Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Marian and Banquets

As we hide in the forest to ambush the caravan, I waited for the right moment to play my part in what I had to do. Walking a few yards in front of the caravan, I fell to the ground, as the carriage stopped and men jumped off at me.
"Are you alright ma'am?"One asked as they tended to me.
"Yes, I think,"I went to get help from them but fell back to the ground,"Ow, no! It's my ankle, I think it's broke. Please help me."
"Get her off to the side,"One of them mentioned as they looked at me and carried me off to the side.
"Thank you,"I smiled while pretending to be in pain as Robin moved in,"I'm so clumsy."
"What's a girl like you doing in the woods?"
"I was hunting for my family,"I smiled at them,"My father is sick and we need to eat. Clumsy me, didn't see the root in the ground."
"It doesn't look too bad,"The man looked at my ankle.
"But it hurts,"I winced as I watched the rest of them steal the money then Robin gave me a nod.
"We could take you into Nottingham with us."
"On second thought,"I stood up to stretch a bit,"I feel better. Thank you so much."

The men gave me a strange look as they got back into their carriage as I stood there to give them a wave as Mateo walked up to me. Once they started to leave, Robin, Will, Djaq, Much, Allan, and John walked up to me.
"That was some acting,"Allan smirked.
"I told you,"I smirked back at him,"I'm good at what I do."
"Come on, let's get back,"Robin patted me on the shoulder to which we started walking when we heard a horse behind us.

Turning to look over my shoulder, I seen a girl hope off her horse to greet Robin.
"That's Marian,"Allan stood next to me,"She's in love with Robin."
"I see,"I nodded but not paying attention til I heard my voice being called.
"Adora, can you come here for a second?"

"What?"I asked as I stood semi- in the middle of Robin and Marian.
"Marian came up with a brillant idea,"Robin smiled at me.
"Which is?"
"There's a banquet tomorrow night and the Sheriff doesn't know your face like ours."
"So, you're going to go in as Marian's cousin who's come to visit for the night."
"I don't know Robin-"
"It'll work,"Marian smiled,"I seen what you did earlier with those men."
"But my family will be around so they'll know it's me."
"They won't,"She smiled.
"I don't own a dress,"I tried to use just to get out of the job.
"You'll go with Marian into town to find one,"Robin looked at me.
"I still don't know,"I shrugged.
"Please,"Robin turned me to face him,"For me?"
"Fine,"I sighed with an eye roll,"When do we leave?"
"Now's good,"Marian smiled,"I've got the guards to give me privacy for a while yet."
"Ok,"I sighed.

As we rode into town, I kept my horse outside the castle which I would've felt better if maybe someone was watching it or they let Mateo come with me but then again, Much told me he'd make sure he was ok. Walking through the vendors in town, I got smiles from people as Marian walked next to me.
"So,"Marian went to start a coversation,"It's nice to see that Robin lets a girl into his gang."
"I guess,"I shrugged,"I mean it's not too much of a difference then before I met him. Only now I've got to take orders from him. Which can take a bit of getting used to."
"You fit in with them well,"She smiled at me as we walked,"Robin talks about you a lot."
"Really?"I asked looking through the dresses than finding one that caught my eye,"Good, I hope?"
"It is, he tells me how you're good at what you do and about your history."
"Well, I guess I should thank him,"I looked at her for a second,"But I don't know. I try not to get caught up with the past."
Marian gave me a slight smile as I went to try on the dress then came back out to do a spin for her.

"What do you think?"I asked as I looked at myself for a second.
"I think you're going to be great,"She smiled at me as I smiled back.

The next while, we spent talking which Marian turned out to be a great friend and someone good to have on the inside of the castle.
"I'll keep the dress with me, that way you can change once you get here."
"And how am I getting in?"I questioned her as she smiled.
"You just leave that to me,"She smiled as I walked back to the horse.

The following evening, it was still early since the sun was still shining in the sky but it was close to sunset, Marian kept her word and got me into the castle easy. Right now, I was in Marian's room about to change since she left me alone to give me privacy.

"Nice dress."I heard from the window as I turned to see Robin climbing through it.
"I don't know,"I looked at him,"I'm so not used to being this fancy or anything. I mean yeah sure I was a gypsy but this-"
"Adora,"Robin smiled at me,"You look stunning."
"Thank you,"I blushed as I looked at my feet,"I just don't want to mess anything up tonight."
"We'll be out there with you in case something happens."
"That's reassuring,"I rolled my eyes.
"Remember deep breaths,"Robin leant on his bow as the looked at me,"I trust you."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him as he went to leave and Marian walked back in.

Finishing my hair and now make up, Marian lead me down to the banquet hall where all these people were standing around. I watched as all their eyes were on me then I noticed Robin in a dark corner as well as Much, Allan, and John as well Will and Djaq talking with people in the crowd not to seem suspcious.

"Sheriff,"Marian started then looking at Guy,"Guy this is my cousin Laina."
"Hi,"I smiled at them as the Sheriff took my hand to kiss it which I wanted to punch him.
"She's here for the night, and possibly report back to her family in Spain to offer us money."
"Well than enjoy your stay,"The Sheriff smiled,"I hope you do."
"Thank you, sir,"I bowed as I walked off into the crowd but knew Gisbourne was following me.
"You're Marian's cousin?"He asked as I stood next to a table which was next to where Djaq was close by.
"She never mentioned you before."
I smiled at him,"I asked her not to, I'm not one for going to banquets or anything."
"What do you do then?"Gisbourne questioned me.
"Dancing,"I shrugged with a smile,"Nature, I love being able to walk in the woods under moonlight."
"Maybe, I could accompany you tonight?"
"Maybe,"I smirked.

As the banquet started, I took my seat at the table to listen to the sheriff ramble about something. Then that's when the conversation turned interesting about some treasure that he had hidden in the castle. He wouldn't say where only it was safe from Robin Hood and his men and they wouldn't know about it. That's when he brought out his entertainment, my family again. Quickly hiding my eyes from them as they went about dancing, I watched as they actually seemed to enjoy what they were doing. By then, everyone was back to mingling with one another, that I made my way through the crowd.
I was almost towards the exit when my little sister, Jean stood in front of me, I knew she seen me now since I couldn't avoid her.

"I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person,"I started to walk away but she stopped me.
"Adora,"She smiled sweetly at me,"Don't you want to help us?"
"You're not helping,"I glared at her.
"Fine,"She smirked slyly as she backed away from me and yelled,"Sir Guy! Sir Guy! It's Adora!"
"Don't,"I covered her mouth as she caught sight of the tag around my neck.
She smiled as she pulled my hand off her mouth,"And Hood's men!"
"You don't deserve my help,"I glared as I ran off as fast as I could while seeing everyone else run.

Surprisingly, it wasn't as big of a fight to get out as I thought it would be. Mainly we just ran while hearing guards chase us down. I ran back to Locksley into Roland's house quickly as I heard the approaching sound of hooves come towards the town. I backed into a room to hide in the shadows when I bumped into someone. Feeling my heart leap out of my chest, I was about to hit him when I turned around to see Robin.

"It's ok,"Robin calmed me down,"It's me."
I watched as they ran past the house and Robin pulled me through the shadows.
"Come on."

Heading to the forest, we stopped while catching our breaths, me still in the dress from earlier.
"Damn it!"I kicked a rock as Robin stood up to look at me,"I hate them, I hate them all."
"No,"I looked at Robin,"Here I am trying to do the right thing and they, they're never grateful!"
"I'm sorry."
"Why should you be sorry?"I looked at him,"None of this is your fault. And I'm still in this stupid dress."
"It's a nice dress,"He smiled walking closer to me.
"I feel weird,"I shrugged leaning against a tree,"Too girlie."
"You're not."
"I know,"I looked at him with a smirk,"I mean if I wanted, I could still hurt someone."
"But you wouldn't want to mess up your dress,"He smirked walking closer to me.
"Shut up,"I shoved him lightly as he laughed then walked closer to me to lace his fingers with mine as he lightly pushed me against the tree,"Robin-"
"You are beautiful,"His free hand graced my cheek as our eyes locked,"Don't let anyone get to you."

Robin's lips lightly connect with mine which I smiled but kissed him back. The kiss slowly started to intensifiy when a twig snapped somewhere around us and we broke apart.
"Come on,"Robin took my hand as we ran back to the camp.