A Fight I Refuse to Lose

Chapter 5

Charlotte's PoV

My brother parks the car a few feet away from the house. He puts his game face on. Pete is definitely serious with this one.

"Are we going to go there yet?" I asked. I'm becoming impatient with all the sitting around for 10 minutes.

"Not yet. Just a couple more minutes, okay? I'm thinking of a plan," Pete smirks.

"I swear, you are so evil."

We waited for a couple of minutes to pass, five to be exact. I'm bracing myself for my brother's utterly bright idea. He clears his throat and the words come out of his mouth like a machine gun.

"Dude, fuck you! Why me?"

"Please, just do it," he pleaded

Obviously, the band he is going to check on is made up of boys. Pete asked me what was I wearing under my red jacket. I told him a pink tank top. He said it would be nice if I take my jacket off and added that he could sense that the jaw of whoever that boy will be will drop because I have a body of a model.

"I would like to correct you. It's an athlete's body, not a model's. Soccer all the was, kid," I said.

I start my mission by walking towards the house while Pete looks for a place to hide near the car. I rang the door bell thrice. There was no answer. I'm starting to get worried that either Pete got the wrong house or there's no one inside. I'm about to turn around when the door opens revealing a pretty boy in pajama pants, only, holing a cup of coffee.

I stand there dumbfounded until the boy waves his hand in front of my face.

"What do you need?" the boy asked.

"Yeah. My car broke down. I'm hoping you could help me," I smiled and bat my eyes. "It's right over there, I pointed to the black beemer with the hood up.

The boy agrees to help me "fix" the car. He invites me to come inside his house and wait there while he throws a shirt on which I gladly accepted.

Okay, I'll be honest here. I did not just got dumbfounded because he's really good looking but also because he does not have a shirt on. I bet that if Pete was there, he would poke my eyes or cover it with his hands.

"Would you like to have something to drink?" the boy asked as he went down the stairs, thankfully, with a shirt on and changed his pajama pants into shorts.

I would love to sit there in his kitchen, have a cup of coffee, and talk to him all day but I need to carry on with this mission Pete gave me. I politely declined his offer and told him that we should go to my car. He opened the door for me and followed my trail to the car.

"May I know your name?" the boy asked.

"Charlotte. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you right now. If you don't want to help me, I can just call a towing service or something," I mentally slap myself. I'm so dumb. I forgot to introduce myself.

"It's okay. I'm happy to help you and you are not bothering me anyway. Where are you from? Do you live somewhere near here?"

"No. I'm from Chicago. So what's your name?" I asked then the unbelievable happens. We haven't been across his front yard when I trip in my own foot. Can I get luckier?

The boy catches me from falling. He lets out a chuckle and a smile, "My name is Ryan."
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An update! Hope you guys like it. I am sorry for the lack of updates for the past couple of days. Anyway, here's the chapter. I'd love to hear from you, the readers. Don't forget to leave a comment. :)