Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?


"Adora!" Robin looked behind him as they started running in which Will ran back to get me.

"Come on," Will helped me up as I tried to run towards the forest the best I could with the wound.

Camp seemed to be farther away than usual when you've got this gash in your side that's seeping blood. My eyes were blurring a bit as Will did his best to hold me up until he could get someone to look at me. I felt myself being sat down on a rock in which I winced as Djaq went to look at the wound.

"Never piss off the best friend," She joked as I glared at her.
"It goes both ways," I seethed as I felt her pull the skin back together.
"Keep her still," Djaq mentioned as I felt Robin's arms go around me as I tried to control my breathing.

Djaq finished stitching the wound together then placing a bandage on it as I felt weak for the time being. I was placed in Robin's bed for some odd number of hours since the sun was slowly starting to approach sunset. The forest had that shadowy look to it as I joined everyone back out in the main part of the camp.

"Planning without me?" I moved slowly into the camp as I smirked, "Should I be insulted?"
"What are you doing up?" Robin rushed towards me to help me sit down.
"There's no use for me to sit around and moan about it," I looked at him.
"You need the rest," He gave me a look.
"I'll be fine," I smiled at him lightly, "So what's going on?"
"We need to get the Pact of Nottingham," Will looked at me as Robin and everyone shot him a look, "What? She wasn't going to rest until we told her."
"Pact of Nottingham?" I questioned as Robin nodded.
"It'll help us get rid of the Sheriff if we do."
"And you expect just to ask him for it?" I looked at them as I let out a small snicker, "Yeah, that's a good one."
"Which is why we're planning," Robin smirked at me.
"Which is why you'll need me," I slowly stood up while wincing.
"No, it's too dangerous," Robin looked at me, "Not with you like this."
"Either you're letting me go with you the easy way or the hard way."
"Why does she have to be so stubborn?" Robin mumbled as he rubbed his temple.
"Leave it to you to fall for the stubborn ones," Djaq smirked.
"She's a Scarlet, that's why," Will smiled.
"Thank you," I smiled back at him.
"Ok, ok, fine, but you stay close to me. Do I make myself clear?" Robin asked as I nodded, "Right, everyone rest up. Tomorrow, we have a big day."

Everyone nodded as they went to rest or train or something as Robin walked to his horse as I followed him.

"And where are you going?" I questioned as I crossed my arms.
"To see our son," He smiled, "It's almost his bedtime."
"Like you'd leave me behind for that," I scouffed as he got on the horse.
"Of course not," Robin winked as he held out his hand for me to get on the back of the horse with him.

We got to Locksley just as the sun sank into the horizon, giving us the perfect cover to sneak into town. I half glared at the Manor since Gisbourne was there now but got shaken from my thoughts as Robin pulled me to Mira's house.

I watched as he knocked quickly then Mira opened the door to pull the two of us inside.

"Thank god the two of you are here," She let out in a quick breath as I heard a child crying, "He hasn't stopped crying for a while now."
"Sorry about that," I smiled at her as I followed the sound of crying to find Aiden and his tear stained face.

"Hi, Aiden," I smiled at him as I picked him up and his crying slowly started to end but he was still sniffling, "I'm sorry I haven't fed you since lunch."
"Is he hungry?" Robin asked as I nodded and sat in the chair next to his crib.
"I wish we could take him back to camp with us," I looked down at him as I started to feed him.
"You know it's too dangerous," Robin leant against the wall as I nodded.
"I know."
"Mira keeps him safe and we'll both be here to see him when we can."
"I just worry," I smiled lightly as I watched him and looked at Robin, "This Pact of Nottingham, will it help us not be outlaws anymore?"
"It can," He smiled as he watched Aiden, "We can't give up."
"It's not that easy anymore," I smiled as I looked at Aiden again as Robin walked towards the window to look out it.
"I promise, we'll make it safe for our children again."
"Children?" I raised an eyebrow at him, "Since when did it become plural?"
"It was just a thought," Robin smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.
"We'll talk about it later," I went back to Aiden who was finished eating as I stood up and handed him to Robin, "He loves you, you know that?"
"I love him too," Robin smiled as he sat in the chair to rock him back to sleep.

I watched outside the window for a while as I heard a snore come from Robin too which caused me to laugh a bit. I took Aiden from Robin, put him back in the crib then slowly placed a blanket on Robin as I walked towards Mira.

"He's an angel all the other times," Mira smiled as she walked towards the table that I was standing by.
"I can't thank you enough for keeping him safe for us," I smiled at her.
"You kept us safe all those years," She smiled at me, "It's only fair that I do something for you in return."
"You're a good woman, Mira."
"And you're good parents, don't think otherwise," She smiled as I looked at her front window to see horses and guards coming into town.
"What's that?" I asked as I heard a bit of a commotion as Mira looked paniced at me.
"You have to go," Mira pushed me towards the back with Robin.
"Wait? What's going on?"
"The Sheriff and Gisbourne think we're hiding outlaws, so they check at night, every other night."
"Aiden," I looked towards his room.
"I've told them he's mine and they believe me," She kept pushing me to the back, "He's safe, I promise. Now keep yourselves alive and go, quickly."
"Thank you," I smiled at her as she nodded as I ran into the back room.

"Robin," I shook him awak as he slowly stirred, "Robin, wake up."
"What is it?" Robin asked as he was groggy.
"We have to go," I looked at him as there was a knock at the door and he looked at me then Aiden, "He's fine. Mira's got it under control, but we need to go now."
"Come on," Robin sprung up as he ran out the back just as Gisbourne went into the room as we watched from the shadows.
"I'll kill him if he lays one finger on him," I mentioned as we watched from our spot.
"That makes two of us," Robin sighed as he watched and we waited for them to leave.
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I've got this idea with Archer in mind, so I didn't know if I should put him in the story already. Let me know what you guys think.