Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Pestilence and Family

We had been hiding in the woods waiting for a caravan that was supposed to come through this morning to take their money which was proving pretty boring right now. I had been keeping to the shadows of the trees along with Mateo when we launched our "attack" on the two unsuspecting people who had walked through our path.

Out of nowhere, Will stopped the robbery when he noticed the two people standing there, and hugged them. Coming out of hiding, I slightly let my eyes roll as I walked down the hill to join the rest of the gang.

"Is this a family reunion or what?"I asked leaning on my bow as Will turned to face us then I seen the man he had been hugging.

I hid my eyes from him, not looking directly at him or his other son since it was Will's dad he just annouced to us. Everyone greeted him but I kept my distance as I stood next to Much now.

"Adora, are you ok?"asked Much as I looked down at the ground.
"I'm fine,"I mumbled.
"And who's your man that's hiding there,"Dan laughed as I knew I couldn't avoid this now. Dan Scarlett had just singled me out so there was no more hiding.
"This,"Robin pulled me foreward,"Is-"
"Adora,"Dan gasped as I looked at him finally to see his face drop.
"You two know each other?"Robin looked in between the two of us.
"Yes,"I looked at him,"Unfortunetly."
"It's been too long,"Dan spoke.
"Come on now,"I rolled my eyes,"We both know you were glad I wasn't part of your life."
"Hey,"Will protested.
"Forget it,"I mumbled as I walked off followed by Allan and the rest of the gang talking to Dan and his youngest son, Luke.

They were all sitting around the camp or close to it which I was keeping my distance because of things that I didn't want to get into right now. I watched as Dan lectured Will about being an outlaw as Much walked up to the side of me as Allan was talking around the camp.

"You sure are quiet."
"I'm fine Much,"I smiled at him lightly.
"You don't seem fine."
"Drop it Much, ok?"I looked at him as he nodded.

Walking through the camp, Dan tried to talk to me as I searched for my arrows and something to sharpen my daggers now.

"I know you're still mad,"Dan talked slowly at me.
"You don't even know the half of it,"I spat as he still stood there.
"I wish I could've done more-"
"More?"I raised an eyebrow at him,"You did nothing!"
"Adora I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't fix things now does it,"I glared as I turned to walk off when Will stopped me.
"Where do you get off in talking to him like that?"Will asked me.
"Why don't you ask him?"I glared shaking out of his grasp when,"He hasn't been honest with you."

Walking off, I knew everyone was wondering what was up with me when I heard Robin follow me. I stopped and threw a dagger into a tree with full force as Robin slowly watched me.
"I hate him,"I seethed as I pulled the knife out of the tree,"He thinks he can just walk into my life and act like nothing ever happened. And to lecture Will about being an outlaw, it'll only come back to me."
"How do you know him?"
"I haven't been completely honest with you,"I stopped myself as I looked at the ground then back at Robin, it had been a week since our little getaway at Locksley Manor and things were only getting more interesting.
"How do you know Dan?"
"My mother fell for this man in Scarborough when she was younger, but they were two different people. Her heart was always in moving around, seeing things, being free. They clashed on everything yet for some reason they loved each other for a point and time, bringing me into this world. When my mom found out, the man had already fallen for another woman or something like that, so she left. One night when things were just starting to get bad in England, my mom told me about my real dad, took me back to Scarborough for a visit and well it was less than flattering."
"So Dan is-"
"My real father,"I nodded at him,"When I ran, I ran to his house only for a few months when I decided I couldn't be there anymore since he didn't want me to do anything, no saving people, helping. It was worse than being a gypsy. And then when I told him what I was doing, he let the sheriff and his men chase me down one night."
"And he never told Will or Luke."
"I'm guess not,"I shrugged as Robin walked closer to me.

"I'm sorry,"Robin ran a hand down my cheek as I smiled lightly.
"It's ok,"I smiled at him,"I never told anyone."
"Are you going to be ok?"He asked softly.
"Yes,"I smiled at him,"Just give me a bit ok?"
"Ok,"He smiled as he leant in to kiss me lightly on the lips when we heard a horse approach the two of us which brought us to break away.

"Robin,"Marian rushed out,"You need to come quick, I think it's the pestilence."
"Come on,"Robin looked at me,"Let's get the others."

Rushing back to the camp we told the others what was going on then when we got to Nottingham, we found Jess there in bed who was clinging to life. Only Dan had noticed that it wasn't the pestilence like people had been told or worried about. I was watching Dan make a diagnosis of her as I noticed Will had been glaring at me as well as Luke. My guess was that Dan had finally decided to tell them about me now.