It Had to Be a Scary Movie


Jessie decided to have a sleepover on our day off. Jess, Erin, and I were at Jessie’s house, hanging out in the living room while Kelly was deciding on a movie for us to watch. I waited anxiously as she deliberated between a zombie movie and a movie about puppets, both would scare me senseless. Finally she chose the zombie movie and popped it into the DVD player. Everyone got settled around the room, Jessie and Erin on the blue couch, Jessie with her laptop; Kelly on her sleeping bag with her cell phone as she texted; Jess on the floor next to her, she had a Harry Potter book out to distract her from the movie; and I was on the blue armchair, my notebook open on my lap.

The opening credits of the movie started to show the title, Dawn of the Dead. Before it could get any further I turned away and faced the sliding glass door. There weren’t any curtains so I could out into the backyard, the sky was dark and the rain came down slowly in a light drizzle though later on tonight we were supposed to get a huge downpour. I snuggled deeper into my cuddle wrap as the actual movie started.

The zombies started from a disease, that’s what I knew from my mom watching it. I don’t know how everything started; I just focused on writing my story. Turning away from TV didn’t stop me from hearing the sounds of death, destruction, and mutilations. Then there were Kelly and Jessie’s commentary that no one could stop.

“Did you see that?” Kelly asked excitedly as a loud gunshot went off. “That guy just lost his head!”

“Yes, we can see,” Jessie laughed.

“It got blown right off! That’s so cool!”

I just kept writing and tried to drown out the noises as more people were killed and turned into zombies. At one point there was no more screaming or crashes so I looked up and regretted it instantly. On the screen was a close up of a blood stained man who had multiple cuts all over him, sharp jagged teeth, and no sense in his eyes but craziness and hunger, a zombie. He was just beginning to devour his next victim, a pretty little blonde who was screaming endlessly but did nothing to run away, of course. I jumped as he tore her throat out and I turned away quickly, stifling a scream. Kelly was cheering the zombie on and Erin was making a face at the screen.

I didn’t want to watch but every so often I would turn around when I thought it was safe, when it was quiet or Kelly wasn’t cheering, I usually regretted it. The parts were always bloody and someone was either dead, dying, or about to be killed. There was a long moment when it was quiet except for the main girl who was talking. I slowly looked up at the screen and saw the girl hiding out with a man she had met; they were trying to find a way out of the zombie infested town. It was too quiet and still for this movie, I knew something was going to happen. They were getting weapons ready and piling them in a fast car filled with gas that was conveniently left in the abandoned garage. They jumped in the car and waited. The TV was quiet and then suddenly the zombies broke into the garage right as the thunder and lightning storm started. I jumped a mile in the chair, much to everyone’s amusement. The gory zombies were still on the screen, attacking the car as it sped out of the garage so I hid my face behind my notebook. That didn’t help at all. I think Kelly hired the volume a little so I could the full effect of the death noises as the main characters shot away at the zombies. Each scream, gunshot, and gurgled throat noise from the zombies caused me to cringe and everyone’s talking still didn’t help.

The movie finally finished at two in the morning, Kelly and Jessie had fallen asleep so Jess put a Disney movie on for the rest of us to fall asleep to. I made it through half the movie before closing my eyes and falling into a nightmare. The zombies were an army chasing me through the burning streets; their blood stained teeth were bared as they ran faster and faster and the fastest I could run was that slow dream speed. They corned me in an alley way, what a cliché way for my dream-self to be killed by zombies. As they jumped toward me with their clawed hands outstretched I jolted awake, making the chair rock slightly.

Everyone was still asleep, Kelly’s phone glowed blue to show a new text had come in. I reached over to the coffee table for the DVD player remote, the Disney movie had finished and the menu was on repeat, playing the same thirty seconds of song over and over. I pressed play and grabbed Jess’s book. Snuggling myself deeper into my cuddle wrap I read Harry Potter and watched the same movie two times. I couldn’t fall back asleep, every time I tried or my eyes started to fall a little the zombies were there waiting to attack. I was still awake when Jessie’s parents woke up at seven and I stayed sitting on the chair, never moving from my spot, until eight in the morning when everyone started to wake up one by one. None of them had a nightmare from the movie and they got a kick out of it that I did but that night when I went home my computer was kept on for some light and every window and door was locked to keep the zombies out.
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If you have any suggestions on how to make it better they would be greatly appreciated.