My Babees By Hayley Jenn.


*** [Gu] Gustav [Ge] Georg Bill [T] Tom [HJ] Hayley Jenn [H] Hailey Sophie
girls are back at home, packing for the 3 day weekend ahead of them..*** "OMG guys! that was so amazing.."

[HJ] "what?" "my makeout session with Tomi the amazing...."

[H] "gross Sophie!!!! we don't need details."

[HJ] "yeah relive it only in your mind not out loud." "fine....but i dont want to hear about you guys either...."

[HJ] "you guys who?" "haylen, you and bill and and gustav..."

[H] "me and gustav???"

[HJ] "yeah..when you guys passed out..i only pretended. and gustav goes 'the one in the miniskirts mine'"

[H] "YEAH RIGHT!" "he did..i heard him.."

[HJ] " and bill??? ;)???" "yes...he couldnt stop staring at you.."

[H] "yeah..i was like...'aww. they are so cute together'"

[HJ] "ok. lets pack now..we have a long..3 day weekend with the guys ahead of us.."

*the girls are now at the airport, waiting to meet up with the guys from tokio hotel* "where are we going?"

[HJ] "they wouldnt tell me..."

[H] "or me..." "OMG! THERE THEY ARE!!!!"

*the girls run over to Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg*

"ok. girls..we are going on our private plane.." "really?"

[T] "yes..." *winks*

[HJ] "tom and sophie..quit flirting..."

[H] "wheres gustav?"

[Gu] "behind you...."

[HJ] "hey bill...where are we going?"

"not gonna tell you...."

[T] "we arent?"

"no..we arent.."

[all 3 girls] "fine...." *giggles*
♠ ♠ ♠
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