Flesh Lust


So here begins my story...

Well, I was fifteen and just starting high school when I first saw her. I felt an immediate connection to her, she was just so... Intriguing. I wanted to know everything about her, I wanted to get close to her, I wanted her. I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her gorgeous face; It was the first day of high school and I was walking to my fourth mod class when I passed her in the hallway, she stunned me to no extent. At the time i didn't think I'd ever get her.

See, I wasn't the most out going person ever, actually I was the complete opposite. I like to think it was because of my low self-confidence that I had such a fear of talking to people, letting people get to know me, showing my emotions. I always kept my guard up, and I rarely had an actual conversation with anyone.

That could attribute to the reason I was a 'outcast'. Well that and the fact that I had a tendency to dress in darker clothing, meaning that my entire wardrobe consisted of nothing but black clothing. I guess you could say I was an 'alternative' style kid. But, that's completely up to you.

Hence the reasons I never thought i would talk to her, or even get to know her name.

But as the days blurred into weeks I just couldn't resist her. I would look forward to going to school each day just to catch a glimpse of her beauty. Going out of my way to see if I could spot her around the school, resulting in being tardy to quite a few of my classes, but I didn't care because it was her.

My infatuation was getting to the point where I could barely go five minutes without some thought of her racing through my mind. So I eventually went to one of the few people I actually talked to in school, Kellis. I knew he would be the perfect person to go to because he had a few classes with her and he too was bisexual like me. It was during lunch one day near the end of September that I finally worked up the courage to ask him about her.

"Hey Kellis?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah?" It was now or never.

"Who's that girl that you have French with, the one with the red hair?" He looked at me suspiciously, I guess I should probably mention that I had yet to come out of the closet. Although people really shouldn't have been surprised by the fact that I was bisexual, I surrounded myself with homosexual friends so it would be easier to come out.

"Her name is Emily, why?" So, the name of that gorgeous creature that I had been so captivated by was Emily. What a beautiful name, but that could be that I was biased to think everything about her was no less then amazing. She just had this magnetic pull around her, and at the time it seemed like I could barely resist her.

She was my new addiction, and I just couldn't get enough.
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=] new chapter yay!

comments=sex! hehe =D