I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag, Baby, Listen to Iron Maiden Baby With Me

Chapter 3

“Can I sit here?”

I looked up from my book, “um, I guess.” Andre let out a huge smile and sat down across from me, I had forgotten I had Social Studies with him. That’s what I get for constantly falling asleep in that class, but then again I always had the best grade no matter what…weird huh?

“So why so glum?” He asked.

I frowned, “I’m not sad, just distracted.” I answered as I went back to reading, hoping he wouldn’t make more people look at us. Was it that unusual for me to talk to people other than Wendy? Wait don’t answer that.

“I don’t understand you.” Andre said with a smile in his voice.

I looked up at him and frowned, “what?”

“Well, your always so quiet around people, unless they make Wendy upset and then you go all bitchy and pissed off on them.” I smiled weakly, “but what I don’t get is, why your so quiet, there’s nothing wrong with talking to people.”

“I just don’t like talking to people I don’t know,” I answered looking down at the page again, “I don’t have a reason to talk to people I don’t want to know.”

“I guess that’s a good reason.” He mumbled.

I glanced up to see him starting his work, I smiled faintly and went back to answering number 4. I turned the page getting annoyed by the answer I couldn’t find. I didn’t understand why we were learning about Egypt again, we had since sixth grade. I swear I already knew everything about making a mummy, if only I had a real body to practice on.

“Do you like Fall Out Boy?”

I groaned and slammed the book shut, “why are you talking to me?”

He frowned, “I was just asking, is it illegal to talk to you?”

I shook my head, “any other girl would kill to have you talking to them, for what reason I have no clue. Your not even that cute.”

He raised an eyebrow, “have you ever stopped to think maybe I like talking to you, maybe you should start to get to know other people.”

“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want.”

“True, and I don’t want to talk to any of them, most of them don’t even know who Tony Hawk is, or who Bullet For My Valentine is!” He answered throwing a disgusted glare to them, “wait, did you say I’m not cute?”

I nodded, “someone’s smart.”

He narrowed his eyes, but then relaxed them, “thank you, plus I know I’m not cute…I don’t know why people call me that, I’m not five years old.”


“Dad?” I was twice as shocked than I was yesterday, my Dad sat there on the sofa watching another game on the TV. I was beginning to think I was in the Twilight Zone or something, maybe I slipped into a coma and this was a weird dream from the medication they had me on.

“Hey Rose,” He smiled at me, “sorry Paul’s TV is still broken so the guys are coming back over, is that okay?”

I nodded and glanced at Wendy who was just as shocked as I was, “yeah, I was just getting some clothes and then I’m going to the mall with Wendy.” I said motioning towards her.

He sent her a smile, “hello Wendy, how’s your Mom?”

She smiled softly, “she’s okay, she just got over the cold she had.”

He nodded, “that’s good, tell her to stop by the shop some time, I haven’t seen her in awhile.” He turned back to the game.

We both took the chance to dart up the stairs and into my room, she had thought I had been lying about my Dad being home, but now she looked just as confused as I did. “What the hell? We have to be on some reality show, where are the cameras?” She started to look around my room, lifting up pillows, checking drawers.

“I doubt they’d hid a camera in my underwear drawer.” I said as I started to get out some clothes for me to change into.

“You don’t understand, these TV people are perverted!” She giggled as she began to scoot my bras around. “Oh, take some pretty clothes to, my Mom is taking us out to eat tomorrow.” She finally closed the drawer and began to look through my bed-side table.

“Okay then, what type of clothes though, nice or casual?” I asked lifting up a silk shirt.

She scowled, “move aside, let the master do her work.”

I laughed as she skipped over and started to look through the shirts and pants, she finally settled on a black V neck top, and a pair of tight black skinny jeans. I smiled as she shoved them into my backpack and smiled as if she won the Noble Peace prize.

“Okay, I guess we’re done here.” I clapped my hands together.

She laughed, “yeah, now let’s get out of the House of Horrors before your Dad starts to hug you!” She faked a gasp.

I giggled and tossed my backpack over my shoulder, “okay then, on the count of three let’s make a run for it.” I whispered as we walked into the hallway.

“Alrighty then!” She giggled and linked arms with me.




Both of us bolted down the hall, our converse slapping against the wood making an echoing sound fill the house. I barely heard my Father ask what was going on as we thundered down the stairs, but I wasn’t going to wait around and talk to him. I reached out and managed to fling the door open, my Dad’s friends were standing on the porch looking at Wendy and I confused as we bolted towards the Nissan.

“BYE GIRLS!” One of them called out.

I rolled my eyes as I slid into the driver’s seat, “now let’s get to the mall and get one big ass pretzel.”

She grinned, “hell yeah! Hi-ho silver!”
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I'm starting to lose inspiration to this story....and I like this one lol.