Return To Sender


Things inside the house had only intensified, the music only gotten louder as even more dangerous drugs were brought out of hiding and needles were discarded carelessly on the carpet. However, Mikey no longer paid any attention to all this debauchery; he was looking forward to causing some of his own. The mystery man had taken his hand and pulled him through dark hallways and dim rooms, where in the corner people had retreated to create their own little worlds. He struggled fitfully to get a glimpse of the man's face, to see the lips that had created that horribly seductive voice.

But all he saw were arms littered with tattoos, hair that had obviously been self cut and was riddled with different colors. Once or twice the light would reflect off what may have been a lip ring but Mikey was never able to clarify it.

He had no idea the house was so big, nor did he understand how the 'outsider' seemed to know exactly where he was going. Mikey could only let himself be pulled along, going further and further into the center of the house until there were almost no people at all. The music was oddly muffled, the lyrics indecipherable aside from a few snippets of words.

The amount of light penetrating the hallways finally went down to zero, leaving Mikey completely at the mercy of the shadow in front of him. He was starting to realize that maybe this wasn't such a smart idea; following a man he hadn't even properly seen yet into the bowels of a party where no one would hear him scream if his throat was slit.

Out of nowhere, he found himself pressed up against some door that had appeared out nowhere, handle scratching gently at his left hip while his breaths came out faster. He could feel those same lips brushing against his neck and this time, he could definitely feel the small hoop of metal dragging along his skin.

"What's your name?" he asked again, trying so desperately to ignore the little bolts of electricity going right through his body. This wasn't the kind of treatment he was used to; usually he was the one in control of the situation, the dominating one. Never before had he let someone take control his body but there was just something about this guy that was... different.

"Why do you wanna know?" The voice was teasing him now, he could practically feel the smirk in the other man's voice as teeth gently grazed his ear lobe.

"Because..." He let his hands trail cautiously down until he was holding onto two belt loops. "I wanna know what to scream later." This time, it wasn't his breath hitching or his lips uttering a quiet moan and he couldn't help but giggle as he tightened his grip on the belt loops.

"It's Frank." For a second, Mikey mistook the admission as a simple breath but when the name was repeated, a content smirk spread across his face.

"Frank." He let the name pass slowly from his lips, savouring it like a piece of candy. His hands drifted around from Frank's belt loops and settled into his back pockets, pulling them closer together so that the loose threads on their jeans danced together and became intertwined. He was testing the water, seeing how much he could take over before Frank took it all back.

Turns out this wasn't very far at all; with a suddenness that was comparable to a cobra striking it's prey, Frank had opened the door and shoved him inside, his leg snapping back to shut them off from the rest of the world.

The room was the kind of thing you'd see in movies that didn't up being tainted. On the furthest wall there was an aquarium that lit up every corner of the room with eerie blue light, making their shadows as they stumbled across the room appear to be as tall as the ceiling. A few fish swam idly back and forth, the only witnesses to the scene that was about to unfold.

The bed was large with a red silk canopy, the one you recognized from the fairy tales you read as a child. The sheets were also silk or possibly satin, the light from the aquarium reflecting off the spotless white surface. The air in the room was stale, the bed flawless and undisturbed until Mikey's knees collided with the edge of it and he let himself fall, pulling Frank on top of him in a messy whirlwind of sweat and flailing limbs as they struggled to get themselves situated on the slippery sheets.

Even in the brighter environment, Mikey still couldn't make out all of Frank's features; every time he tried to focus in on his face, the shadows would appear to shift or he'd find himself concentrating on more important things. Within seconds, his shirt had been almost literally ripped over his head and thrown away, making his entire body shudder as his bare back slid against the fabric beneath him. While he groped for Frank's, begging to get rid of a layer of boundaries between them, he caught a glimpse of fingers painted with black nail polish, too messy to be stylish.

"Frank..." The name escaped his lips rather loudly for his tastes and he immediately started blushing, the confidence he'd been gathering instantly disappearing. In his ear, he could practically feel Frank's laugh, just as low and seductive as his voice was.

"I haven't even touched you yet and already you're like this?" His fingers were like ghosts nimbly flitting over Mikey's bare skin, dipping under the top of his jeans just long enough to be missed when they were pulled away. Already, Mikey was a trembling mess, a lone bead of sweat sliding gracefully down his temple to be scooped up under Frank's tongue.

Within mere seconds of the bead of sweat disappearing, he could feel Frank's lips pressing against the skin under his belly button, teeth nipping gently at the hyper sensitive skin just above his waistband. Everything was moving too damn fast for him to comprehend; even while he was trying to focus on the little jolts moving through his body as Frank teased his stomach, he became vaguely aware that his belt had gone flying across the room, smacking into the wall with a quiet clink of metal.

The world was spinning and even as he arched his neck back against the pillow, mouth falling open as Frank started paying attention to far more important parts of his body, the thought that he was drugged passed through his mind. It wasn't possible for something like this to feel so damn good; no one could be this talented, talented enough to make every ounce of his body feel like it was in the highest state of utopia.

Coherent thought was no longer an option; Mikey just wanted Frank in every way possible and he wanted him now. Rolling up onto his knees, jeans still unbuttoned, he grabbed Frank's hair and literally pulled him up into a lip bruising kiss, all nipping teeth and pain and lust. The few layers of clothes remaining were completely discarded, disappearing into the dim nooks and crannies of the room.

The party had ceased to exist; all there was left in the world was Frank, Mikey and the bed just waiting to be reminded of what lust really was.


There was no way of knowing what time of day it was, if the party was still going on or if everyone had finally been kicked out. The fish still swam around in the aquarium but to Mikey, it seemed like each one of them was staring at him. The sheets were draped loosely around his waist, just barely covering the most sensitive area of his body. His hair was tangled and knotted and, like the rest of his body, there was still the after musk of sex and sweat lingering on it. Instantly, he sat up and looked around, smirk that had settled there slowly disappearing.

Frank was gone.

All traces of him had vanished, from his clothes on the floor to the indent that should have been in the bed from where he'd slept. It was like he'd never existed at all, that the previous night had been a complete and utter dream.

But Mikey knew it couldn't have been a dream; the pain coursing through what seemed to be every muscle in his body was enough evidence of that. After sitting stationary for almost five minutes, he finally slid out from underneath the sheets and started fetching his clothes, the slow feeling of rejection settling over him like a cloak.

There had been something... different about Frank. Mikey couldn't pin point or put into words what that difference might of been but he just knew it existed. There was no way in hell that he'd just been used... not after an entire night of sex like that. It had been wild and fast and unlike anything he'd ever experienced before and not one moment had seemed like a one-night stand.

As he stepped out into the dim hallway, rubbing his eyes slightly and running a hand through his tousled hair, he became aware that he couldn't hear anything at all. There was no underlying pulse from the bass, no faint snippets of conversation... nothing.

The house was completely dead.

Emerging from the depths into the final, outward layer, there was still no sign of any party goers. Sure, there was plenty of debris left over from the night before; loose particles of cocaine still lying on counters and table tops, stains on the carpets and walls. But where was everyone?

Even as he emerged out into the sunlight, eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the rude intrusion, he heard not a sound that would have signaled life. Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, head down and eyes gazing at his fashionably battered sneakers, he started walking, muttering curses under his breath.

Abruptly, he stopped and pulled his right hand back out, clutching a piece of paper he hadn't noticed before. His fingers were slow and clumsy compared to how fast they'd seemed last night and he nearly ripped it in half before he could read the words scrawled in messy penmanship.

Call me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry late Christmas to all! :)
