I Was So Blind. Now I Finally See.

Alison's POV

"No! SNOW!" I called. I was in a twoel.. Seriously.. I just got out of the shower and snow bolted under neath my bed..

"Uhh. FINE! If you're not out when I get back in here. You're not going to come run errands with me this morning," I threatened. I pulled out an outfit and changed. I put on my make-up too going over what I just said to my dog.. I scowled him like a little kid! I'm crazy, I thought and walked out. Snow was sitting on my bed by my purse..

"Oh so you're going to be a good girl?" I asked and she barked..

"Good. Then you can come with mommy on errands," I cooed picking her and my purse up. I slid ony my shoes and grabbed my keys.. Connor appeared..

"Hey babe, where are you going?" he asked as I smiled..

'I'm going to the studio to set up a time to record our Cd, heading to the store to pick up a few items, and then I have a meeting with me manager about the next tour." I said and he groaned..

'Can't Dill or Ty take care of those?" he asked wrapping his arms around me..

'No.. They already did it before and it's my turn anyways, have a guys day with the guys. I'll be back later," I said kissing him then walked out of the room and ran into Kevin.

"Sorry," i muttered as Snow whined..

"My fault," he said. Of course.. Using you're charm wouldn't get me back buddy! But that cute pout will. I thought then shook my head.

'I'll be back later," I said and walked into the ktichen..

"Need anything while I'm gone?" I asked but everyone shook their heads no..

"Okay. I'm out." I said and I heard DIll and Tyler yell bye. I walked outside to my truck. What? I'm a Texas girl at heart, I guess.

I opened the passenger door and let Snow in the front seat floorboard.. I shut the door and walked over to the drivers side. I got in and put Snow in the seat. She looked so tiny in it! I took a picture with my camera. I drove to the store first and grabbed the things I needed then went to the studio.

I got out, leaving the windows rolled down a little," Do you want to come or stay?" I asked but Snow laid down in the seat..

"Okay.. I'll be right back," I said and she barked. I swear that dog is smart!
I got out and locked my beloved puppy inside then walked into the studio..

"Well it isn't the fire herself," Trent said smiling..

"Nice to see you Trent," I said smiling as I sat down. He sat down by me and handed me a calendar.

"What about the 15?" he asked but I shook my head..

" I'm taking the girls to Paris.. What about the 18th?" I asked but he shook his head.

"I have another band coming in.. The 22?" he asked and I thought about it..

'Nothing's going on.. Okay. We'll come in the 22. Thanks Trent," I said hugging him. he hugged me and smiled..

'Have fun in Parie!" he said and I smiled. I walked out and saw 3 guys around my truck..

"Dude. I'm telling you it's a mens car!" one exclaimed and the tall one laughed..

'I think it's a chick driver," he said and they shook...

'We'll wait and see," the small one said as the other one just rooled his eyes not wanting to get involved. I rolled my eyes with him and started walking over..

"Hey miss? Do you know whose car this is?" the short one asked and I smirked..

"It's my truck actually," I said and they looked at me in disbelief. I shrugged and hit the unlock button on the truck and opened the door then climbed in.. I shut it and locked it and left for the meeting. GREAT!

I arrive and carried Snow in with me. I walkd straight into the office and Tony, the guy that gets the bands for us, was sitting at the table. I sat down in front of him..
We agrued for 3 hours on the band going on tour with us.

'Okay. How about Theory of a Deadman?" he asked..

"Never," I said and he groaned..

"I have only 3 m,ore bands. and if you don't choose I will," he said and I nodded..

"Jonas Brothers, Tokio Hotel, or Linkin Park." he said and I groaned.

Linkin Park and Fire and Ice are fighting, Tokio Hotel... Nothing against them but I don't like their music and... That only leaves one band that I can put up with..

"Jonas Brothers," I said without hestiation. He looked at me and nodded.. He marked out the other two and circled Jonas Brothers.

"I'll give them a call now," he said and I nodded... What did I just get us into? I thought as I drove home...
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