Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?


Pitch, one of the most dangerous things, I believe. It was scary how it caused so much damage. Thank god we were hiding behind some brushes because right now, this had my nerves shaken. Soon after we returned to the camp with Daniel for the time being.

"Adora,"Daniel asked me as I had been lost in thought since we had come back.
"How did you become an outlaw?"
"It's a long and complicated story,"I smiled lightly at him as he moved closer to me.
"But I've always wondered, even my friends, no one ever mentions it."
"How about we get your friends and I'll tell you all of the story?"I gave him a light smile as he nodded.
"Promise,"I smiled as I looked at the boy.

He went to walk off as Allan had heard me talking to the boy as he gave me a cheeky grin.
"He does have a point."
"It's pretty graphic,"I looked at him,"I don't want to tell him what really happened that night."
"So exaggerate a bit,"Allan shrugged with a smile.
"I would but it'd feel wrong,"I smiled looking at the boy.
"You want kids?"
"What?"I shook my head looking at him as Daniel was talking to John and Robin,"I don't know, maybe eventually when this settles down."
"With Robin?"
I blushed a bit as I looked at Allan who just gave me a cheeky grin,"Shut up."
"It's cute,"He smiled as he motioned for me to come with him.
"Hey Allan,"I mentioned as we were walking,"Can I tell you something before we head out?"
"All this time I've been here with you guys, I can trust you the most and well I trust you with my life, you wouldn't betray me right?"
Allan looked down and gulped for a second but then looked me directly in the eyes,"Never."
"Good,"I smiled letting out a sigh of air,"I'll keep your word."

I walked past Allan as he stood there for a moment collecting this thoughts as I walked past Daniel, ruffling his hair while joining Robin. It only got worse from there since we saved Daniel's frieds but now Daniel had been captured by the Sheriff and used for collateral in order to get the rock that makes pitch from Robin. Later that day, Allan had been missing as we were getting ready to go help those kids in the town which worried me but once we got to Locksley, we ran into him again.

Things had one of those eerie feelings to them about the town right now as we approached it. That's when it happened, the sheriff stood there with the boys, a bunch of people, then Marian as they taunted Robin to come and save them. I couldn't believe my eyes as somehow the sheriff knew what we were going to before we even went about doing it. The pitch we had was supposed to be traded to save the boys but That's when our planned changed and Robin had to face Gisbourne in order to save Daniel.

It was intense since now Gisbourne had this indestructible armour he was wearing. It was probably one of the things I had to look away from since I couldn't stand not being able to help Robin out of his situation.

By the end of the day, the boys had been saved and were now in the camp to which Robin gave them their own tags to show they were now part of Robin Hood's gang.
That's when Daniel and his friends decided that they should come up to me to hear my story.

"Please Adora,"Daniel pleaded with me,"You promised."
"I did, didn't I?"I smirked as he nodded,"Ok, gather around, I'll tell you."

The 4 boys took a seat at my feet as Mateo sat next to me and the rest of the gang were listening even though they were doing their own thing.

"My familly lived as gypsies as long as I can remember,"I looked at them as they nodded,"It was all I ever knew until that one day I met an archer who taught me how to shoot. From then on, I practiced my skill, learning things that became helpful to find food, and protection. Then one day my family stopped in Locksley, I was about your age, maybe a bit older and I met this boy. He was funny, arrogant, rude, made fun or me, but at the same time he was the sweetest person I met. Anyways we only stayed in Locksley for month and we became friends, and I fell in love with him. I was young,my parents didn't care and we moved on again. Then 4 years ago, things changed. The Holy Wars started, King Richard had gone away and then Prince John thought he ruled England. My family had been in England for a while now when a proposition came upon them. It involved all of us, but more so my cousin and me. My family wanted us to be personal "slaves" in a sense to Prince John and the Sheriff. My cousin knew I wouldn't allow it and helped me escape. Since then I've been running."

"But your family still loves you right?"asked Daniel.
"I wish that was true,"I smiled lightly at him,"So I became the outlaw that you hear about, this is my home now."
"What happened to that boy?"asked one of Daniel's friends.
"I found him,"I smiled towards Robin as he smiled back at me.
"Ok boys,"Robin mentioned to them,"It's getting late and your parents are probably worried about you."
"Awww,"I heard them all groan.
"Go on,"I smirked,"We'll still be here."

They said their goodbyes as I watched John and Will take the boys back to their town and I watched Mateo curl up in a ball sorta close to the now present fire.

"You didn't have to tell them the story,"Robin mentioned.
"I guess I did it for myself too,"I shrugged,"I left out what kind of slave I was supposed to be though. The main reason I left since I refuse to be anyone's sex slave."
"I'm glad you left,"Robin smiled,"And now fighting for a good cause."
"Of course,"I smiled at him,"This England won't last if everyone starts fighting back."
"It won't."
"Have you been back to Locksley Manor?"
"Gisbourne lives there,"Robin had scrowl on his face while thinking of it.
"Jerk,"I mumbled as I watched the sun slowly start to fall,"But it doesn't stop you from going back sometimes."
"The stables,"I smirked at him,"He can't be two places at once."
"What are you getting at?"Robin asked while looking at me supsicously.
"Follow me tonight,"I whispered in his ear as he stood there stunned.

Late that night, the gang had been sitting around the fire, just relaxing after a long day of work when people slowly started to go to bed.
"Adora,"Much nodded at me.
"Do you think you can put out the fire?"
"Yeah of course,"I smiled at him,"Night Much."
"Night Adora, Good night Robin,"Much nodded as he was the last one to crawl into bed.

I was busy twirling an arrow as I was stretched out and Robin sat across the fire looking at me. Slowly standing after hearing snoring, I got up from my spot and slowly poured water on the flames causing it to go dark. Robin watched me as I moved under the full moonlight.
"Are you coming?"I asked looking back at Robin as he followed me to the sleepy town of Locksley.

Once at the stables, the horses stirred a bit but went back to eating or sleeping as we walked into the stalls. I slowly made my way through the stalls as Robin watched me carefully. Jumping up to sit on a ledge of a stall wall as Robin walked over to me and slowly slid his body in between my legs as they dangled off the side. His hands moved towards my hips as I looked down at him.
"So Robin of Locksley does have a softer side?"I smirked as my hand caressed his cheek.
"Would he be mad if I kissed him?"

Slowly leaning down, I kissed his lips lightly as he lifted me off the ledge, intensifying the kiss then pushing me against the wall. My fingers ran down his hood as my hands then found an entry way underneath his clothes, feeling his abs as I could feel him do the same. Smiling into the kiss, our clothes slowly started to fall off in the hey as he brought me down to the soft hay pile behind me. All the moans and screams that escaped our lips were disguised by the horses so no one knew we were in the position we were in. As I laid in his arms, listening to his heart beat slow down, the sound of someone outside the stables brought us back to reality.

Robin quickly got dressed as I fiddled with pulling my clothes and getting my daggers back on. Robin left the stable before I did but his hand stuck back in the window he walked out of pulling me with him as we both ran back to the camp. Catching our breath from running, I stood against a tree outside the camp before we headed back in.

"Good night Adora,"Robin kissed me softly as I smiled.
"Good night."

I returned to my bed with a smile as I slipped into sleep. Unaware of who I was about to run into from my past in the next couple days.