Friends Aren't Always Forever

Ash, a 15 year old trainer has just arrived in the Sinnoh region no less then 6 months ago. After winning all the gym badges in the Johto region, Ash, and his best, and only friend Ken are eager to find out what new surprises await then in the new town. As they walked into the streets of this unfirmilliar place, they are greeted by the smell of exotic street venders, and the tension of trainers who are itching to get a few fights in before they try for the citys gym badge.
  1. Fights, and Fun
    ...Are you as hungry as I am?
  2. Table for Two
    C'mon! Let's eat!
  3. Dreams
    How 'bout this hotel?
  4. That Tragic Day
    This can't be happening...
  5. Renewed Hope
    C'mon, I'll share these with you...
  6. Friends Dont Fight