I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag, Baby, Listen to Iron Maiden Baby With Me

Chapter 2

“How was school?”

I glanced over my shoulder feeling surprised, my Dad was always ether at the bar with his friends, or working his ass off hoping he wouldn’t have to come home and see me. A perfect image of my Mother.

“It was fine, are you hungry?” I asked pulling out the packet of raw hamburger from the refrigerator.

He shook his head, “I ate before I came home.” He answered as he walked over to the table and sat down studying me for a few seconds.

“Okay then..are you going out later?” I asked trying to ignore his eyes which felt like they were burning into the skin between my shoulders.

“No,” I raised my frowned, “the guys are coming over to watch the game.”

I rolled my eyes wishing he could see how much I hated it when he was home, “don’t you usually go to Paul’s house to watch the games?” I asked dropping the newly made hamburger patty into the hot pan.

“Yeah, but his TV broke a few days ago, and we’ll I have the second biggest TV.” He answered with a chuckle.

I nodded keeping my eyes away from him, I wasn’t sure how to act around him, let alone what to talk about. We were never close in my entire life, I was always attached to my Mother’s hip. I guess we weren’t close since he had wanted a little boy, he had made bets with everyone saying I was a boy, but no here I came screaming into the world, without the male anatomy.

“So are you doing anything fun Saturday?”

“You remember my birthday?” I asked slightly shocked, he had never said happy birthday before, something was up.

“Of course, you’re my daughter..” He trailed off sounding slightly hurt.

I sighed and glanced at him for a few seconds, “I’m going over to Wendy’s house.” He nodded waiting for more information, “I don’t think I’ll spend the night though, I have a lot of homework and things to do around the house.”

He nodded, “well stay as long as you want, it’s your birthday.”

I nodded, “okay.”

I turned my back to him just as the doorbell rang, meaning he was now going to be distracted with all of his friends. The chair scraped against the floor and I suddenly felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I sighed and realized I had to flip my burger before it was completely black.

I stood there staring at the stove quietly, trying to think of some reason why my Father would be acting so different, what could have made his parental skills turn on suddenly. I shook my head and walked over to the cabinets to get out hamburger buns.

I couldn’t really make a reason good enough to make this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach go away. But I simply kept telling myself he was just being random, I nodded softly and walked out of the kitchen with my food.

“Hey there Rose-bud!” Paul said noticing me as I was about to step on the first stair.

I smiled softly, “hey Paul, you look good.” I smiled politely as the other men turned to smile at me, Joe, Al, Greg, and then my Father.

“So do you Hun.” He winked making my skin crawl, “how’s school going?”

“Okay, I’ve got a lot of homework, mid-terms.” I answered hoping I could go to my room soon.

“Well that’s school for ya.” Joe chuckled smiling at me, “you do look a lot like your Mother…” He trailed off staring at me with a disgusting smirk on his face.

“Yeah, I’ve been told... I’m going to my room now, I’ve got Calculus homework.” I started up the stairs before any of them could say anything. I shut the door with my foot and hurried over to my desk wanting nothing more than to submerge myself into my work and then pass out as son as possible.


“Hehe your birthday is tomorrow!” Wendy screamed slamming into me as soon as I got out of Science, which was the only class we didn’t have with each other. “I forgot about it earlier!” She added laughing.

“I know!” I said as she continued to squeeze me. “I do need to breathe sometime soon!”

She giggled and pulled away smiling, “so are you coming over later? Or tomorrow?” She asked as we linked arms and walked towards the main building.

“I’ll probably sleep over tonight, and then go home tomorrow whenever we’re done with our movie day.” I said smiling faintly.

She nodded seeming slightly distracted by something, but then again, anything could distract Wendy. But that was one other thing I loved about her, how easily I could change the subject most of the times.

“Okay then, can I ask a big favor?” She asked turning to give me her puppy dog eyes.

I groaned, “what is it?”

She smiled triumphantly, “can we hang out with Jacob and Andre?” I opened my mouth to whine, “and I’ll let you pierce my ears!”

I closed my mouth quickly, she would always whine she wanted to have her ears pierce, but was to afraid to let me pierce them. She didn’t like needles at all, if you even got one near her she’d scream bloody murder and grab onto whoever was closest to her.


She smiled and grabbed my arm and pulled me outside, people were mostly staying inside since it was cold, and the dark clouds above us looked ready to start pouring down rain any second. But I loved weather like this, everyone looked as pale, except then I would realize I looked even paler….like glow in the dark pale.

“Hey Wendy! Hey Rose!” Jacob grinned. He and Andre were sitting on the bleachers talking about something. Jacob shoved a notebook into his backpack like it was a secret guide on how to get into girls pants.

“Hey Jacoby, what’s up Andre?” Wendy asked pulling me along with her.

“Nothing much, just talking.” Andre answered in his smooth voice, “what’s up Rose?”

I stared at him blankly for a few seconds, “nothing.” I finally grumbled as Wendy sat down on the bleacher in front of Jacoby.

He smiled weakly, “you know I asked my Mom if I could get your panties back for you..” He trailed off, I looked at him in shock, “but she said she left hers at your house.”

I raised my eyebrow studying him for a few seconds, not sure whether he was teasing or trying to make me smile, “I’ll mail them to her.” I finally answered.

He laughed smiling down at me like I had just made his day, “I’ll make sure to tell her.”

I smiled softly but quickly hid it once I noticed Wendy was eyeing me suspiciously, while Jacob seemed interested in everything that was going on.

“So Wendy, what brings you outside?” Jacob asked turning back to Wendy, I swear she was the only person who didn’t realize he was in love with her practically.

“I like weather like this,” She smiled softly, “what about you guys?”

“Hiding from the Barbies, their to afraid their faces will melt off.” Jacob snorted.


I felt my skin crawl as the high pitched voice held onto the ‘e’ for a little bit longer, we all looked over to the grassy area to see the same blonde girl from yesterday walking towards the bleachers, her friends casting disgusted looks to both Wendy and I.

“Yes?” Andre called. I couldn’t help but hear the annoyance clear in his voice, I turned to look at him feeling slightly happy. He caught my gaze and held it smiling softly, I blushed and tore my eyes away to look at the Barbie squad.

“How come you didn’t go to my party?” Jessica whined walking onto the bleachers and towards us, “I was looking for you all night!”

I heard a stifled moan come from Andre, “I had to work, I’m sorry.”

She pouted and crossed her arms like the spoiled five year old she truly was, “I even had my Daddy buy me a Fall Out Boy CD for you!”

I struggled not to laugh as Andre let out a disgusted hiss, “I do not listen to them, I am not a scene kid.”

“Heeey.” Wendy hissed slowly.

“Wendy and Rose are exceptions, they don’t listen to filth like that.” Andre added with a laugh once he noticed my cheeks were a darker shade of red.

“Rose and Wendy?” Jessica hissed looking down at me, “these girls are filth, fucking lesbos.”

I heard Wendy let out a gasp as they hit her soft spot. Her sister had been gay, yeah had been, she had been picked on so much by the high school girls she committed suicide, and by horrible luck Wendy was the one to find her sister’s dead body.

“Watch your fucking mouth slut.” I hissed pissed now.

Everyone’s eyes snapped to me, “excuse me?”

“You fucking heard me.” I stood up shaking now, I hated when Wendy cried, it’s when you knew that her feelings had been truly hurt, and even more so if was over her sister! The person she loved most of all, and now she was being reminded of all the pain their family went through.

“And if I don’t shut up?” Jessica asked stepping up to stand on the bleacher in front of me.

“Then I’ll punch your damn ugly ass face in.” She rolled her eyes, “at least we’re not sluts who are actually fucking their Dad…while their Mother drinks herself to sleep every night and screws every single person in the damn town. If I was you I wouldn’t go around making other people cry, because we all know you cry to sleep at night, because all you are is a washed up whore.” I hissed.

She stood there biting her bottom lip trying not to cry, she let out a choked sob and took off running, her little friends glaring at me quickly, and then darting after her.

"Holy” Sniff, “shit Rose.” Wendy said through tears.

I turned to look at her, “she deserved it.” I growled biting my bottom lip from frustration.

“She did.” Jacob agreed hugging Wendy tighter, it seemed like he was in heaven right now, holding the girl he almost loved and trying to comfort her.

“I know, but it would have been cool to see you actually punch her.” She said letting out a laugh and sob at the same time.

I smiled weakly, “wanna go jump her?” I offered smiling.

She laughed this time, “no.”

I smiled as Jacob leaned down to whisper something to her, distracting her from me. I slowly sat back down and turned to see Andre staring at me with his jaw dropped.


His jaw closed, “it’s just…your so shy all the time, and then…you just like exploded, I swear if more people had been around, everyone would have shit themselves!”

I laughed weakly and struggled to fight the blush that was creeping it’s way onto my cheeks, “thanks Andre.”

“No problem Love.” He grinned before winking at me.

Oh god, I think I just died.
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