fight right now."
"But I want to help."
"I know," I nodded, "But you're father needs you."
"Be careful," She looked at me.
"I will."

I watched her ride off as I apologized to Kate for having to rush out as I seen Will run up to me quickly, noticing that there were horses already moving into the village.

"Where's Aiden?" I whispered to Will as we snuck around the edge of the town.
"With Mira, safe."

We moved towards the rest of the gang as I stopped to smile quickly at Robin as we listened to the Sheriff go on about getting more taxes.

"He can't do that, can he?" Much whispered as he looked towards us.
"No, he can't," Robin watched them.
"How can Allan just stand there?" Much glared.
"Because he isn't the Allan we knew," Robin mentioned as I watched as the Sheriff went on.

He soon left with Gisbourne which meant Allan was the only one there and he knew we were watching.
"Alright, you heard the Sheriff!" Allan shouted as Much went to get up but John stopped him.
"No," John shook his head.

"Leave him to me," I whispered as I stood up quickly when I heard people call for me.

Walking backwards, I accidently "bumped" into Allan as I knew he tensed.

"Oh sorry, sir, clumsy ol' me," I quickly mentioned as Allan turned around to yell but stopped when he seen me.
"Hoods men," Allan snickered.
"Like we wouldn't be here," I rolled my eyes as he went to draw his sword.
"Aw, come on Allan, can't we talk?"
"I'll think about it," He went to make his first move.
"Why are you so mad at me?" I questioned as I drew my sword blocking his attacks, "I didn't do anything to you."
"You left me! When I needed you the most!"
"As I recall," I blocked another blow, "You were the one who betrayed us! Me!"
"And you owe me!"
"I owe you nothing," I glared as Allan went at me again as I moved quickly.
"I saved your life," Allan mentioned as I looked at him trying to figure out why he's attacking me.
"Stop being so guillible," I blocked another blow as I locked eyes with him, "You really think the Sheriff and Guy like you being around? What happens when they grow bored of you? They'll cast you out, if not hang you."
"You know nothing," He seethed.
"Allan," I sighed letting my guard down a bit which I shouldn't of, "You and I both know what they'll do."
"We'll see," Allan quickly ran the blade across my side as I felt pain in it as he smirked then went to walk off.