Your Not Alone; I'm Here With You

Chapter 8

I’m not sure how long we sat there. All I know is that we did end up falling asleep. It sure made an interesting picture for when Chase and Emily Came out of the room.
“Jade?” I opened my eyes to Chase’s voice.
“Yeah?” I asked not registering where I was exactly.
“Why are you sleeping out here? On Brian?” I shot up so fast realizing what he said.
Books flew in the air, knocking down a no longer lit candle so it hit Brian in the head.
“Ouch.” Brian sat up rubbing his head then looked around confused. He saw me looking just as confused and smiled. That smile soon faded as he realized what was going on.
“It’s not what it looks like.” This caused Emily to roll her eyes, “I mean we were reading, see books, and then just fell asleep I guess.”
“You guys didn’t just come out here to cuddle?” Emily teased in a playful voice before giggling.
“No, definitely not.” Brian denied. Ouch that hurt. It’s like he was disgusted at the fact. Chase was smiling at that though.
“I believe you guys.” He reached out a hand to pull me up. I grabbed his hand as Emily shot me a glare.
“Yeah relax. Though you would make a cute couple.” She pulled Chase away from me and pushed me next to Brian. She stood back and examined us.
“Don’t you agree Chase?” She turned to him innocently.
“Not really.” He shrugged.
“Why not?” Wow Emily really doesn’t know how to drop things.
“I just don’t see it.” He shrugged again, “Well let’s go get breakfast.” Thank god he knows how to end a conversation. I wasn’t sure I could take anymore of that.
Breakfast went about the same as Dinner the night before, boring and frustrating. Afterwards though, we were off to gather supplies from a nearby town. Apparently that was our job. Brian made it that way towards the beginning of their colony. I guess he didn’t want any adults getting hurt, not to mention we’re faster.
I was pretty nervous as we headed out of the tunnel. I mean it was my first time. We walked out, it being daylight. I guess we shouldn’t have too much to worry about then, since those creatures couldn’t stand the light. I voiced this aloud to the group.
“Yeah, but we still have dark buildings.” Emily replied without fear and I gulped. I hadn’t thought of that.
We walked along through a dirt path in the opposite direction of the forest. Soon we came to a rode with lots of potholes every two feet or so. I was shaking as we made it to a seemingly deserted town.
“This way.” Brian instructed starting in the direction of what I could see, was a shopping mart. The letters that were at the top of the building were mostly gone, leaving an S an O and a T. Where could they have gone? I kept the thought to myself not sure if we should talk or not. We snuck inside the dark building staying towards the light cast through the glass front doors.
“Alright,” Brian whispered, “Gather as much supplies as you can and keep your flashlights with you. Be careful.” They all pulled a flashlight out of the packs they were wearing.
“Um…” I started not sure what to do.
“You follow along with Chase.” Brian commanded and headed off in his own direction. Emily did the same.
“Well I guess I’m with you then.” I turned to Chase with a nervous smile. He gave me a bigger reassuring one.
“Relax. It’s not that bad I swear. We don’t run into them that often.” I gulped his statement not making me feel any better. That often.
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It's been a while but here's one.
Hope you enjoy.