Friends Aren't Always Forever

Table for Two

As Ken and I walked down the streets of the city, we couldn't help being hypnotized by the amazing smells of the concession stands and other stalls scattered across the streets. Hotdogs, crepe stands, and candy stands too. It was too the point I was so hungry I really didn't care what I ate, but I'd prefer to hit a café and sit down and eat with Ken.

We walked around town for around twenty minutes when we finally found a restaurant to eat at. The sign outside the building said Café pokemon with its logo engraved on it.

"Come one, Come all! Join us in a wonderful dinning experience; involving the freshest of food! With our exotic mix of Wild berries, human, and pokemon menu, we'll be sure this will be one experience, you'll never forget!"

"Café pokemon? How original," I said to Ken trying to get a laugh out of him, but all I received as a depressed sounding "Phloooo," I've almost forgotten it's been almost half an hour since our fight and Ken was starving then. I bet if I held still long enough he'd try and eat me instead!

"C'mon Ken, let's stop here for a while and pig out!" Kens mood suddenly perked straight up and he practically pushed me out of the way to get into the door before I could.

As we walked through the Glass doors of the restaurant I noticed that the floor was covered in hay, kind of like a barn. But I quickly overlooked that too notice the waitresses bringing out these monstrous plates of food and other wonderful things that it made Ken so excited to where he couldn't stay in one spot. We waited for about another five minutes and were approached by one of the servers.

"Hi-ya! Welcome to Café pokemon, will you be dining with your pokemon today?" the cute little waitress asked.

"Yes, please!" as I replied to her as she was staring over to ken.

"Aww! What a cute Typhlosion!" she said almost squealing. She reached her hand over to Ken's head to try and pet his head but was stopped short by Ken blowing a ring of smoke from his nostrils to her face causing her to cough a little bit. After we looked at each other and smirked she showed us to our table.

The table was a bit strange. The table was a lot lower than a normal dining table, standing about a foot and a half off the ground. I guess because so the pokemon can get to their food easier. And instead of chairs it had these large pillow like cushions to sit on, witch furthered my theory of making it easier for the pokemon.

As we sat down the waitress quickly appointed us.

"So what will you cute little pair have to drink today?"

"Ice water would be fine for me, how about you, ken?"

"Ty-Ty!" Ken quickly agreed.

"Hmm, would you like to try our new 'Pika-blast' energy drink?" she quickly asked obviously trying to get a co-sale.

"Sure, why not? We'll take two!"

Ken's eyes quickly lit up with the thought of this exotic drink. Ken wasn't used to drinking anything other than water. Or sharing a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew I'd usually get every now and then to celebrate with.

A few minutes after ordering our drinks the waitress brought back a glass and a bowl for Ken. The bowl and glass was filled with a strange, electric blue slushy drink, topped with a small umbrella with the face of a Pikachu, and Raichu on it.

"Here are your menus, by the way. I'll be back in about five minutes to take your orders," she said, then scurried off.

For a few seconds I examined the glass wondering what it tastes like.

" Well, this is interesting," I remarked.

Ken was the first to try the strange blue drink. As he stuck his snout into the bowl to lap up the drink, just as fast as he stuck his head into the bowl he swung his head back out with a sharp "Phloo!" I could see the tears in his eyes as he let out a small puff of fire from his mouth while his cheeks puckered in a bit.

"What's wrong? Is it gross?"

Without heeding Ken's previous warning I took a rather large swig of the energy drink, and was completely unaware of what I've gotten myself into.

"Sweet Jesus! It's so sour!" the slushy sent a shockwave through my entire body as if I got hit with a thunderbolt from a Pikachu! And I almost choked me because of how unbelievably sour it was. It tasted as if it was made from Rawst, and Aspear berries, both extremely sour and bitter. But after the sour wore off it had a very sweet taste, kind of like an Oran berry and Pecha berry mix.

Ken and I stared at each other for a second, and then started laughing as hard as we could. Things like these are what show how great of friends we've become over the years. After recovering from the shock, we both started chugging our Pika-blasts as fast as we could; getting a nice little buzz after each drink we took.

After finishing our first Pika-Blast we decided to order from our menus. The menus were pretty easy to pick from seeing how they were basically just pictures and a few details.
I saw that Ken had his eyes on the Magikarp over a kind of kibble served with a side of puffins. I myself was anxious to find out how these pancakes with Leppa, and Nanab berries on top. Ken and I love Leppa berries, it's our favorite mid-day snack, I always have a few dozen on me, come to think of it I still have around thirteen left in my backpack. It may seem a bit silly ordering pancakes when it was nearing close to 2pm, there's always time for pancakes!

The waitress came back a few minutes later then she said she'd be back, but I didn't mind that much. She took our orders then ran off to send them to the kitchen. While we were waiting Ken was licking his bowl clean from where he had his slushy as if he wanted more, a lot more. I stared at the strange Typhlosion for a second then took off my hat and jacket off and laid it next to me on the hay showing the plain white shirt I was wearing. Ken then proceeded to take his bowl he was drinking from and place it on his head in some kind of drunk caffeine manner and started to make a face across the table to me.

"Hah! Ken you idiot, get that off your head!" I exclaimed laughing as hard as I could. Ken laughed with me but instead of taking the bowl off his head he decided to blow smoke rings across the table to me, causing me to cough from the smoke.

"Ken, don't make me jump over this tab- -"just before I was about to finish our waitress came with our food.

"Here we are!" she said setting our food on the table for us. "Wilderness pancakes for the handsome young trainer, and the Magikarp special for the cute little Typhlosion! Would you like a refill on your Pika-blasts?"

"He would, but I'll just take a glass of water, if that's okay?"

"No problem! I'll be right back," said the waitress

Ken wasted no time diving into his Magikarp… it was kind of a harsh reality seeing it, a pokemon eating a pokemon… but I guess that's how it goes in this world, eat, or be eaten.

I took my fork and picked up one of the Leppa berries off my pancakes… it was to die for, they were almost perfectly ripe, not to mention the Nanab berry was just at the peak of flavor. And the pancakes themselves, good god, they were so sweet they didn't even need any other syrup besides the sauce made from the berries that was poured across the top. Just as I took my first bite from my pancakes the waitress came back with another Pika-Blast for Ken, and he dove straight into it. It was a little embarrassing looking at the Typhlosion's Cream colored fur around his face turned bright blue, not to mention his tongue and teeth.

I couldn't help but laugh as Ken started getting a bit jittery as the caffeine finally started to kick in on him… I'm just wondering when he's going to hit the deck from the inevitable crash that's in store for him, maybe I should tell him…Wait, nah its more fun this way.

After finishing our lunch… or breakfast in my case we waited for the nice waitress to come back and give us our check

"Wow ken that was the best food I've had in a while, what you think?"

I quickly looked over to Ken… he was fast asleep with his head on the table! I knew that crash would hit him eventually. Watching him sleep was kind of funny, seeing him drool on the table while he snored as loud as possible. Just before I was about to wake him up our waitress came back to the table.

"Hey again, here's your bill," she said while picking up our plates.

The check was for $23.89, not as much as I thought it'd be for that Magikarp.

"Excuse me, but could I get another glass of water really quick?"

"Sure thing! I'll be right back," said the waitress, and scurried off

I stood up from the cushion I was sitting on and slipped on my jacket, and my hat and pulled out my wallet from my back pocket of my jeans and put $30.00 on the table.

"Here's your Ice water!" the waitress said with a smile on her face.

"Why thank-you" taking the glass out of her hand with a smirk on my face. And then I walked up to Ken from behind and got right up to his ears.

"Wake up sleepy head!" I yelled as loud as I could as I poured the glass of water on top of Ken's head.

"Ty?! Typhlo!" the confused Typhlosion completely panicked as the ice cold water poured onto his furry head. He jumped on top of the table with his blue teeth bared out. He began to charge for an attack causing the fire on his back to grow in size and evaporate some of the water off his back. I couldn't help myself from laughing! I laughed so hard and how ridiculous Ken looked, as he was soaking wet and a completely blue muzzle.

"Ha-ha! C'mon Ken; let's head out to a hotel and crash for the rest of the day."

Ken didn't look too happy after I dumped that glass of water over his head, but he'll live…After paying the bill we decided to walk out of the restaurant and try and find a hotel to crash in until tomorrow so we can head off to Pastoria City.

It was getting close to 4:00pm, and we've been wandering around town for about 10 minutes looking for a hotel, when we stumbled across a poke mart.

"Hey look Ken; let's stop here really quickly so I won't have too in the morning."

"Ty!" ken gladly agreed and we both walked into the poke mart. The shop was a pretty average sized store. It was riddled with lots of junk food, refrigerators filled with snacks and other mindless goodies. As ken got distracted and walked one direction I walked towards the desk I was quickly greeted by the cashier.

"Hi there, what can I do for you?"

"Hey there, I'm looking for a few bottles of repel and an antidote… got any in stock?"

"Sure do!" the cashier quickly pulled out a brand new box of repel from under the counter and opened it up and placed three spray bottles in front of me he also reached behind him to the cabinet and pulled out a spray bottle of antidote. As I was waiting for him to ring up the cans I looked around the counter and saw a few dozen lighters in a box.

"Hey, can you throw in one of those lighters too?" the cashier looked at me strange as if I was crazy. Then I caught him staring at Ken who was in the back looking at the magazines in the racks.

"Is that yours?" he said pointing towards my Typhlosion.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's a fire type pokemon, why do you need a lighter?"

I stared completely dumbstruck at the stupidity of the man standing behind the desk.
"Are you serious," I thought to myself.

I looked at Ken; he was looking at the Pokemon Weekly magazines. Although he couldn't read that well he still enjoyed looking at the pictures, as I did. I looked back at the cashier and said.

"Have you ever tried lighting a camp fire with a flame thrower attack? when I'm in a forest, I try to light a camp fire… not a forest fire."

The cashier looked around the room as if he was thinking for some reason, I don't understand why he had to question what I'm buying, why couldn't he just sell it to me for god sake.

Then without any further question he picked one of the lighters out of the box and added to the bag of repels. "That'll be $18.89" I quickly gave him a $20 and grabbed the bag off the counter and called over to Ken that I'm leaving.

"Thank-you, come again!" said the cashier as I was walking towards the door.

"Thanks jackass."



after saying that, the man behind the counter looked very confused as if he didn't understand what happened. With a heavy sigh I walked out of the store and looked at ken over my shoulder.

"I hate stupid people."

Ken laughed a bit, bearing his teeth in a smile. Showing, that that they were still a bright shade of blue.

"Ken… brush your teeth when we get to the hotel, okay?"

Ken looked at me with an odd stare then chuckled as we walked off to find a hotel
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2 of Friends Arent Always Forever.

It's a bit longer than chapter 1 but it's worth it ;)

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