‹ Prequel: Screaming Dreams

Whispered Memories

Chapter One.

Forks, WA 2007.
Edward's point of view.

"I despise Spanish," Jasper said as the five of us sat at our usual table in the cafeteria. A few students' eyes still watched our every move, but most lost interest a few months after we moved here. I guess we didn't look as normal as we had hoped. "I have always hated it and I always will," Jasper continued. "I honestly don't see the point in having to learn it. I mean, we already know plenty of languages."

"We have to blend in, remember?" Alice teased. "Normal teenagers need foreign languages to graduate. I thought you were smarter than that." Her smile widened as he faked mock hurt. The table erupted into laughter; Emmett's resembling more of a low growl than a chortle.

"Alice?" Jasper whispered, for Alice's face had gone from her pixie-like smile to a blank expression in only seconds. "What do you see?"

I looked around the cafeteria full of teenagers anxiously; a few eyes were still fixed on our little group. I then looked back at Alice's blank eyes. I knew what she was seeing; I could see it in my mind as well.

After merely a few moments, life flashed back into Alice's features. Her expression was torn between excitement and distaste. "Another group will be arriving soon," she whispered. She then cast a quick glance at each of us, lingering on Jasper.

"Will there be a need to fight?" Emmett growled playfully, flexing the thick bands of muscle around each arm. I couldn't help but snicker as a few of the surrounding students' thoughts flickered to the burly boy within twenty feet of them, terrified of what he may do.

"No," Alice simply stated, causing Emmett's face to fall slightly. Beside him, Rosalie's expression remained indifferent. "They are a peaceful group of four. They should arrive.." she trailed off, searching. "In two days."

I merely nodded; I had no need to ask Alice for more details. Instead, I drifted off, thinking of what the other clan would be like when they arrived. It was always exciting when another group of civilized vampires came across us. It was very nerve-racking as well. However, thanks to Alice and her special "gift", we knew if they caused any threat to us days in advance. If they did present any danger, Emmett's strength, my agility, and Jasper's charisma combined would work well against the menace.


The following two days passed with utmost exhilaration. With each passing moment, Alice's delight rapidly increased. Two members of the approaching clan were girls, one barely seventeen, the other twenty-four. Alice was hoping to find a friend in which she could share her love of shopping.

Everyone seemed to be curious as to when the group would show up and how they would act. Everyone except for Rosalie. She seemed uninterested in the whole issue. My thoughts, and hers for that matter, on her disinterest were that she did not want the newcomers to steal her attention and therefore acted like they would not matter.

Emmett, on the other hand, was almost as eager as Alice. Despite the peaceful nature of the upcoming clan, he was still ready for them to show up. He, like Alice, was hoping to find a new friend, too. However, Emmett's idea of a friend was at the opposite end of the spectrum; he was hoping for someone burly and rough.

The five of us were all sitting in the cafeteria for lunch when Alice had another vision. This time, she told us that they were very close by. They would arrive before nightfall.

Emmett's excitement alone was enough to cheer up the entire table. Though, I was sure Jasper had something to do with that as well.

Alice, however, cast me an uneasy glance. One of the girls, she's your age. And very beautiful. From what I've seen, she's not very close to her partner. Maybe you could… her thoughts trailed off.

I looked at her grimly. I was tired of her, and Esme for that matter, trying to find me a mate. Of course it was because they care for me so, but their effort is now maddening.

It was merely a thought, Alice defended, looking away. She focused her attention on Jasper and started to recite the dictionary. She was hiding something from me.

The rest of the day passed in a lazy haze. Whenever I had a class with Alice, she would focus her thoughts on something trivial and unimportant; something unusual for her. She was obviously still hiding whatever she didn't want me to find out at lunch hour. I shrugged it off as the bell rang, signaling the end of school.

When I pulled into the small meadow surrounding our house, the five of us noticed four unfamiliar cars hiding in the shade of a large cedar tree.

They have arrived, everyone thought at once. And indeed they had.

I exited the car first, followed by Alice, Jasper, Emmett, then Rosalie. We cautiously approached the house, trying to detect any sign of danger. Alice, however, gracefully glided up the front steps and entered the house without a second thought. The rest of us followed in her nimble steps.

And then we saw them. The tall, brunette boy. The short, honey-haired woman. The slightly muscular blonde man. And the slender girl. She was taller than the other girl, and much younger; she seemed to be the youngest of the group. Long locks of wavy chestnut hair framed her perfect, round face. Her golden-tinted eyes locked with mine and I instantly remembered everything. A thousand memories came flooding back to me in a mere second.

Ninety years ago that girl stole my heart. And now, she was back; Amelia was back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here it is. I haven't touched this since January, but I'll try to write on it when I have time. The whole Twilight movie craze really hasn't motivated me. And now, thanks to the movie, when I think of Edward, I see hideous Robert Whatshisface. To me, Edward looks kind of like actor Gaspard Ulliel, fused with the lead singer for The White Tie Affair. I'm too lazy to find pictures at the moment, but that's just a little insight to how I see him. Anyway, enjoy. :]