I'm Holding Every Look

Chapter 2.

"Julian, you can leave now to go to Paramore's set." Ryan said as he approached with Brendon and Carrie, Boys Like Girls' merch girl.

"Want me to give Carrie the run down?" I asked, pulling my crew tag from the back pocket of my skinny jeans and slipping it around my neck. Ryan shook his head.

"Nah, We'll do it." He glanced at Brendon, who nodded rapidly.

"Yeah, go have fun, baby." Brendon grinned.

That's another strange thing with the Panic boys. They all call me either baby or honey. The honey is understandable, lots of people call other people that, but the baby just makes more fans assuming I'm either dating one of them or sleeping with all of them.


None of the above.

"Thank you guys so much!!" I exclaimed, kissing Ryan's cheek, just as Brendon kissed mine.

"Whoa, three-way kiss there." Carrie chuckled, settling herself down behind the table.

"Happens a lot." Brendon shrugged; I punched his arm lightly before pulling my chestnut brown hair into a messy ponytail and slipping on my aviators.

"I'll be back later, thanks so much!" I called as I bounded away from the tent, a grin fully intact on my lips. After showing my pass, I found myself standing practically onstage with Paramore, watching them enter onstage one by one. There were two I hadn't met, the guitarist and the bassist. I couldn't quite see the bassist, but I kept feeling like I had seen him on a magazine or something before.

Yes, I know, it's very odd for the merchandise girl of a sold out band to not know what other bands look like. And the only reason I knew what Panic looked like was because they were my friends from school. Beyond that, I prefer to only buy albums online and not look at the insert, only to concentrate on the music and not the people making it. Because, in the end, that's what it's all about, isn't it? The music?

I firmly believe so.

I crossed my arms across my Third Eye Blind tanktop and watched as the band performed their set. I would be lying to say I didn't like it. Quite the opposite, actually. I was captivated by Hayley's voice, their stage presence, and most of all, by the bassist. I don't know why, but the way he presented himself onstage completely held my attention, and it was hard to tear my eyes from him for more than a minute.

Hayley bounded offstage and engulfed me in a hug. "You came!" She squealed.

Ryan had warned me Hayley was like this, very happy, very huggy, very personable. And while I was sort of opposite - not really enjoying talking to people I don't know, disliking most physical contact except for from people I love, sort of stand offish seeming - I somehow enjoyed Hayley befriending me.

I chuckled. "Yeah, of course, wouldn't miss it." I said, looking over her - she's quite the shortie. She giggled again.

"Hey, come meet Jere and Taylor!" She said, taking my hand and pulling me towards where I saw the bassist and guitarist standing with Josh and Zac.

I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks even before I met him.

"Guys, this is Julian, she's the Panic merchandise girl and the best friend of Ryan." Hayley explained to the two who I hadn't met. "And Julian, this is Taylor - " she pointed to the guitarist," - and Jeremy."


That's a nice name.

I swallowed any fear I might have and stuck out my hand. "Julian, but that's what she said." I didn't realize until after I said it. Josh choked on his water.

There's that blush again.

"I- I, I'm sorry." My eyes grew and I looked to Josh, who was still slightly red. No more red than my cheeks were at that point, I'm sure. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hales, let's keep her."

"God, Josh, you sound like she's a puppy." Jeremy rolled his eyes and then shot a glance at me. I caught his eye and he winked at me.

My eyes shot to the ground.

"But, no, seriously, please hang out with me! I need another woman to be my friend and keep me from the hormonal boys." Hayley looked up at me with huge, unblinking eyes.

I couldn't say no.

And that's how I found myself telling Ryan that Hayley had asked me to crash in their bus until the next stop.