I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag, Baby, Listen to Iron Maiden Baby With Me

Chapter 1

I sometimes wonder why people think it’s amusing to talk over the teacher. Making rude jokes about other people’s parents, calling people in the class names, cursing at each other. While the poor teacher just stand there trying to get us to calm down. Of course all these lovely preppy people just keep talking, the annoying loud girls yelling at each other, calling each other sluts.

And of course poor Ms. Skeels just stood there holding the purple papers she was trying to hand out, Wendy stood up and walked over to take two for both me and her, I think we were the only ones in this class who actually turned in work…well on a regular basis.

“Ooh yay poetry.” Wendy giggled sitting back down next to me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the first question on the page: What makes you angry? I looked at all the lovely people who didn’t know when the hell to stop talking, she didn’t say we couldn’t use bad language, or call other peoples names….so I quickly jotted down : Annoying people who don’t know when the hell to shut their stupid-ass mouths.

“God Rose, your angry today.” Wendy laughed nudging me.

I smiled at her, “it’s true, their getting on your nerves to.”

She nodded and grimaced as one of the girls named Jessica accidentally bumped into her, “watch it you stupid preppy whore!” Wendy hissed.

“WENDY!” Ms. Skeels gasped.

I grinned as Wendy turned back to the teacher smiling innocently, “I believe the bell is going to ring.” She said in a high pitched giggly tone.

I bit my lower lip trying not to laugh as Wendy proceeded to tell the teacher that the “ugly stupid whore needed to stop walking around trying to show off for all the boys, since she has no self respect for herself.”

Wendy was finally cut off by the passing period bell ringing, the preppy girl who had bumped into Wendy was close to tears, and I couldn’t help but laugh as she nearly ran out of the room. Wendy merely shrugged it off and pulled me out of the room laughing quietly.

“Your such a bitch sometimes.” I laughed sending her a smile.

She laughed, “you love it.” I smiled weakly, “if you didn’t, then we wouldn’t be friends. And if I can remember straight, we have been for quiet some time.”

I laughed with her, “true, what were are you going? The cafeteria is the other way.” I frowned frustrated.

She grinned faintly, “I want to say hey to Jacob,” I frowned, I liked Jacob, just not the attention they all got, it meant people looking at both Wendy at I, “and then we can go get milk so your twins underneath that shirt grow.”

I gasped. “Wendy!”

She giggled, “I was just kidding, their big enough sweetie, I swear everything you wear is about to rip over your tits.”

I looked at the floor embarrassed, I hated my chest, I guess I got their size from my mom. But still I hated them with a passion, it was like a huge neon sign for guys to stare, which would explain why I wore big jackets. But I still un-zipped them due to the hot weather here in Huntington.

“Your lucky people are around.” She sent me a confused glance as we neared Jacob, “or else you’d be lying on the floor with your neck slit open. Sweeney Todd style.”

She bit her lower lip trying not to burst out into laughter, she let out a few sputters, “hey Jacoby.” She laughed.

He looked at her confused but shrugged, “hey Wendy, what’s up Rose?”

I shrugged not listening to him, I was staring at his friend Andre who was talking to the preppy girl Jessica, who was still crying. I couldn’t help but blush once she sent a glare towards Wendy and I as she whispered something to him. Whatever she said made him laugh, I looked down at my feet feeling embarrassed. I was used to people talking shit about me and laughing about it, but it still hurt.

“Anyway Jacoby, I’ll see you around I’m hungry.” Wendy laughed giving Jacob a one armed hug laughing.

He nodded still laughing faintly from whatever she had been telling him, “see you around, nice seeing you around to Rose!” He called after us once he realized we had been walking away from him.

~xXx Andre xXx~

“And the whole time that Wendy chick just sat there saying I don’t have any self respect, at least I’m not gay like her stupid ass friend.” The girl hissed throwing Wendy and Rose a glare, I think her name was Jessica, but I really didn’t care.

I looked over to Wendy and Rose, Jacoby was caught up talking to Wendy about some type of party, while Rose was looking straight at us. I couldn’t help but glance down to read her shirt: Tell your mom I need my panties back.

I couldn’t help but start laughing, Rose was the most shy I think I knew, and a shirt like that on her was just hilarious. She looked away instantly and started to stare at her feet, almost like I had hurt her feelings. I frowned and unwillingly turned my attention back to Jessica who had started to babble again.

“Well anyway, I’m having a party later so feel free to stop by Andre.” She smiled.

I nodded, “I’ll see what I can do.” I said trying not to sound annoyed. Didn’t they understand I didn’t want to go to any of their stupid parties?

She nodded and skipped away to her little group of friends, I walked over to Jacob who was waving bye to Wendy.

“Your not going to Jessica’s party.” It was a statement, like he knew what I was thinking.

“I would rather die.” I answered as we started to walk to the cafeteria, “what were you and Wendy talking about?”

“About Rose actually.” He answered in a low tone.

“Really? Why?” I asked getting interested.

He looked at me confused for a few seconds but brushed it off, “it’s her birthday on Saturday, and Wendy is surprising her with a party.”

“Now that party I’ll go to.” I laughed.

He looked at me, “serious? You hate parties.”

“I hate parties with wanna be gangsters and sluts.” I corrected as we walked into the crowded room, “plus Wendy and Rose seem cool.”

He nodded and grabbed a tray, “yeah, but I have to find a place to have the party.” He picked up an apple and took a bite out of it.

I smirked, “I think I know a place, it’s some abandoned building.”

“The one we went to when we ran away last year?” He asked laughing.

I nodded, “it’s big enough.”

He nodded, “I like it.” He placed a piece of pizza on his tray. “But we’ll need to clean it out.”

I nodded, “after school?”

He nodded, “sure, just make sure to keep this a secret from Rose.”

“I cross my little black heart and hope to die.” I laughed as we walked over to a table. Not to far away from Rose who was stabbing the spaghetti on her plate with a disgusted look on her face. Her nose looked cute when it wrinkled……..
Snap out of it Andre!
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