I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag, Baby, Listen to Iron Maiden Baby With Me

Chapter 4

“ The turtles want to eat my brains, the turtles never seem to get laid. So I’ll shoot them down with my BB gun, and scream and kick for all you to run…” I trailed off still singing the random song I had just came up with.

Wendy was sitting there staring at me slightly confused, a fry hanging out of the corner of her mouth. I raised an eyebrow as it eventually flopped out of her mouth and back onto the tray that was in front of her.

“ Wendy…snap out of it.” I started to snap my fingers, hoping she’d do something.

She shook her head, “ you know it amazes me sometimes..”

“ Wvat?” I asked taking another bite of my sub.

“ How quiet you can be, and then how suddenly you can burst out in song around me.” She laughed.

I smiled faintly, “ it’s because I love you so much,” she laughed, “ so what’s the agenda for the rest of the day?” I asked smiling stronger now.

She grinned, “ well first we should hit up a few more shops.” She placed her finger against her chin, as if she was thinking about the next moves. But I was pretty sure she had the whole day already planned out, “ I guess we get out butts home after that, get some poppy corn, hot cocoa, and other food….” She trailed off smiling bigger, “ and watch movies until we pass out from a sugar over-dose!”

I laughed as she started to bounce around in her seat, moving her head to the imaginary beat she was listening to. I really wouldn’t be surprised if she had her own little band playing to her at the moment, in fact it would only make me appreciate how one of a kind she was..

“ Okay crazy woman calm down, I don’t want us to scar any little kids here.” I reached out to touch her shoulder planning on calming her down.

She stopped bouncing and crossed her arms pouting, “ you just hate me because I’m a gangster.”

“ If you were a gangster, then we’d hate you.” A new voice teased.

It didn’t take me that long to notice who the voice belonged to. We had hung out with Jacob enough for me to remember his voice, I looked over to see him smiling at Wendy. Who was staring at him like a deer in the headlights, maybe it was the fact he had his eyebrow newly pierced.

“ Oh, hey Jacob…what brings you to the mall?” She asked scooting over so he and Andre could slide in.

“ Shopping,” He sent her a quick glance, she nodded as if he was answering some un asked question, “ I take it you’re here shopping for girly things?” He asked raising his voice an octave higher.

I rolled my eyes, “ oh yes, we just love going into Guess.” I said letting out a girly squeal.

Both Andre and Jacob stared at me for a few seconds, not used to this side of me. While Wendy went along with stealing another fry from my tray, I slapped her hand away. “ Meaner. I want a fry.”

“ You have a bunch!” I said pointing to her plate.

She crossed her arms, “ but yours are magically delicious!”

“ Soo, how are you?” Andre asked as he continued to watch me look through the CD’s in Hot Topic.

“ Fine, any reason why your following me?” I asked smiling faintly.

He shrugged looking at an HIM CD which I had set back down, “ well, I want to let Jacob flirt with Wendy more. I’m just hoping she doesn’t have a heart attack, is she always this hyper?” He laughed.

I looked over at them smiling faintly, Wendy was currently looking at more capris, while Jacob was standing next to her shaking his head when he didn’t like them, which of course made her pout. She laughed as he began to nod his head up and down as soon as she held up a black skirt.

“ Yeah, but she makes up for what I don’t show at school…my crazy side.” I laughed using her own words.

I walked away from the CD’s with Andre still following, it slightly bothered me, but I was used to following Wendy, and on occasion she would follow me around while she danced at the same time.

“ I like both your sides, mature and immature.” Andre laughed as we stopped by all the body rings. “ What are we doing over here?” He asked scanning my face.

I raised my eyebrow, “ it’s not visible,” I turned back to the case, “ I would never get my face pierced.”

I looked at him from the corner of my eye, “ do you have your, um chest?” I shook my head, “ belly button?” Shook my head again, “ hip?” Shook my head for a third time, his eyes widened, “ why would you get your snatch pierced?!” He half yelled. Luckily the music covered most of his scream.

I laughed, “ I was yanking your damn chain!” He looked a little unsure whether or not to trust me, I let out a sigh and lifted up my shirt, “ see my belly button.” I reached down to play with the little dangling stars.

He stared at it for a few seconds, “ okay…I-I believe you…wow your pale.” He added laughing.

I rolled my eyes laughing softly, “ I know I know, I’ve heard it from everyone, chalk girl, ghost, cracker, marshmallow.” I laughed at the last name, Wendy still called me from time to time, but of course she always meant it in a loving way, not a way to hurt my feelings.

He laughed softly, “ do you see anything you like?” He asked pointing to the various barbells.

I shook my head, “ no, I rarely find any I like here.” I sighed, “ I really need a new barbell to, this one is the same one I’ve had since I got it done.”

He nodded staring at me for a few seconds, “ have you tried Spencer’s yet?”

I nodded, “ that was the first store Wendy dragged me into….” I paused unsure whether to come or not, he looked at me waiting for me to continue, “ she…um…want to try and make me buy…a vibrator…” I choked out the last word like it was poison.

He stared at me, and then glanced to the Spencer’s bags I was holding, “ did you?”

I slapped his arm, “ no! my bags only have hats.” I opened them to let him poke his head in, it was true. I had splurged on beanies, and a few T-shirts and belts. He fished around and pulled out the receipt to look at it, I giggled as he sighed.

“ Good, someone as cute as you doesn’t need ‘help’” He used finger quotes.

I stared at him feeling Wendy and Jacob staring, “ thanks Andre…”

He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, hugging me to him, “ no problem Love.”

Great here comes the blush again!!