Nightingale Academy

First Day

When I told Amaranth that I wasn't nervous yesterday, I had been completely honest. Right now, I wasn't so sure.

I tried my best to ignore the stares I was getting from random people in the halls. I itched to ask Amaranth why they were glaring at me. I lightly touched my cheek, thinking that some food from breakfast could still be on my face.

I felt a large hand press itself on my back. My head jerked up to meet Amaranth's gaze and he smiled reassuringly. He leaned down to my ear until I could feel his cool breath on my neck. “The staring will pass. They're just interested in the new girl.”

He ruffled my hair slightly and opened the door to our first class. He held it open for me and I stepped in. He led me to the back of the classroom. The last row in the back of a class wasn't exactly a place I was accustomed to, but the windows were open wide, sunshine seeping through the glass and into the room. It was bright and the natural light kept my eyes awake.

Amaranth sat in the desk next to me and smiled. His skin subtly glowed in the sunlight and I raised a brow. Since when was it normal for people to glow at the touch of a sun ray? I looked down at my own arms. Not glowing. The bell rang, signalling the start of class should be ringing any minute now. I noticed that most of the kids in the class were also glowing. I think I may have woken up to the Twilight Zone.

The bell rang and a man with ink black hair walked in. He wore black pants and a black vest. Despite the dark attire, his skin looked slightly bronzed rather than the ghastly pale that most people wearing black have.

The man grinned at the class and introduced himself as Mister Debell, our English teacher for this year. As sinister as the aura surrounding him was, one look into those glowing amber orbs of his and I knew I was safe. Kind of reminded me of someone.

I looked back at Amaranth and caught him watching me. Again.

His elbow was propped against his desk, an adorable smile on his face as he held his head up with his palm. I blushed and smiled back. My gaze hesitantly averted itself back to the front of the class but I still felt his eyes on me.


Amaranth walked me to my second period class like a fine gentleman. He let go of my hand in front of the gym doors and brushed my bangs out of my face before turning around and walking towards his class. Blushing, I turned towards the large double doors and took a deep breath. This was one of the two classes that I didn't have with Amaranth, Azure or Haven. I bit my lip and pushed the doors open.

The size of the gymnasium still overwhelmed me. Could it be possible that it grew overnight? It was highly unlikely yet I felt even more inferior as I stared at the unfamiliar faces.


I heard my named over the rest of the chatter. I spun toward the voice and watched Wynona running towards me. I'm not as comfortable around her as I am with Azure and Haven, but I couldn't be anymore relieved to see her than I am now.

“Oh, am I happy to know you have phys. et. with me . I thought for sure that I would have to endure second period all alone. But seriously, who in their right minds would give teenagers gym class second period? It is way too early for our muscles and brains to function....”

I rolled my eyes at her drivel and smiled as she talked. Personally, she was too much of a chatterbox for me to have normally considered hanging out with her, but once she's off her sugar rush, she's quiet the shy person. I'll have to remember to keep the pixie stix away from her tomorrow morning.

A whistle blew from one side of the room and bounced off the walls several times before all the students had finally quieted down. My ears rang long after the echo affect had ended and I grimaced as two gym teachers called for attention.

Orientation on the first day was similar to that of my old school's. The coaches talked and teased and prattled and whined all through the hour while the students situated themselves on the bleachers and relaxed. A few students paid attention and laughed or chuckled at the jokes the coaches shot at each other and other students. Others plugged their ipods into their ears and closed their eyes. After all, gym is just nap time for those who aren't interested in athletics. As for me....Well, I had to endure Wynona's constant talking. She had been told to quiet down by at least one of the coaches five times already but she continued on. I sighed and lightly rubbed my temple with my fingers.

Moments later, a warm hand touched my shoulder and I jerked away, opening my eyes. Amaranth knelt on the bleacher below me with a concerned look. “You alright?”

I blushed. “Oh, yeah. Wynona just wouldn't stop talking and I got a headache.” I blushed again, feeling guilty for calling Wynona annoying.

Amaranth chuckled and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. That was when I noticed we were the last left in the gymnasium.

“The bell rang?” I asked, descending the bleachers cautiously. I've been known to trip and fall down these things before. I felt better with Amaranth's hand holding me up though.

He chuckled again and nodded. “Five minutes ago.”

“Oops.” Not embarrassing at all. He must think I'm such a child. No wonder he came to escort me to our next class. He probably knew I would pull something like this.

“We'll get to class on time anyway. After this hour, we have lunch, which is just dandy because I'm starving.” He rubbed his stomach for effect and smiled down at me.

I grinned, thinking about the assorted fruits in the kitchen. It was enough to make my stomach turn and flutter.

Amaranth held the door open for me again. He slid in behind me and led me over to the back where Azure and Haven were already seated. I slid in next to Azure and Amaranth took the seat in front of me and next to Haven.

“How were your first two classes, Lilith?” Azure politely asked.

“They were...productive.”

Amaranth chuckled and turned in his seat to look at the two of us. “Especially when she caught some extra sleep during gym.”

Haven waved his comment away with a flick of her wrist and smiled at me fondly. “That's my girl!” She announces proudly. “For humans, physical education is just pointless! Especially when they don't even like sports or physical activity. Why force them into these kinds of things?” Haven shook her head and shrugged. “I tried. Didn't I, Azure? I sure did. I said, Headmaster, don't these kids have enough of stress? Now you're going to make them self-conscious of their bodies as they run laps around that lame track of theirs?”

Haven rambled on about the pointless gym classes and certain words stuck out at me. She said humans in such an unusual way; as if describing a species or group that she didn't fit into. Like a label. She continued hinting that she didn't reside in the group by her choice in words. She kept saying “them” and “these kids.” I scrutinized the hidden meanings behind her rant as Azure and Amaranth shot her glares and pinched her arm which she either didn't notice or chose to ignore.

The bell rang and cut off Haven's monologue as we positioned ourself comfortably, waiting for the next hour to fly by. I stared at the back of Amaranth's head and watched him scribble around the border of his dark green notebook. He would glance back at me and catch me staring. He would smile and I followed up with a blush. He'd go back to his scribbles and I would stare on. I internally giggled to myself; the tables have turned.

I glanced at the clock. Half an hour more and I could stare at Amaranth at my own leisure in the cafeteria.

“So that's the overview of this year,” the history teacher concludes and plasters a serious and menacing expression on his face. “And as for me as your teacher and a personal companion in our Academy, I'm generally a nice person and I won't give any of you trouble as long as you respect me the way I respect you and do your work. You slack in my class and I become your worst nightmare. I don't care who or what you are as long as you do what is expected of you.” Mister O'Conner stands in front of the class room, his tie tucked tightly around his neck and his face serious and commanding respect. He looked malevolent.

My breath caught in my throat and I felt my heart rate go up. A few students, including Azure, Amaranth and Haven, turned to look at me. My face must be turning red from lack of oxygen and I felt myself getting light headed. O'Connor's mouth then twitches and he smiles wide, his eyes dancing. He chuckles and I fully let the breath I was holding in out. My brains begs for oxygen and I close my eye and rub my temples to give it what it needs. A few deep breathes later, the class has resumed to delightful chatter as O'Conner passes textbooks and index cards out.

My friends continue to stare at me oddly and Azure softly places the back of her hand against my forehead. “Are you okay? You're warm.” You're telling me? You're the one with boiling hands. “You turned all red seconds before.”

I chuckled slightly and blushed. I felt silly for getting so scared. He was just a teacher. He couldn't kill you. Well, not in literal terms. Well, in actuality, not with a glare. But oh, if looks could kill....

“I'm fine. I just got all flustered.” I blushed and Azure placed her hand on my back now. “I do that sometimes.”

I felt better with Mister DeBell. He had this eerie aura and yet he seemed so collected and wise. Though he couldn't be any older than twenty-five. Heck, Amaranth looked older than him.

“Do you need to go to the nurse?” Amaranth asked. I looked up to meet his eyes. He was staring at me intensely. His eyes were scanning my body over, stopping at the point above my left breast. I knew he wasn't staring at my breasts because I had a large sweater on, much to Azure's disappointment, and he was looking at me with a wary and concerned expression. It was like he could see through my skin and into my insides.

I then noticed that my heart was going wild again. My cheeks burned and I looked down at my binder. “No, I'm fine.”

I felt Amaranth's piercing blue eyes flutter away from my chest and to my face. I could feel him smirking though. It was odd how I knew what he was doing and feeling by just the sensation his eyes left coursing through my body as he watched me.

The bell rang, making me jump. Azure and Haven giggled at me and I blushed as Amaranth helped me out of my seat. I was still feeling light headed and he was in tune with my inner ambience. That or he was just a gentleman. He surely didn't have to treat me so kindly and delicately. I hadn't asked him to, but I was starting to wonder if he was thinking of me more as a burden and less as a friend.

Azure walked at my other side and slid her arms around Haven and me. Amaranth placed an arm around my waist and led us to the cafeteria. He stole glances at me and Azure winked at him, assuming I couldn't see because all their non-verbal interactions were over my head. I sighed and smiled as Amaranth's grip tightened slightly, causing my heart to beat faster. If he continues this I'll have to go into cardiac arrest.
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You know what the fish's name in Pinocchio is?
Yeah, I'm awesome.
Everyone should name their pets after me. =]