Friends Aren't Always Forever

Fights, and Fun

It was a beautiful day in Hearthome City. The sky was bright blue with a few small clouds that seemed to make shapes and other odd designs in the blue of the horizon. The air was riddled with wonderful scents of food and other snacks from the shops and stands scattered around the city. Coordinators and trainers usually stopped here for the amazing Pokemon contests held here for some eager trainers to try and win one of the many ribbons offered by these contests, but mainly it is just a passing city in the way of becoming a pokemon master for most trainers.

"Ken! Use fire blast, now!"
I called out to my Typhlosion. The flames on the back of Ken grew in size as he crouched down to all four legs, and then charged up his strength for another power blast of fire to send from his maw to his opponent

"Use hydro pump Shockwave!" the other trainer called out to his Blastoise. The Blastoise quickly revealed the cannons on his back and locked on to its target. The massive tortoise growled as he stared down the opposing Typhlosion.

Both Pokemon had been fighting for at least twenty minutes and each one was showing no signs of fatigue, setting possibly the greatest example of the endurance of a well trained pokemon.

The flames on Ken's back were growing more, and more fiercer as he stared straight back into the eyes of the Blastoise. With no warning Ken stood up on his hind legs and released the blaze of fire from his mouth towards the Blastoise. As Ken fired, so did the Blastoise firing only seconds from each other, making the blasts of water and fire collide in mid air.

Each Pokemon kept up their powerful attack in the struggle of fire versus water. The fire burned away the water causing it to evaporate in mid air leaving no trace to hit the cement below the pokemon. But on the other hand the water stopped the fire from hitting the Blastoise dead on. With almost what it seemed both pokemon had an endless stream of power fueling from their bodies with virtually no signs of stopping.

Ken, being a fire type pokemon was at a disadvantage to the water type Pokemon that the Blastoise is. But somehow it seemed as if the Blastoise was close to giving in, struggling to keep up its hydro pump, as if it's running out of water to continue its attack.

"Now Ken! Finish him off!" a spark lit in the Typhlsion's eye as the fire on his back became brilliantly hot to where you could possibly roast a marshmallow from a few feet away!

"Typhlo!" the mighty Pokemon yelled as the flame bursting from his maw grew twice in size as if he was holding back. The opposing Blastoise struggled to keep the fire from reaching him, but to no avail the powerful fire blast plowed through the giant Pokemon's hydro pump, hitting the tortoise square in the middle of its shell, knocking the Blastoise back almost nine feet. The fire stricken Blastoise attempted to stand back up on its legs, but instead fell back over and blacked out.

"No! Shockwave!" called out the dumbstruck trainer as he raced towards his injured pokemon.

"Shockwave, return!" the trainer pulled out his Blastoise's Poke ball and returned it so it could rest without sustaining further damage.

"Ha-ha! Ken, that was amazing!" I yelled to my Typhlosion, who was catching his breath after his fierce attack. I ran over as fast as I could and I tackled ken to the ground in a kind of bear hug we do to show how amazing something is.

Ken is a 5, 7' Typhlosion. And he weighs about 200Lbs now. Ken and I have been together for almost three years now, we've been together since the beginning, he was my first pokemon, and he still is. I never found any point of catching another Pokemon, because I already have such an amazing one to begin with. I raised ken from when he was a Cyndaquil, to the amazingly powerful Typhlosion he is now. I never really believed in using a Poke Ball to keep Ken in. I always thought it was a little cruel to keep a perfectly fine breathing, living thing trapped in a ball like that all day and only call them out for ten maybe twenty minutes to fight a battle. kind of the reason I've never felt like catching other pokemon. Ken has turned into a very powerful pokemon over the years and has helped me secure all the gym badges in the Johto league, and more recently a few badges in the last towns I was in before coming to Hearthome City.

After burning out the moment of the tackle I just gave to ken I was approached by the trainer who we just beaten

"Wow, your Typhlosion is so powerful!" exclaimed the trainer. The boy was around five feet tall and was maybe eleven or twelve.

I felt a little bad for just completely demolishing this kids poor pokemon, but it was kind of his idea in the first place to fight Ken. I guess because Ken was a fire type he'd have the upper hand in the fight… evidently not.

"Hah, thanks a lot," I replied

"Ken really isn't your Average Typhlosion."

"I'll say! I thought Shockwave would totally beat him because he's a fire type, oh! My name is Max, by the way"

"Nice to meet you, Max. My names Ash."

Max gave me a rather blank stare then practically scanned my figured from head to toe, then gave me another weird look.

"Ash? Ash Ketchum?! Wow you're a lot different then what people say you look like!" the boys face completely went white as if he's seen a ghost.

"Huh? Oh! Wait, no I'm not that Ash!" I looked at ken for a second and we both proceeded into a bit of a laugh.

"Same name, Different look," I commented, pointing to the brown fedora that I was wearing on my head. I was also wearing a brown leather jacket that almost matched my hat.

"Ohh, my mistake then!" Max clumsily said, giving off a kind of an embarrassing blush as he said it.

I could see Ken about to burst out laughing at how dumb this little kid was. But I kind of gave him a motion with my hand to lighten up a bit. He gladly obliged.

"So, where are you headed too?"

"Well, Ken and I were thinking about hitting route 212 to get to Pastoria City, you?"

"Oh really? Shockwave and I were just about to travel to Solaceon Town, would you care to join us?" Max kindly asked.

I looked over my shoulder too see Ken, staring down a concession stand for the food. That fight wasn't much of a workout for his standards, but we really haven't eaten since around 7:00am this morning and its getting close to around 1:30pm… I was getting a bit picky too, at the moment.

"Ouch, that's kind of in the opposite direction… that would really throw us off course if we traveled with you," I said as I tried to talk him out of it.

I really didn't care of going to Pastoria, it's just the thought of traveling with an eleven year old… just the shear thought is driving me insane. He'd probably try and make a conversation every 15 flipping seconds! If I didn't kill him by the end of the day, Ken would.

"Aww, that's too bad, Shockwave and I have been dieing for a little bit of company for a while," Max said with a bit of a disappointed tone in his voice.

"Hah, I bet you have you twit," I thought to myself, letting out a bit of a smirk as it passed by.

"Well, we're going to head out; I'm going to have to stop by a poke center on the way there though, ha-ha!" Max said, laughing to himself as he walked off into the distance.

"Oh! Ash, one more thing before you go, Make sure you watch out on Route 212, I heard it's pretty rough out there!"

"Okey-dokey, thanks for the warning!" I said watching Max walk off into the distance.

Ken casually walked over to me from scoping out the nearest stalls for food.

"Jesus Christ… I thought that kid would never leave! It was just yada yada yada blah blah blah!"

Ken looked at me for a second, and then started to chuckle a bit, but that was soon interrupted by the sound of something growling, as if we stepped on something and angered it.

"Ken, was that your stomach?" I looked Ken in the face; it was like he was about keel over from starvation.

" Ken, I'm sorry. If I knew you were that hungry, I would have ditched that little jackass sooner! Come on, let's go get something to eat, I'm sure we find something that we all like!

"Phlosion!" Ken exclaimed as his face practically lit up with excitement at the thought of filling his gut with the wonderful aromas of the town's stalls and goodies.

And as quick as that we both walked off to the nearest café to find something to eat, and possibly some sweets to break our teeth on.
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My first chapters finally done :)!
It may be a little long for you short story loving mibbians, but just give it a try :p

Chapter 2 soon to come! make sure to subscribe to see when I stick it on.