Ellis Savory

chapter two

“Come on in honey, Clorinda is around back making cookies!” A tall thin, pale maid at the front door said joyfully. Her huge green eyes showed great pleasure at the unexpected guess. I nodded politely towards her and managed an small smile, I wasn’t very big on smiles.
Clorinda I supposed with an apron on and flour smudging her rosed cheeks came towards us smiling tenderly. “And who have we here Ellis, perhaps an new friend?” She said in an kind voice eyeing me. “Hello , I’m Zalmond Woodrow, Ellis invited me. “ I said this also kindly, seeing that her and the made were soo happy to see me. Ellis cut in. “ Come on Zalmond, ma’s- I mean Clorinda has made us cookies after all!” Ellis seemed so happy at this news, Clorinda had to smile back just the same.

“Yes I have actually, would you both like some? With lemonade perhaps?” She said back. I nodded licking my lips hungrily. I paused first to look around the house I seemed to be in. I suddenly gasped in shock! The house or mansion whichever was beautifully carved in marble stones , French doors and royal endless stairs leading to who know’s where? “Wow” I hadn’t tried to say that outloud, but it was hard not to, Clorinda hadn’t seemed to notice my shock or outburst. But Ellis of course had. He smiled wryly. “Yep, sure is something huh? I enjoy this everyday sort of, too bad they didn’t.” There was an under tone of sadness behind his reply. I felt truly sorry, how could both his parents abandon him this way, better yet why?

I hadn’t noticed we were in the opening of an kitchen, till I smelled the cookies roaming in the air. Simply inviting! I thought hungrily again. Clorinda gently picked up an full plate of cookies and lemonade tray slowly, then handed them to Ellis to bring to his room. We said our thanks, and began walking up the ever lasting stairs, then Ellis abruptly stopped at an gold encrusted doorway. He tossed a key out his pocket holding the tray in one hand and opened his bedroom door. As we gathered on the bed I noticed an shining piece of gold sticking from Ellis’s pocket, I looked more catching a full out take, now knowing that it was an all-natural golden watch hanging from the pocket of his slacks. That’s quite a catch wonder who he received it from? I thought to myself as Ellis passed me the cookies. “You know, Clorinda seems really nice, your lucky to have her around atleast.” I said kindly avoiding a bad subject of his parents.

Ellis simply nodded, then paused for awhile, chomping on his cookie as well. Finally he answered. “Yes I Do believe Clorinda has been better, years change she gets sadder every time. But who could blame her? After all her loved one was also killed in the war of Melantica. Just like my parents. I think his name was William, don’t remember the last part though. Any how, she probably gets her love from that tragic past and puts it towards caring for me, so we both won’t be alone. Kind of an two on two win huh?” Ellis spoke quickly at the end of this all. I sighed, this truly was a sad household. Even Clorinda’s past isn’t pleasant! What more, the maid? I said to myself sadly taking it all in. Ellis must’ve also heard my sigh of sadness because he quickly was reenergized.

Wish I could do that so easily. He walked over to an silver square box that seemed to be nailed to the wall. “Oh , Zal I’d like you to see this. I also have an certain hobby of my own. Dragonflies are what I have always collected,that is why you of course saw me in the field earlier.”
He was now opening the mirrored case letting me get a better look at it all. The dragonflies were in wonderful condition, and great form. They all were in so many colors. “Very nice Ellis, I had no idea you really were in to this sort of thing. This is incredible.” I smiled at him proudly. He smiled back satisfied at my remark. Then on came the naming of each dragonflies name and type. I seeped in as much information as I could, at the time.
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better trust me!