Drunken Love

Drunken Love.

He turned over and looked at his alarm clock. 4:02. And then he heard it again.
He rubbed his eyes and looked up from his bed and looked at his door from his room.
"Who the hell is that?" He thought to himself. He turned over on his back and then thought about who was banging at his door. He ripped his covers off and fell out of his bed. He picked up his glasses off the end table and fixed his boxers and walked towards the door. The floor was icey cold on his feet as he walked and it chilled his whole body. When he got to the door he heard it again.
"I'm coming!" he yelled threw the door. He unlocked all the doors and he opened the door.
As soon as he opened the door he saw her, she was a wreck. Mariah's hair was bunched up and her make up was streaming down her face and she had a half smile on her face. In her hand there was a bottle of vodka about half empty. She had barely any cloths on. A tee shirt and underwear.
"..what are you doing here, Mariah?"
Then she fell into his arms, it was obvious she was drunk..Really drunk.
"My parent's said to go fuck myself? So, I found this bottle of vodka..and then the whole bottle disapeared!" Then she laughed. Her face was pressed agaisnt his chest and her body was still half way out of the door. Her arms found themselfs around him, and her body and face was warm agaisnt his cold chest.
"Mariah...you..." He started. and then she started crying. He stopped fighting to get her off of him and he gently put his arm on her lower back and the other one on her head and he placed his cheek agaisnt her head. "Come on." he whisphered. "Get inside, and I'll get you some pants."
She tried to let go of him and walk into his house by herself, but as soon as she left his chest she went tummbling to the ground. She laughed a loud laugh.
"WHOOPS!" she screamed and she took another sip of the bottle. Liam bent over and took the bottle away from her and placed it outside his door and picked her up. He had her in his arms like a baby and he was trying to carry her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and said "Oh, this is nice." There was a smile in her voice.
"Mariah, this isn't funny." He said sternly to her. He found himself liking her in his arms. He wanted to kiss her cheeks while he was carring her. He was taking her to his room, not a smart idea but it was the only place where there was blankets and a bed she can lay on.
"I'm a mess." she said.
"No, you're naked.. haha." He said to her as he smiled. " It's okay, Mariah. I'm here..and you're not going anywhere intill you get okay. You're staying here tonight. This does not mean anything sexual. I'm just looking out for you. You're to young to be drinking! Do you understand me Mariah?" He layed her down on the bed, and she started sobbing again. "Mariah, I'm not yelling at you. You're 15 years old, drinking is not going to solve anything and.." Before he can finish she grabbed his face and she kissed him. Surprisingly, he kissed her back. He got a hold on his head and he pulled away and then looked at her. "...Mariah...I..." He was getting ready to start yelling at her again and then something in his mind was telling him that it was right. "Oh fuck it." and he grabbed his face and he kissed her back. Her lips were shocked and surprised but she kissed him back. Her lips were soft and willing and her tounge was playful. His hand crept up along her neck and braided themselfs into her hair and her hands reached up and grabbed his neck and pulled his body close to hers, she kepted pulling and pulling intill he was on top of her on the bed. He pulled his lips away and she smiled.
He smiled too and then kissed her again. "SHE'S 15!!" his mind was SCREAMING at him. Then, he stopped. and got off the bed.
"We needa get you dressed.." he said softly.
"Or..undressed." She said smiling.
"No, silly. You're going to sleep."
"Can you sleep by me...please?"
"Yes...but only for tonight."
She got under the covers and got comfortable and he guessed that he wasen't getting her pants to wear. He climbed into the bed and didn't get anywhere near her. He couldn't believe what he just did. His mind was still screaming at him. She scooted next to him and cuddled with him, she put her head on his chest and he kissed the top of her head and he held her hand. While she fell into sleep, he stayed awake, and thought.
...Liam liked Mariah.