Your Not Alone; I'm Here With You

Chapter 11

That night falling asleep wasn’t as hard as the one before. I did still sniffle a bit and cry silently for an hour before, but I apparently didn’t scream in the middle of the night, well according to Kayla. It surprised me though since I did have a nightmare last night. I shuddered as the memory of it crashed through my mind.
I was walking down the street on my way to meet Diana, but then the scene changed. The sky went dark and I was waiting outside the warehouse where Diana had died. Diana walked out the door and smiled widely at me. I smiled back, but I know it didn’t reach my eyes. There was an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach, making me nervous.
“Come on Jade. Lets go.” I shook my head and took a step back. She frowned before adding, “What’s a matter, Jade? I mean, come on it’s just a building.” She walked up to me and linked her arm through mine, before proceeding to drag me into the place.
We came to a dimly lit opening where the barrels that Diana died at sat. My stomach flopped and she smiled before hopping over them and waving me over after her. I took a hesitant step over when suddenly she fell on the other side hidden from view.
“Diana!” I screamed and heard giggling. I rushed forward worried and confused to find Diana sitting on the floor, bleeding. No, wait she wasn’t Diana. Her face was mangled and her eyes were an eerie red. Blood filled through her matted hair and I could see bone protruding from the side of her head. Her face resembled a beast more than it did a girl and her teeth were now razor sharp. I screamed and backed away only to run into another zombie and to end up surrounded. Just as they were closing I shot up.

I had woken up covered in sweat and shaken. Everyone else seemed to be asleep, though I saw that Brian’s bed was empty. I had stood, stretched and walked out the kitchen where I saw Brian sleeping on the couch. I giggled at how innocent he looked before heading over to the kitchen, soon after Kayla had came out and greeted me.
Now I sat at the table eating granola bars that had been passed around. Everyone had woken up and was ready to start facing the day. I sat by the other teens and stayed absorbed in thought until Emily pulled me out of it.
“What do you think Jade?” She looked at me with her head tilted to the side. As much as her jealous fits could be annoying, she really was nice.
“Oh I’m sorry Emily. I was completely zoned out.” She laughed at me lightly and rolled her eyes.
“Of course you were.” She smiled and continued, “We were talking about how maybe we should go scavenging for another place to hide at. This ones getting kind of small and maybe we could go more north and find other people to join us.”
I smiled before answering, “Sounds like a great idea.”
“Good because that means the four of us will have to split up. Two of us have to stay so that they can help everyone here and still get food periodically, especially if the other two don’t come back.” Brian put in. There wasn’t much emotion in the last part witch made me think back to what Chase had said. You know Brian likes to kill them too. He would never admit it of course, but he loves to feel like the hero.
I shrugged it off and looked at every ones faces searching for answers. Then I gulped back and decided to ask a question of my own.
“So who goes and who stays?” I was shaking at the thought of dying out there, but the thought of someone else dying and not coming back made me just as sad.
“Well I was thinking I should go.” Said Brian.
“Well maybe I should go too, leave the girls here.” Chase suggested and I shook my head.
“No I’ll go” they all looked at me quizzically, their faces reading, ‘Why the hell would you go?’ I ignored it and continued, “I use to travel and I have family up North.”
“No way, there’s no way you’re going.” Chase argued, angry and concerned.
“Chase shut up. No that’s smart actually. One of the best fighters is at each spot.” Emily spoke up and Chase glared at her.
“Plus, she’s been up north she can be a good guide. It’s settled. Jade and I leave tomorrow.” With that Brian got up and walked up to tell everyone else the news. Chase stood and stormed off to the bunks and Emily looked at me with a small smile.
“I’ll go talk to him.” She slowly stood and walked away with soft footsteps. I just sighed. That was wonderful going by me. Now I’m signed up to make my way through zombies across the country. I might have just signed off my life.