My Babees By Hayley Jenn.


so RECAP! Hayley Jenn won a trip with TOKIO HOTEL!!! for 3 days. She gets to bring 2 friends, Hailey and Sophie, of course. They go with Tokio Hotel on a plane and they end up in Room 483, but then they get back on a plane and then they get into a car to go to ******. Georg left when they got into Room 483. Gustav is talking to everyone and the last thing that Bill said was, "we are in the biggest mall in _________"

Hayley Jenn's POV [point of view]

" i have no idea where we are, but im with Bill. I like Bill so much..but I don't want to say anything because I don't know if he likes me. So wherever we go together is fine with me. I actually kind of miss Georg teasing Gustav. But he left so now its just me, Sophie, Hailey, Bill, Tom and Gustav. But back to me now, Sophie, Hailey and I are all blindfolded. We got blindfolded again as we were getting on a plane. Weird... Bill and Tom are whispering and I just heard Bill say my name and Tom goes "what?" so I don't know what to think. I feel left out. I hear Bill laughing and then I feel myself start to laugh but then I stop myself because I feel stupid laughing at something I can't see. Ugh, I'm gonna take a nap."

Bill's POV

"I really like Hayley, but I don't want to get her hopes up then be like 'oh, I'm sorry I don't like you anymore'. But Tom says he likes Sophie. Which is good for him, but I don't know if he's gonna use her as a one night stand the last night of our trip then just be like, 'NEXT!'. Sophie is too fragile for that, and I don't want anyone to get hurt. She has too much faith in Tom, she wants to believe that he's gonna change for her, but I know him better than she does, and I don't know. But Hayley, she is so pretty. But I don't think she likes me. Maybe I will ask Tom to ask Sophie if Hayley has said anything. Hmm...well I'm going to watch Scrubs now."

Sophie's POV

"Wow. I think Tom's gonna change just because he likes me.. WOW! But I know his reputation and maybe I shouldn't expect him to change because maybe he's so used to being a 'playa' with lots of girls that he thinks I'm just another fan-girl to have sex with, then drop me and leave. I don't know, but I am definitely going to go blind if I don't get this blindfold off, and someone's drooling on my shoulder.. EWW!"

Tom's POV

"Bill really likes Hayley. I'm so happy for him if he really found the 'true love' that he's always going on and on about. But Sophie is so much different than all the other girls that I have slept with. I don't know how she's different, but she just is. Well....HEY! Bill's watching Scrubs!"

Gustav's POV

"I really like Hailey's new haircut. She's the cutest girl I have ever seen. I haven't told anyone yet, but i really really like her. I want to know if she likes me back. God, I feel like I'm in kindergarten 'Does she like me???' oh well. Bill's eating Skittles..I wish Georg was here so we could throw them at him."

Hailey's POV

"Gustav is so cute. I haven't even told Sophie yet but I like him. I told Haylen, but she pinky-swore not to tell anyone! even Bill. So if she tells anyone, I might have to pop out of her closet. Or maybe I will tell Bill that she likes him..or I could wear her favorite shirt without asking! Oh, no. I couldn't do any of that. Its just too evil. Oh, well. THE CAR JUST STOPPED! oh. wait it was just a stop light. Bill and Tom are laughing their butts off, probably watching Scrubs. Someone is laying across my lap...AWKWARD...."
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