Ellis Savory

chapter one: Age: ten

“ELLIS SAVORY” that sort of name just rolls of your tongue doesn’t it? What a guy , better yet, what I life! Don’t get me wrong Ellis is living a grand life.
More grand of a life than I can say for my own. We are great friends, for a fact.
He’s just the sort of person you really can trust; they say his mother was just the same.

Actually they say she was exactly the same sort of way with people. Even strangers, god forbid! Yes, Ilene morklin, supposedly found her husband Bortimus Savory, this way.
He happened to be lost in the woods looking for the Gesuve grand festival. Located always in the center of town. Of course, Bortimus being as humble as he is tried to find it on his own. Ilene happen to see him wandering about through one of her daily walks in town. Thus the key chain leading to the perfect Savory tradition hood. Everyone knew this, everyone. Everyone knew this because they also knew how brutally murdered they both were said to have been in war.

The poor boy they left behind, was tooken care of now by one of Ilene Savory’s best child hood friend. Not to mention, this couple also left behind an huge mansion, er..castle as some put it. And a life’s load of money.Yes, we all lived in Hawksworth including dear Ellis Savory. Hawksworth is an grand place to have , and to be living upon. I tell you no lie! All my life I’ve lived here. I’ve lived upon their shining silver metal and orange colored flags and armor from our superior soldiers in glory. Hawksworth has truly the grandest festivals and such, what more could I ask for?

A little bit more perhaps, but close enough I’d say! And that’s how I found Ellis, well partially fate also. Walking along the field of dewed grass, this was the same field the hawksworth soldiers suffered our biggest defeat of Melantica, I was then stepping on their sudden shocking deaths. This never bothered me much at all, not to sound cold and such but really and truly it did not,this war however had lasted for an long time though.

Suddenly, I heard a faint sound of “hmmffs” and “yes’s” . I traveled towards the sound more till I spotted an young boy as such myself. He seemed to be thrusting himself in the air deeply then clapping his hands together. I observed this for mere moments before approaching him. Two steps….three…forward. The boy turned to look at me cutiously. He had wavy tusseled blonde and brown hair. “What do you suppose your doing? Out here that is?” I asked alittle edgy. I didn’t want to come off pushy. He simply smiled at me revealing huge dimples in both cheeks. “ Here I will show you, its really fun! You ought to try it with me.” He said motioning me to come forth with him.I was only ten at the time approaching eleven to be exact, and of course as curious as could be. I followed excitedly a bit. This was Ellis Savory of course who could miss the legendary dimples, I couldn’t . Ellis grinned even more.

“See those?” He pointed upward to the now appearing to me group of dragonflies swarming above. Now I knew! “ I’m catching those wagon flies! Its fun see!” He said jumping up and grabbing yet another handful of dragonflies. I nodded. “I’ve done this before I believe, but I also believe their called dragonflies.” I said nicely seeing he didn’t know. The reaction I got was the same. “oh. Well come along let us play!” He said doing his odd dance again. We eventually played till dawn.

By then we were both properly introduced and tired. We walked home, Ellis said to go to his place, which of course brings us to the Ellis savory household. I Quickly agreed to this and we were off. Ellis grinned happily at me as we walked.” My mum makes the best lemonade in all of hawks worth!” He giggled excitededly at the thought of it I suppose. I smiled back, he sure was an hyper one.
He added on to this quickly “And maybe she’ll make us some cookies!” He smiled even more when saying this. I smiled in return to this but was yet puzzled by his choice of words. “mum” I didn’t understand, was I told an lie? Were the rumors false? Ellis reading my mind answered this question. “Well, that is Clorinda might be willing to. She lets me call her mum cause she says she acts just like one!” He laughed. I suppose he didn’t mind seeing that I was no longer really paying attention as he babbled on towards the walkway of his porch.
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jusss kind of slow now but trust me it gets better kay?