Untitled Tom Kaulitz fan-fiction

chapter eins.

"Tom, why do you like to hurt me? You go and have one-night stands, when you know im here waiting for you and then one day I come back from going out with friends and oh, you are at my apartment, having sex with someone else.. did I ever hurt you like this? If I did, it wasn't on purpose and I didn't think that you were one for revenge, but I guess I was wrong... It just hurts too much. I'm sorry, I have to leave." I scribbled on a napkin.
Why did I fall for him? All he did was hurt me, maybe one day I will forgive him, but not now, or anytime soon. Here I am, driving to who knows where, but I feel like turning around to tell him why I had to leave, but what good would that do? None, if you ask me, he just hurt me too much. I mean, how the hell can you have a one-night stand in your girlfriends house? Is he really that stupid? I don't thnk so, I just think he made a mistake. Well at least he made one too many mistakes.

"Ticket to the DFW airport, for one, please." I said politely, to the lady across the counter.

"That'll be $380, please." she replied, snobbily.

"Yes, ma'am." I said, lying through my teeth to be polite.

"Here you go, first gate on the left" she said.

"Thanks, *under my breath* old hag" i replied smiling.


"Haylen! I just bought my ticket. Where are you?"

"Sophie, I'm so glad you are actually coming, but theres a catch,..."


"Bill came to see me today. and...."

"and what??"

"Tom came with him, but! Tom doesn't know you're coming.."

"So, what am I supposed to do when i get there?"

"well, Tom is gonna be leaving the same day that you are getting here."

"ok, fine. I'll stall at the airport until you call me saying that he gets on his plane.."

"ok, Tom just walked in, talk to you later.. liebe dich.."

"liebe dich auch"


How could she do that to me? Well, knowing Haylen, she probably didn't even know Tom was coming along.


"ok, Tom, she thinks you are leaving the same day that she is coming hurry up..I don't want to get yelled at because you made a dumb-ass mistake." I spat, at him.. "well, fine then, what are you and Bill doing when she comes in?"he asked "well we are going to be at the airport, waiting for her." Bill told him. "ok, so she's getting in tomorrow?" he asked again.."YES!" Bill and I yelled at him. "fine..I'm gonna go for a walk." he replied, walking out the door.
"Bill, what are we supposed to do? What if she doesn't forgive him?" I asked, playing with his hair. "Love, don't worry, Sophie will forgive him. I'm sure of it." he replied. "fine. if you say so, well i'm tired. good night Bill," i said, yawning.."good night, love." he replied..


This plane ride is taking forever, I just want to forget about Tom.

*pilot buzzes over intercom*

"passengers, we will be landing in a couple of minutes at the DFW International Airport. Please put your trays and seats in upright positions, and we should have a smooth landing, Thank you for riding with International Airlines."

*pilot turns off intercom*

"I guess I spoke too soon again.. But, I hope he never talks, or looks at me again. He's so mean." I say grabbing all my carry-on bags, making the lady sitting next to me freak out.
I turn off my iPod, after listening to my new favorite song, "Picture To Burn" By Taylor Swift. It gave me the idea, to burn all my pictures of Tom, when I get to Haylen's apartment.
I grab my phone and start calling Haylen, to tell her I got here, when I walk out of the airplane tunnel thing, I see Tom, and he's holding a sign that says "I LOVE YOU SOPHIE. I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU. PLEASE FORGIVE ME.''

"OMG! TOM I LOVE YOU!" I scream, scaring all the other passengers.

"and I love you too sophie, I'm sorry, I was stupid, I don't know what I was thinking, when I saw your note, I realized what a huge mistake I made." he said, playing with my hair.

"wow, did Haylen set this up? and where is she, I know she's here" I asked Tom

"Here I am, Sophie. I LOVE YOU, that's why I couldn't tell you, don't be mad." Haylen said, looking frightened.

"Why would I be mad?" I asked Haylen, innocently

"umm, because Haylen didn't tell you, she thought you were gonna be mad at her." Bill replied.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD I BE MAD AT YOU FOR GIVING ME THE BEST SURPRISE OF MY LIFE" I yelled, scaring all the other passengers again.

"because when I talked to you yesterday, you sounded pretty pissed at Tom." Haylen said, trying to get people to stop staring.

"oh, well i was, but now I'm happy, and Haylen, is it still ok for me to stay with you?" i asked..

"of course, lets go. Tom, go get Sophie's bags," Haylen said

"Haylen, I'm going to go with Tom, ok, I'm guessing that Tom knows where you parked." I said.

"Fine, Bill and I are gonna wait in the car." Haylen said, winking at me.

"Sophie, I just wanna say, I'm so sorr-" he said, getting cut off by Sophie kissing him, right in front of everybody.

"Tom, I forgive you, lets go." I said, smiling.

"ok, i won't ever hurt you like that again." he said, still being serious

"Dude, lets just go, get some sushi, with Bill and Haylen." I said.

"yeah, we better get to the car soon, Bill and Haylen are probably making out by now. " Tom said, winking.

"they better not, I wanna be able to keep the airplane food down, which is hard enough. Have you seen how nasty that food is?" I said, grabbing Tom's hand.

"I sure have, lets go." He said, putting his arm around my waist.

*half-singing, and half- humming*
to me you'll be forever sacred.

♠ ♠ ♠
i had lots of fun writing this, ICH LIEBE DICH SOPHIE!