I Was So Blind. Now I Finally See.

Kevin's POV

While Joe walked into one of the stores and I already been in there. I walked around and went into another store..

I looked around and I finally found the perfect one for Alison.. It was a beautiful ring.. it was perfect..

"How much is that ring?' I asked and the man smiled..

"65,000. It has many Diamonds in it." he replied and I handed him my credit card..

'Can you inscript names?" I asked and he nodded..

"Put.. Aly, I love you forever Kevin," I replied and he nodded and took it to the back..

~!~ Aly's POV

"Let's what a movie!" I said hyperly!...Okay, Maybe 4 monsters was a bad idea..

"Alison Maria Daniels. You calm the hell down!" Tyler said but I shook my head.
Dillon ran after me and I ran..

I had WAY too much energy..

"MARIA! CALM DOWN!" Dillon yelled..

"Ouch middle names?" I smirked and ran off the bus and ran into Kevin.. Whoops!
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Kelsey's turn! Comments are wanted please :)

--- Meggie