Warmness on the Soul

We made up?

~Brian's Point of view~
Elizabeth and I must have made up because here I was; in bed with her, clothes on the floor, thoughts in my mind…You do the math. I got up out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I took a nice long shower and tried to get my views straight. I came back to the room to find Elizabeth staring at me with her deep blue-green eyes. Elizabeth was a very peculiar person. One minute I'd have nothing but pure hate and disgust for her, while the next I'd just find myself admiring her sheer beauty, never wanting to let go.
"Morning babe," she said from the bed. I walked over and kissed her.
"Morning," I replied. "Well I got to pick Jimmy up from his new girlfriend's house so Im'a be leaving in a bit."
"Who's his new girlfriend?" Elizabeth asked.
"My friend's friend…"
"Your friend? Which friend?" I responded to her question with silence. Her mood suddenly changed "you mean that slut from last night??"
"She isn't a slut she's just a friend." Before me and Elizabeth could get into another fight I threw on some jeans, a t-shirt and left.

~Cassie's point of view~
The rays of the sun beat down on my face. The time was 10:00am. My head throbbed. Hangover. I turn around to see Jimmy is gone. I sprung up from the bed and quickly got dressed. I almost fell over as I raced down the carpeted stairs. Lela is sitting on the couch watching TV. Half way down she calls,
"He left,"
The two words were all I needed to bring myself crashing back to reality. I don't even have his phone number. As I let out a sigh I slowly made my way down the rest of the stairs. Despite my raging headache I felt that I needed to talk with Lela. She seemed disturbed.
"What the fuck is wrong, girlie?" I asked trying to get a smile on her face.
"That whole scene from last night," she sighed. "And I can't believe he has a girlfriend." *Lela's phone rings*. Her eyes wondered from me to a picture of my parents wedding photo on the wall.
"Aren't you going to get that?" I asked impatiently. She stared at me blankly so I picked up the phone. Brian.
"Well hello Brian," I answered in my most demented and cheerful voice.
"Um…hey is Lela there?" he questioned in that scared tone meant I guess only for me.
"Yeah, but she's taking a shower right now…a long hot, steamy shower." Lela gave me a piercing look.
"Ok, well just tell her I called and that I really need to talk to her."
"Ok" End of Conversation, I hung up. I looked Lela right in the eye. "You can't ignore him forever, it's too late for that. He's already in your life.

~Jimmy's point of view~
"All right lets go over that track one more time," said our producer. It was Day Two of recording. I was still so hung-over from last night…I can't remember any of it. All I know is that I slept with a girl named Cassie. My head felt like it was about to explode from the sound of my own drums.

~5 hours later~
*the band fooling around together*
"Oh shit what's in the bucket?" Zacky started off the fateful song. Every one joined in.
"What's in the bucket but a bucket of shit and grapes in the mouth, grapes in the mouth make me happy down south." Brian wasn't singing though. I walked over to him. He looked at me with sad eyes.
"I can't stop thinking about her," he said flatly.
"What is this…A Disney movie? Who falls in love with some chick he meets at the mall…Love at first sight is so gay." Johnny had to open his big ass mouth. Brian shot him with bullets from his eyes.
"Fuck up Johnny…your gay," Matt said. "What would you know about falling in love? Has it ever happened to you?" Every one felt bad seeing Syn feel bad.

Back at Brian's apartment Elizabeth was stirring up a plan to keep her man. She had cooked all day, cleaned the house and ran his bath. He was going to be home any minute.
Just as she was getting ready for Brian, he walked in.
"Hey baby I have some plans for us tonight," she said in a naughty tone.
"Um…not tonight babe," Brian didn't even look up to see the pink accented lingerie she was wearing. He just couldn't sleep with Elizabeth. It didn't feel right.

~Elizabeth's Point of View~
I knew it. He was cheating on me. If he wasn't getting it from me he had to be getting it from someone else.
"WHY WON'T YOU FUCK ME!?!?" the words just slipped out of my mouth. A disgusted look came across his face.
"What?" he asked in disbelief. Just then, Brian's phone rings. I snatch it.
"Who the fuck is Lela?" I demanded reading the caller ID.
"My friend," again with the mellow voice thing. Okay I'll fix this Brian. I answer the phone angrily.
"Hello. This is Elizabeth, Brian's girlfriend. Now listen here you little bitch Brian does not need you while I'm here. So why don't you just crawl back underneath your litt-" That bitch hung up on me! Brian snatches the phone, heading over to his drawers on the other end of the room.
"Elizabeth I think we need a brake." He begins getting clothes together.
"Wh-wh-what? What brake? Brian where are you going?" Despite my pleas and cries at the end of the night, Brian walked out the door.

~Cassie's Point of View~
I touch Jimmy's naked chest with one hand and run my other hand through his hair. This was our second time. There was something about him that just made him so fun to be with. It was just fun and that was all I planned on it being. As amazing that Jimmy was…this thing couldn't turn into anything serious.
He leans on me kissing my neck all over, pressing his body against mine. Then just as quickly and suddenly as it started. It ended. Once again I woke up to a bed with just me in it. I walk over to the bathroom. The mirror was fogged and steam filled the room. Did I leave the shower on again? Nope. Without warning Jimmy pops out, naked as the day he was born.
"AAAAAAAHHHHH" I screamed covering me eyes. He just carries on.
"You act like you've never seen me naked before," he smiled. All I could do was laugh and head back to the bedroom.

~Zacky's Point of View~
"So remind me why again you are staying at my house and not Jimmy's" I asked Brian once more.
"Because he's fucking his bitch! Okay? And now Lela won't even pick the phone because of Liz!" Brian yelled in an irritated tone. He was steamed. I decided that it would probably be best not to get under his skin today. Brian looked up at me. "Hey, you wanna see her?"
As we neared the address we began to notice the houses where gradually getting bigger and bigger. When we came to Lela's mansion all I could say to Brian was,
"Wow you scored a rich one." He didn't laugh though. We rang the door bell at the iron gate.
"May I help you?" a voice spoke from the small box.
"Yes we are here to see Lela," Brian replied.
Suddenly the gate opened and we had to walk a ways to the front door. We rang another door bell and this time a big heft black man answered the door.
"Hello how may I help you?" he asked in a deep voice.
"Um…hey is Lela home?" Brian had to stir up the courage to say this. The man gave us both a look and told us to come in. He escorted us to a large sitting room.
"Chandra! Lela has visitors," he bellowed. Just then a normal sized caramel woman came into the room.
"Oh dear god," she mumbled after taking one look at their arms. "I'm Chandra Lela's mom and this is her dad Dr. L, or Dr. Lavorada, or Dr. Frank… What ever you want to call him if there is a doctor in front of it, he's fine with it." She had a wide but fake smile on her face. After we were all acquainted I was excited to see mystery girl.
"Oh Lela, Come down here" Chandra called.
"Coming mother," she said merrily as she flew down the stairs. But then she stopped dead in her tracks after taking one look at me and Brian in her living room.
"What are you doing here?" her sweet expression changed to a low and disappointed tone.
"Lela if you would just hear me out." Brian stood and walked closer to her.
"Hey Zack have you ever golfed?" Dr. Frank sensed that the two wanted to be alone as he led me and Chandra out the door. He gave Brian a little wink before closing the door. I really hopw that my girlfriends dad end up being like that.
Brian rushed over and grabbed Lela.
"Look I didn't want that to happen. Liz just over reacts a lot! Please don't be mad. I can't stand having you mad at me…" At that very moment all the hate and angst melted away from Lela's mind.

~Brian's Point of View~
Here we were in Lela's room. I carried her over to the bed and threw her down. We were now in an endless and passionate kiss. I started at her neck and worked my way down. I ripped off her shirt while she un-zipped my pants. For once in a long time I was actually having sex with a person and it felt right. It was an instant of sheer connection. But unfortunately it ended. Suddenly, as me and Lela were sleeping stilly her father came pounding on the door.
"Lela where is Brian?"
"Um daddy one second!" Lela hopped out of bed and began putting her clothes back on. "Brian get in the closet!" she whispered. I gave her one last kiss and rushed off into the walk in closet.
"Yes daddy?" she opened the door.
"Where is Brian?" He asked walking into the room and looking around.
"He left…While you were golfing" she said in a fake little innocent voice. I had to stop my self from laughing out loud.
"Ok well I guess I'll tell Zacky that." He turned to leave but Lela stopped him.
"Um…daddy? Did you just say Zacky?" Lela seemed confused.
"Oh so I can't be cool?" He chuckled and left the room.
'Okay that was really fucking weird' I thought to myself. Lela helped me out of the closet.
"So where were we," I asked as I continued to move my hands up and down her back.

The next 8 months went by perfectly. Jimmy and Cassie had sex in counting 7 times a week. Brian and Lela had been dating ever since, and Elizabeth and Brian managed to salvage their relationship. But as always happiness never last forever.

Elizabeth knocked on the door to Brian's new address. Luckily Lela was at work. Brian answered the door.
"What are you doing here?" he asked and pulled her in making sure no one was watching.
"Okay Brian you remember our little secret from last week?" Elizabeth asked. He wished he didn't, Brian had gotten really drunk and slept with Elizabeth. If Brian was in his right state of mind he would have never cheated on Lela…He really did love her.
"Yes," Brian stated.
"Well I'm pregnant."

~Brian's Point of View~
There was a moment of silence. I was not like most men; Men who would deny this baby. I knew it was mine. Every one knew Elizabeth was still madly in love with me and she refused to sleep with anyone else…stalker. My head was filled with thoughts and emotions. Hate, Regret, Guilt, Happiness, Pride.
"Are you going to keep it?" I asked as seriously as ever.
"What the fuck kind of question is that? Am I going to keep it? Of course I am! You need to man up and take some responsibility."
"Who the hell are you to tell me about responsibility?" I screamed at her. I was just so angry …and scared. Would Lela leave me? I know she did nothing to deserve this pain I'm about to throw on her, but I also couldn't leave Elizabeth to be a single mother. As much as I hated to admit it I still loved her too. Not as a friend or sister but as a woman and I also respected her. So I knew I had to make a decision. Soon enough Elizabeth left…and Lela came home.
"Lela" I began…"There is something I need to tell you"
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I have this story all planned out this is alot of typing
please comment!
also check out my other story Seize the Day