

17th July, 2005, and Nancy was dead.

I knew why Nancy was dead. I know why Nancy is dead. His name is Gabriel Saporta, and he's the reason that Nancy is dead. He is the reason I am still alive.

Gabriel was all wires when I first met him. I didn't understand a thing he said, the reason he said it, or what he did after it. I tried to follow the wires until I got to a dead end or shocked, trying to unravel what he was. Nancy didn't seem to need to follow the wires. She was ease less in her understanding, which I always found strange because she wasn't very smart. I guessed the bad thing about being smart was that you couldn't understand people like Gabriel.

Gabriel is the reason and Nancy is the victim. I think that was the way it was all along, even before Nancy died. Reason and victim.