Seize the Day

Your my drug and I'm addicated

Pizza Night

Zack glared across the room at Brian and Phoebe. Again he found her and Brian's lips pressing against each other. Was this feeling resentment or anger? He was the one who let Pheobie go…At this point the whole gang knew two things.

Zack was with Schyler.

Brian was with Pheobie.

Zack stroked the small of Schyler's back gently. Phoebe now glanced over and gave him an exasperated smile. She knew what he was doing. He was trying to get her jealous. But it wasn't going to work.

Helena's Point of View

I am satisfied. Zack is with my friend Schyler and Pheobie with Brian. Now we can all live happily ever after right? Don't get me wrong though, it isn't that I don't want Pheobie to be with someone she likes…I just DO NOT want her to be with Zack. Anyone but Zack. Zack Baker just isn't the kind of person that I would call boyfriend material. When Zack is tired of being in a relationship he will scream at and cheat on you. He would lie to you and make you feel stupid. A lot of girls end up being really messed up when Zack is through with them. However, Schyler is tough. If Zack dumps her or something like that she will get over him and move on. Phoebe on the other hand, can't do that. Phoebe is like glass, if you're not careful you may drop her and she'll shatter. I was not about to let my little sister go through that.

By now Pheobie, Zack, Brian and Schyler all look as if they were going to murder one another. Brian held Phoebe close as they both scowled at Schyler and Zack who were basically doing the same. I could tell that it is time for me to step in and take things down a notch.

"…Um hey Schyler, wanna go get some stuff to eat?" I asked jerking her out of Zacky's arms.

"But we're eating pizza…" She mumbled.

"Hey Pheobie your coming too." I ordered pulling both her and Schyler out my front door. The guys were silent as we headed out the door. I tossed Phoebe into the back of my beat up car. I made Schyler sit in the passenger seat and then seated my self. I slowly started the engine and turned on my Pantera CD. Here goes nothing.

We all sat at an empty table at the diner down the street. Phoebe and Schyler sat across from each other. At first it was silent and words were spoken with eyes. I hate you. He's mine. Go burn. Can you believe all of this was over Zack? I sighed,

"Ok I think we should all straighten this shit out right now," I began watching both girls. I turned to Schyler. "Look, Schyler before you came along Zack and Pheobie had a thing…," before I could finish…

"We did not! W-We were just friends! W-We still are…," anyone could tell that Pheobie was lying by the way she stumbled over her words and by the failer to keep eye contact with anybody.

I stared her down. What did she seriously see in him? I mean sure he's a nice friend but I know she's also seen how he treats girls the he's gone out with. The only reason Zack even has girlfriends are for the sex and to look cool. He doesn't know the meaning love.

"Well the point is I just thought I'd fill you in." I finally spoke, my eyes fallen on Schyler again. Schyler looked me in the eyes.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" She questioned with a look of 'he's mine now so back of bitch' targeted on Pheobie. I opened my mouth to reply but once again I was interrupted. "Look I'm sorry that things didn't workout with you and Zack but I'm with him now and hope you can respect that." Pheobie was too polite to say anything or stick up for herself. The next 10 minutes were awkward and silent. So I took them both back to my house. Did we even accomplish anything?

Brian's Point of View

Zack and I seemed to be getting along great now that the girls were out of the house. It was like old days. Best of Buds sittin on the couch jamming guitars together and drinkin beers.

"Oh my God we were so fucking stupid," Zack laughed as we remembered one crazy night we had at Central Park a few years back. Him, Jimmy and I all got really drunk and just ran around the park naked…then some gay dude started hitting on Jimmy but that is a different story.

All of a sudden, the girls walked through the door. Helena and Schyler were the first to walk in with Pheobie following behind.

"Hey baby," I got up to hug Phoebe. I could see Zack out of the corner of my eye, and trust me he wasn't happy. With my hand on her waist I led her over to the other couch and sat with her. Zack immediately got up.

"Hey Hel…" his expression completely changed and he grabbed Schyler's hand. "Can me and Schyler borrow your room for a bit?" His grin was so wide you could see all his dazzling white teeth. It was times like these that made me really hate Zack.

"Um..." Helena had a worried expression when she looked over at Pheobie, "What ever, just please don't do anything gross." Now Schyler was smirking two. They both rushed up the stairs and slammed the door to Helena's room shut. We all knew exactly what they were doing and why…

For the rest of the night all we really did was get drunk. Helena wanted to throw a quick party but I objected. I needed to spend a little alone time with Phoebe. After a couple more drinks I grinned and whispered into Pheobie's ear. She smiled and I took her hand in mine.

"Where are you two going?" Jimmy asked, his speech was slurred and hard to understand.

"To bed." I answered for both of us.

The next morning

I opened my eyes and smiled. The first thing I saw was Phoebe's sleeping body next to mine. I could vaguely remember what had happened the night before but I know I liked it. I ran my hand down her hip and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning," she smiled and said in that innocent voice that I loved so much.

"Good morning," I answered bringing her face closer to mine for a kiss. My eyes wondered over to the alarm clock that was above her head and then back to her. "You should probably start getting ready for school" I grinned. She turned to look at the clock and then sighing, turned back to kiss me on the head. She got up and got dressed while I just laid there. Then she left and I found myself alone in the small pink room.

Schyler's Point of View

I looked out the window and watched the cars go whizzing by. Zack and I were pulled over by a cop just 5 minutes ago for speeding. I knew it had something to do with the fight we got into this morning. The fight about Phoebe. The fight that caused him to go 120 down the highway. The fight that caused him to hate me. The cop talked to Zack and handed him a ticket. After she left Zack and I were in the car for a couple more moments. He glowered into the rearview mirror while I just sat there all pathetic looking in the passenger seat. We both said nothing.

When we were finally at my house we still said nothing. So he REALLY was mad!? Well news flash So was I. Sure I called him a man-whore, worthless piece of shit and other things I didn't even want to think about at the moment, but he also called me a slut, a cunt, a bitch, the list goes on. If he still loved that little shit face then why was he fucking me? Why was he wasting my precious time? I had a right to ignore him, he on the other hand didn't. I walked out of the car and slammed the door behind me. As soon as I was a foot away he began to seed off. Oh yeah it was over. I threw the ring at his car. He didn't even stop. He just kept on going.

Phoebe's Point of View

I sat on the living room couch, Heineken can in my hand. Thinking. I was the luckiest girl in the world! I had Brian, the guys were finally starting to get a tad nicer to me (all except Zack) and things were going pretty well in my life. School was great and when she wasn't out at a party or with the guys me and Helena actually sat down and talked! Life was pretty good.

Unexpectedly, Zack opened the unlocked front door and walked in. I rolled my eyes, suddenly annoyed by his presence.

"They all left." I didn't even look up. The guys and Helena all went out to the movies. I decided to stay home. I don't even know why. Zack must have not heard because he walked over to the mini fridge in the corner, grabbed a beer, and sat next to me anyway.

"Cheers!" He said motioning me to join. I was baffled.

"To what?" I slowly held my can up.

"To Bitches" He laughed at his own joke that wasn't even really even funny.

not too long later

As always things were taking an unexpected turn with Zacky Vengeance. I moaned slightly as he laid on top of me, his tongue down my throat. His hands swiftly removed my shirt as I did the same to him. I gracefully slipped out of my faded jeans as he unbuttoned his pants, all the while still kissing me intensely. Before I could even think about what I was doing I found his hands at the fringe of my panties. My hand ran through his silky hair. I knew I had to stop. But I just couldn't…Wouldn't. He was my drug and I was his addict. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't stop. While I lay there, Zack's body forcing down on mine, I pray. Please don't let Brian come here. Not yet.

Zacky's Point of View

As I lay there on the couch next to her I thought… I really didn't give a fuck about her or Brian. Helena didn't even run trough my mind at the moment This was what the world got. An hour later I pushed her off of me. I stood up and put my clothes back on. I looked down into her deep brown eyes. Then I left. What was the feeling this time?

Brian's Point of View

That night

I got home (his home) and logged onto myspace. No new messages. I posted my daily blog. This one of course was about Phoebe. They pretty much all were. Then I suddenly remembered what I was planning to do. I ran down the stairs quickly.

"Mom," I called.

"Yes Brian?" My step mother answered.

Even though she wasn't my mother she was the closest thing I had. When I was one my real mother walked out on my dad and I. When I was 3 I met my step mom and she has raised me ever since.

I pulled the promise ring out of my pocket. It was a diamond on a silver band and looked much like an engagement ring. But Phoebe was only 16 so I decided to make it a promise ring. I couldn't wait until she turned 18 so I could whisk her away and get married and have kids. She was so perfect and I couldn't wait. I actually planned on spending my life with her. I was truly and deeply in love.

"It's beautiful!" My mother exclaimed "Is it for Phoebe?" I nodded my head. She smiled proudly and explained to me what to do.

A week later

Pheobie's Point of View

It was just another day. Zack was over in my room and we were doing the usual. It wasn't that I was a slut. It also was not that I didn't love Brian. Do you know what it is like to be madly in love with two people at once? How is it even my fault it turned out this way? No matter how much I loved Brian I could never deny the fact that I still loved Zack. I lay there not saying anything. Just lying in Zack's arms. I lay there still.

Without warning my door flung open. Brian's super wide grin faded into a look of hurt and surprise.

"What the fuck is this?!" He exclaimed angrily. A small box dropped from his hands.
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