Seize the Day

Is this something?

*Helena's Point of View*
My jaw dropped. What the hell was one of my best friends doing in bed with my baby sister? Why was she touching him? If they were doing what I thought they were then someone was definitely going to die.
"What the fuck is going on in here?" I repeated myself.
Zacky stood up. He was shirtless and there were beer cans everywhere on the floor.
"It's not what it looks like I swear." He walked slowly towards me.
Suddenly the rest of the guys appeared behind me. They were all, like me, gawking in amazement at the sight.
"Then what the hell is it Zack?!" My blood was boiling.
"I brought her home…s-s-she was sleeping and I put her here…I-I guess I got drunk…" Zack started.

"You're SICK!!" I didn't even want to here his lies. I stormed off into my room. A few minutes later Matt knocked on the door and poked his head in. He looked over at me for a while and then walked in.
"Babe," I turned away from him, "They didn't do anything. Zack told me everything. It's kind of long but…" for the next couple of minutes Matt explained what had happened between Zack and my little sister. Now it all clicked.
All of a sudden, I felt bad. I couldn't believe I had just exploded like that on one of my best friends. I wanted to apologize.
"Is he still here?" I asked Matt tears brimming in my eyes.
God was I pathetic.
"No. he left." I was also sorry I exploded on my baby sister. I loved her so much, with all my heart... Yet I knew she hated me. Then again…could I blame her?

*Brian's Point of View*
I felt bad. What had just happened seemed so…ugh. I didn't tell anyone but I really liked Phoebe. I felt bad for her every time one of us teased her or whenever she got hurt by somebody. Phoebe actually was a very sweet person.
She sat on the couch alone just watching The Real World: Denver Reruns mindlessly in the living room. I grabbed two beers from the mini-fridge in the corner. One for her and one me. I sat on the other couch adjacent from her.
"Here," I placed the can in front of her "It'll make you feel better."
She looked at the can as if it grew a head and was about to start talking to her and then back at me.
"I don't drink." She pushed the can aside and looked away.
There was a moment of silence, I moved closer to her and looked her in the eye.
"Phoebe…I just want you to know I don't hate you… I wanna…well…this may sound corny…but be friends." I gave her a warm smile. She then did something I was not expecting. She leaned over the arm of the couch and hugged me. She hugged me. I hugged back tightly. She was so warm if was as if you could feel her friendliness…if that even made sense. This was the start of a beautiful relationship.

*Zacky's Point of View*
*Zack's house 2 hours later*
I sat shirtless and gently swayed side to side in my computer chair. I was reading the myspace message for the fourth time still trying to understand its obvious meaning. It was from Tasha, The supposed love of my life. It read simply:
Dear Zack,
Today I got my acceptance letter to Harvard. I am so excited. However, Harvard is in Connecticut. I'd be leaving all of my friends and family back home in Orange County. I'm so sorry it had to end this way but we can't be together. It's not fair for you or me to have to live in a long distance relationship for the next 4 years. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive and forget me. I'll always love you.
I could not believe my eyes. Today had to be the worst day of my life; I was dumped, embarrassed, hung-over all in one fucking day.

-cell phone rings-

I reached over and picked up the phone.
"Hello? Oh, hey Hel, I'm really sorry about today. I was- who told you? Ok well…party at your house? I'm there." I hung up the phone, threw on a shirt, headed out the door, and drove off to Helana's house. Nothing like booze and babes to get a bitch off your mind.
*Brian's Point of View*
*Helana's House Party*
I squeezed my way through the massive crowd in the living room. I was trying to find Jimmy, or Phoebe, or anyone to just chill with. This party was a complete drag. It seemed as if everyone was having a good time besides me.
Just as I was walking past the dining room, I ran into somebody I never thought I'd see. Natasha Elingfield, Zack's girlfriend… (Well ex). She was one of the richest girls in Orange County. Her father owned half the hotels in town. She was supposed to be getting ready to go off to college.

"What are you doing here," I said into her ears.
The music blared from the sound systems.
"Iheardtherewasaparty… soIcame!" She said…every word slurred into a perfect mess. She was drunk. Really drunk. Just then, some guy emerged from the corner of the room. "Hey baby," she said as she began kissing his neck. I looked at her confused and nauseous. "OhBrian,thisismynewboyfriend," she giggled as she ran her fingers through his hair. They started "dancing" to the music and suddenly I was watching a show I did not want to see. I began to walk aside but out of the corner of my eye, I notice Zack. He was about 5 feet away just glaring at Tasha. He then got up and rushed upstairs.

*Phoebes' Point of View*
I scratched my head. This equation just didn't work. I lay on my belly doing my math homework on the bed. I turn the page of my text book trying to figure out the answer to question 6.
Suddenly the door flew open, it was Zack. He had a burning look in his eyes. I watched curiously as he walked over to the other side of my room, sat on my bright pink couch and turned on the TV.
"What are you-," I began.
"Shut up and get me a beer, bitch," He snarled. I didn't have a clue what could piss him off all of a sudden. Every thing had gotten resolved with my sister earlier. It was all a misunderstanding. So what was wrong now? I didn't feel like having to watch him go through a spas attack so I decided to do what I was told.

It took me at least 20 minutes to work my way through all of the stoned teenagers and get to the fridge. When I finally got there I decided to take a few beers upstairs. Zack would probably want more and there was no way in hell that I was going to come back to get them.
When I finally got back upstairs I found Zacky had already had a bottle of whiskey in his hand. It was half-empty but that changed in less than ten minutes. I handed him the beer can and he gulped it down.

A few beer cans later and I was now lying down on my bed. My legs were like jello. That alcohol was some powerful stuff. Zacky was lying next to me. He was even more drunk than I was. I only wanted to try one…you know to see what it was like but Zacky encouraged me to drink a more and more until finally here we were.

We laid there for about another 30 minutes. I looked over at Zacky again. If my legs had cooperated, I probably would have jumped because Zacky was now lying mere millimeters away from my body. He reached over and touched my face. I froze. I couldn't believe what was happening. Less then a few moments later, there was no way to describe what I was feeling. Passion ran through my veins as I felt his body push against mine. It was the best feeling in the world. It was short but real. Very real.

*The next day*
I woke up just in time to see Zack quickly get back into his clothes. He looked over at me, but avoided contact with my eyes.

*Johnny's Point of View*

*Two weeks later*
We were all at my house trying to figure out the arrangements for some of our songs. I looked over at Zack. He was staring again, at Phoebe. They had been doing this ever since... Ever since we all found them…you know. I sensed that something was going on but I wasn't just about to open my mouth and butt into their little love fest. I grabbed my bass from the case (hehe that rhymes) and Jimmy and I started jamming primes together.


Johnny thought right. Zack and Phoebe did have a thing going on. (But it was secret of course). They met after school and hung out most times getting drunk in the process. Zack also began acting really nice to Pheobie around the guys.
Phoebe walked into the kitchen to get a beer. (She drank a lot now) Zack followed her. When out of sight Zack gently got behind Pheobie and grabbed her at the waist. He then began softly brushing his face against hers. Without warning, Brian walks into the kitchen.
"Um….am I interrupting?"
Oh Fuck.
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