Flesh Lust


That day, was the day that I came out of the closet to my close friends, and surprise, surprise, no one was shocked! Kellis, bless his soul, decided to talk to Emily about me. Sure, we'd never met, or talked, or.... Anything really, but I was determined to make this beauty mine.

About two weeks passed by with no prevail. It was a Friday night and Kellis was coming over so we could go to the football game together. Looking back now, I guess it was an average night, but I could feel something in the air. Anyways, so we got ready at my house and then had my mom drive us to the game.

Everything went normal. We hung out with some of our other friends and were the loud, obnoxious teenage bunch that grandparents would complain about and mothers would scold. Nothing exciting happened until the fourth quarter.

Kellis and I were standing underneath the bleachers, though I don't really remember why any more, and guess who decided to waltz over and strike up a conversation? Emily. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. Kellis introduced us properly and we all began a conversation about screamo bands and Russian language.

It took all of my effort to not stare at her. She had the most enticing eyes ever, the blue was so clear and vibrant that it was almost unnatural, I'd never seen any eye color like it. Her hair was almost as awesome as mine, God that sounded conceited, it was short and a neon red. Mine was bleach blond on top with black bangs, a black peek-a-boo, and the back was short, spiky, and black. If my memory serves me correctly, she was wearing a black and white checkered hoodie, denim skinnies, and rainbow shoes.

After about ten minutes of hanging with her my parents called to tell me that they were there to pick me up. So Kellis and I parted ways with Emily, waving a quick goodbye, before heading out to the parking lot to hunt for my parent's car. I felt like I was almost floating, it was a natural high from being so close to the girl that captivated me like no other.

I know it might sound strange, but it was like I could feel this connection between us. Something that gravitated us towards one another, and I wasn't sure if she could feel it too, or if it was just my imagination running amuck. Either way, it was getting stronger each time I came in close contact with her.

That weekend, if I recall correctly, I went shopping at a flea market and picked up an old comic book about a vicious vampire out to seek revenge. Oh, how cliche that was pertaining to the close future. If I had known the events that would take place in the months to come I might not have picked up that particular comic book. I might have wanted to keep my nose out of affairs that had anything to do with the captivating, and dangerous, world of vampires and lycans. Of course, I had know idea of what was to come.
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Sorry it's short, but I've been sick for the past few days and haven't felt up to getting on and writing.
But yea, some foreshadowing going on in this chapter ;D

Comments make me happy and make me want to write more<< and thats a fact. =]