I Was So Blind. Now I Finally See.

Tyler's POV

I jolted awake looking quickly around the room. I first noticed I was in a hotel and second that I had strong, bare arms around me. My eyes followed the arms up to shoulders, then up to a perfect little curly haired head. My lips pulled up into a smile. I yawned and wiggled my way out of Nick's super tight grip on me. I slipped on his white button shirt and walked into the bathroom on the other side of the room. I looked in the mirror at myself. I looked utterly the same as I did three months ago. Which made me wonder why I still looked pregnant? The strange thing was it was true. I heard moving in the next room. Then a muffled,
"Tyler, where are you?" Nick was looking for me. Ran to his side and kissed his forehead. "There you are. I missed you."
"I have a serious question for you." I stood up straight and turned sideways. "Tell me, do I still look pregnant?" He sighed.
"Tyler don't start this... wait." He moved suddenly to my and felt my stomach. "It's bigger than before. I'm calling your brother." He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. He spoke quickly through. He made a few other calls. "Get dressed." He stood and searched for clothes and went into the bathroom where I heard the shower running. I got some clothes and walked in behind him.
"Do you think the doctors lied to us?" I asked sitting on the counter.
"Yes and if you are still pregnant then we can press a lawsuit. Do you need to shower?" He replied sticking his head out of the shower. I nodded and smiled at him. He motioned for me to get in. I shrugged off his shirt and stepped in. We quickly showered and then dressed. I had just finished as a knock came at our door. I heard the door open and then close, a few whispers. Someone stood in the door of the bathroom. I turned and saw my older brother his red hair looked shriveled and his eyes where red. My face dropped, something happened.
"What's wrong?" I questioned as I stepped forward and hugged him.
"I've been hectic lately with all the kids. Oh I forgot to tell you, Ryan had the baby. Then she told me it wasn't mine and left to be with the father, but she left the baby." He motioned to the baby carrier Nick was talking to. "I thought that since you may or may not be pregnant that you could keep her. I can't see her everyday with out feeling betrayed."
"Of course with Nick's permission. Even if I'm still pregnant, I'd keep her." I answered him and looked at Nick who was smiling at the small baby.
"I'm good with it." Nick again smiled this time at me. Dan catching me of guard felt my belly. He pushed on it multiple places.
"It feels like your pregnant, but a ultrasound can confirm. I wouldn't do anything about it until we are back home in a few weeks for Christmas and I can get a hold of my equipment in Britain. P;ease don't tell mom about the baby being mine make up a lie." Then my brother just walked out of the door leaving a baby and a bag on my bed. I now find myself as a new mother. I grinned at Nick and spoke clearly.
"We need to go shop-" I winced and spoke through my teeth. "Nick we've got a problem."
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I missed you too Meggie *hugs back* I liked this chapter. :D
<3 Kelsey