Pain Without Love, What Else Is There?

Say Goodbye

We had been in the town square now, walking among the people who heard of what was happening, well some of them at least. The others hadn't exactly heard of what was happening which meant there wasn't a big of panic as thought of before. I was walking with Allan when my "dad" or should I say Dan walked up to me.

"Can I talk to you?"
"Go ahead,"I nodded.
"Will you excuse us Allan?"Dan asked.
"No,"I stopped Allan,"You can say it in front of him."
"Adora,"He sighed as he shook his head,"Fine."
"Speak,"I twitched as I knew Allan was feeling totally uncomfortable standing there.
"I know you must hate me-"
"That's an understatment,"I mumbled.
"But even though you couldn't see it, I'm proud of you."
My heart stopped for a second but I didn't let him see it.
"I know I could've down more to help but you if you want to be an outlaw, then I've got no choice than to let you."
"Wow, you finally approved,"I laughed bitterly at him,"Well thank you Dan for approving things for me."
"Adora, please,"He pleaded,"You're my oldest child and I just wanted you to be happy."
"I am, Dan,"I looked at him,"I'm happy when I'm helping people, when I'm practicing with my arrows, when I can get rid of the wrong that's happening in England."
"I want you to watch out for Will and Luke. I won't be around forever and they need someone in their life."
"Dan,"I looked at him,"I'm not sure if I can do that."
"Of course you can,"He smiled at me,"I believe in you."
"Dad,"Will called to him as he smiled at me and patted my shoulder then walked towards Will and Luke.
"Makes you think of things, doesn't it?"asked Allan.
"Just keep walking,"I mumbled as we came to the town of Nottingham and stood with the people in it.

I wasn't paying much attention to anything else, just hanging with Allan when Robin brought up the idea of warning King Richard about what was going on. First a message was to be sent to a Roger or something or other and Allan offered to take it to him. Robin agreed to it as he handed the paper to Allan and Allan walked off leaving the rest of us there.

I was sitting on a ladder next to John as I watched Will and Luke talk to their father.
"He means well,"John looked at him then me.
"Everyone does John."
"You can't go on hating him forever."
"John just let me think,"I hopped off the ladder and walked towards Djaq in order to talk about well who knows, just not Dan.

Meanwhile, Robin was talking to Will and Luke for a second when Dan pulled Robin aside.
"Yes, Dan,"He Robin stopped to listen to them.
"You know Adora more than anyone as well as this gang and I know she's taken a liking to you,"Dan looked at him,"Will you watch out for her and take care of her for me?"
"Of course,"Robin nodded at him,"You have my word."
"Thank you."

We were in town, when it happened, Marian was making a speech about pestilence in which none of us knew what was going on. We just knew that we had to hide in the crowd so the sheriff who was also there along with Gisbourne couldn't see us. Listening to the speech, Dan and Luke had been in the crowd listening to him when all the sudden Dan decided that he would speak up.

"Oh Dan no,"I groaned as I seen him walking closer to where the sheriff was at, I had a feeling this was going to end up badly.

I could see my mom and rest of the family in the back with the sheriff as Dan approached and my mom eye's went wide as he seen him. She knew that I had probably talked to him again but she didn't expect him there, it was like something happened and she tried to stop him from speaking but a guard pushed her back.

Then it happened. A sword was plunged into Dan's heart and he feel to the ground in which Will wanted to go after the sheriff but John stopped him. Luke had been in the background shocked as Will ran up to him to hug him and they cried.

It was in that instant that I had never felt as alone as I did before. I couldn't cry yet at the same time my heart broke. I watched as my two half brothers were in hysterics and tried to think of something to do or what I should do.

Then they started to barracade the town as to quarentine the "pestilence" so no one else could get it. I stood against a wall thinking when Robin walked up to me.

"Adora we need to help the people."
"The last thing I said or acted towards him was anger, he thought I hated him. I barely knew him."
"He cared for you."
"But I never shown that to him,"I looked at Robin,"I left him when I was an outlaw because he didn't approve, then just a second ago, I still resented him."
"Adora, he knows that you couldn't hate him."
"Why can't I cry?"I looked at Robin as he pulled me into him then kissed my forehead.
"Come on, help me with some of the people."