Seize the Day

I hate it when people judge me

Brian's Point of View

This was not happening. I stepped back and closed the door. This was not happening. That is what I had to tell myself. However, deep down in my breaking heart I know…This is happening. My girlfriend and my best friend. A fucking classic.

I started down the stairs and quickly headed out the door. I was just about to open my car door when the pain and heartbreak I was just feeling melted away. Instead, my heart began racing as the burn of fury swelled up inside of me. Out of the house ran Zacky (yes he had clothes on…people ask me about this a lot lol). He was such little pussy.

"Syn, I am sorry dude, it's not what it looks like-" he was going to start his same old fucking speech. The thought of just breaking him ran through my head. How could Phoebe take my heart and rip in two after I felt so sorry for her? And Zack my best friend for years just decides that he has to get every girl he wants…Thinking these thoughts made the whole world around me spin. Finally. I just lost it. I lunged at him and hurled a nice round fist in his face. Blood began to stream down his nose. Suddenly he grabbed me and socked me in the stomach. We were in a swirling whirlwind of dust. Just then, I felt strong hands holding me back. Jimmy was holding Zack. I turned around to look into the burning brown eyes of Matt.

Phoebe's Point of View

I'm pathetic. I'm a user and a slut. I sobbed shaking uncontrollably. I held the diamond ring in my hand. A note next to it read the simple words: I love you-Brian. I wailed harder. The door busted open again.

"YOU FUCKING WHORE!" Helena stormed in her eyes red and puffy from crying also. "I WARNED YOU. I FUCKING WARNED YOU. I TOLD YOU HE WOULD RUIN YOU. YOU HAD THE BEST FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD AND YOU HAD TO BE A LITTLE FUCKER AND FUCK IT UP." She was turning pink. She put her back against the wall and slid down. I bent over and hugged her and we cried together. I should have listened. Why didn't I listen? Unexpectedly, a vision of my parents popped into my head. I missed my mother so much right now. She'd know exactly what to do, she always did.

Zack's Point of View

One hour later

I sat silently as Helana held a bag of frozen peas on my shining black eye. Phoebe was on the other side of the kitchen rubbing an ice cube on Brian's busted lip. Brian didn't even glance down at her. He still had a look of pure pain and disgust on his face. Every time she came within his eye contact he looked away from her. And of course, Phoebe was STILL crying. Was she upset about Brian or upset about getting caught? I will admit it: I lied. I cared about her… I cared A LOT. I wouldn't go through all this shit if I didn't. She was so beautiful and sweet. I didn't deserve her, but if I couldn't have her…neither would Brian. It was simple as pie.

Phoebe backed away and allowed Brian to hop down from the counter and walk over to the couch. The rest of the guys sat in front of the TV to watch spongebob. Everything and everyone besides the yellow sponge and his pink starfish companion were silent. Phoebe sighed and slowly walked upstairs. I watched her. Helena then patted my leg to signal that I was done. She turned her back and I promptly and soundlessly headed upstairs.

Helena's Point of View

Today was a nightmare. A fucking, sucking, nightmare. My two best friends almost beat the living shit out of each other just because of my fucking little sister. Why didn't my plan work and why did it have to come to this? Everything was going so perfectly…I looked over to Brian his sad face made me want to burst out in tears again. His scowl made it seem as if his cheery beam of a smile would never come back. Then I thought about Zack. Although he may seem like a jerk, he is one of the nicest and funniest guys in the gang. Now thanks to Phoebe he was a conniving, little selfish bitch. Zack. Where was Zack?

"Where's Zack?" I asked looking around. No one answered because we all knew. Brian's scowl deepened and he tried to act as if he hadn't heard me. We all knew where he was. He was upstairs, fucking her again. I was getting sick of this shit. I stormed off of the couch and sprinted upstairs. I got to Phoebe's room and swung the door open. She sat in front of her TV, beer bottle in her hand. I looked around in the room as she glared at me. Zacky wasn't there, surprisingly. I closed the door slowly and headed back down.

Phoebe's point of View

As soon as the door clicked shut, I rushed over to my bed. I helped Zack crawl from underneath it. He stood up and regained his composure. Zack smiled slightly as he placed his hands on my hips. He was trying to start our whole affair up again. Like I said before he was like a drug, and I was the addict. I couldn't stop but I knew I had to. I pulled away from him reluctantly.

"Zack, you ruined my life." I almost whispered these words but he must of heard me because his mouth dropped in disbelief.

"What…" he asked as if his ears had betrayed him.

"I said, you ruined my life." I looked at him only for a moment. "Get out." For about a minute, he just stood there. Staring. Like a fucking hypocrite. He went over to my window and opened it. He took one last disturbing look at me and climbed down the rusty fire escape. I sat back down in my fluffy pink couch that was in front of my TV. I finished the bottle of beer I was drinking and then another. There were more beers to come after that. One after the other after the other. The door opened.

"Helena…get out!" I stammered my speech blurred and vision slurred. It wasn't Helena though. Brian walked into my room. He was still avoiding my eyes. "Hey…you…" I pointed a wavering finger at him. He ignored me and walked over to my bed. He pulled from underneath it my secret stash of beer that no one (except him and Zack) knew about. I didn't fully understand what he was doing but he picked up the two crates of beer and carted them out the door.

"Fucking addict." He mumbled as he walked out and slammed the door. After that, everything went black.
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Read my 2nd story Warmness on the Soul featuring Synyster Gates