Love Is A Dirty Word



So this par-tayyy is off da ch-ayn. OHHHH MY GOD IS THAT CHACE CRAWFORD? IS IT? OHHHH MY GOD IT IS. &#()#@(#&$(.

Yeah, I’m ashamed that I thought that too. I trekked past all the dick-licking hoes and sat down next to Chace like I didn’t know he was there.

Laadiiidaaaa, What a nice view of the window opposite of CHACE CRAWFORD.

THIS IS AGONY! I want to whip around and say “OMG YOU‘RE CHACE CRAWFORD I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH.” but I‘d say that I‘m restraining myself well.

Oh. Look. A bird, that isn’t as pretty as Chace.


“Ohh hi,” I said, turning around to face him. He’s. So. Fucking. Hot.

Am I melting? Yep. Pretty sure I am.

“Hey,” he smiled in this sexy half-smile AT ME and handed me a wine cooler. Strawberry flavor…ICK. OH WELL.

“…aren’t you on that gossip show?”

“Gossip Girl?”

“That’s the one!” I am so fucking lame. LAME. LAME. A four year old with down syndrome could have thought of something better than that!

“Aren’t you on that runway in Milan?” he asked. OHHH MI GAWD.

Did he just call me pretty!?

Or does he really think I’m a model? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HE THINKS!

“Haha, no,” I said, pretending to have trouble opening the fancy wine cooler bottle.

“Oh, well, you look like you should be,” he winked. There’s a little version of me running around inside my head right now going “AAAAHHH” and running in circles and smacking their head into walls.

I glanced up and saw Sequoia with Chad…awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

He better not be a douche. Hmph.

Chace moved like he was going to open the bottle for me but moved closer....closer....what the fuck? Why is he so close? I don't mind but why?...and then he fucking kissed me! *(#&$@(^&(Q#

That little version of me is having a bout of epileptic shock and will be back after 4-5 day's hospital rest.
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chacccceeeeee. Image

I"m SORRY ITS SO BIG BUT.................OH MI GAWWD. --vamppy