

Nick and I made it to the diner on time for lunch with our families. The diner was small but cozy, I was a little log cabin just outside of town and our families ate there a lot. Everyone was seated and chatting when we got there. We all knew what to order because we got the same thing every time.
“So, Bella when’s our date?” Frankie asked
“I’m sorry Frankie, I didn’t mean to lead you on but I don’t like you that way. You’re still the cutest Jonas though.” I said as Frankie slouched back in his seat.
“Shot Down!” Joe chanted
“More than you Got!” Frankie came back at him with.
Nick and I were sitting there laughing because when Joe and Frankie did stuff like this it just went on and on. They also had a tenancy to make funny facial expressions.
“Dude, he got you.” Nick said playfully hitting Joe in the arm.
“Nick, he got more than you too, and you actually want it!” Joe joked, but I could tell that Nick was upset.
Nick sat back and began reading his menu.
“Nick dude, I’m sorry” Joe tried “I didn’t mean-“
“I know” Nick Stopped him
Everyone was quiet for a while eating their food. Joe tried apologizing a few more times but nick just brushed it off. After our meal was done we started to talk again.
“So Nick, when are you going to bring your girlfriend here to meet Bella and everyone else?” Kevin spoke for the first time joining our conversation.
“Girlfriend?” I was confused, Nick had a girlfriend? How did I not know this?
“Yeah, he’s dating Miley.” Joe answered my question even though I was focused on Nick.
Suddenly I was angry and upset, but I didn’t know why. I had no right to feel that way I was the one who wanted him to go out and find someone who would be good for him, and so he did.
“Excuse me” I said pushing myself up from the table and walking towards the bathroom.
Once locked in the bathroom I slid down so that I was sitting on the floor hugged my knees into my chest and let the few tears that were building up inside me fall.
It was then I realized my frustration. I was in love with Nick, and I was too late to do anything about it. He was happy and that’s what I wanted most. My suffering would be nothing as long as he was happy.
I didn’t know how long I was in the bathroom, what I did know was that I couldn’t go out there and act as though everything was normal.
I slowly worked up the courage to leave the bathroom, but not enough to stay at the diner.
I took a deep breath and prepared to tell a lie. Lying was not something I was good at usually people saw through me. Luckily for me I already felt sick so that gave me an edge.
When I approached the table everyone looked at me. It made me even more nervous to lie knowing that everyone was paying attention to me.
“Are you okay honey?” My mom asked.
“I think I’m going to go home, I don’t feel well” I bit my lip, hoping she would buy it.
“Do you want me to drive you home?” she offered.
“No, let Kevin do it” Mrs. Jonas insisted
I got in the car with Kevin and apologized for making him leave early. He said it was fine, he was always too nice, the perfect Big Brother.
“Bella, can I ask you something?” Kevin said
“Why do you really want to go home?” Crap! “And don’t tell me that you’re sick, because I know you’re not!”
I took a shaky breath “No I’m not sick…”
He raised his eyebrows urging me to say more. His driving slowed and he turned onto and empty street so that we could drive and talk.
“I guess you could say, I found something out today.” A tear gently slid down my cheek.
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with Nick would it?”
When I didn’t answer he looked over and saw that I was crying. I was crying over a boy that I pushed away.
“Oh, Bella” he sighed. “Nick has Miley now; you wanted him to move on now he has.”
“You think I don’t already know that!” I yelled, sometimes he could be so oblivious.
He stopped the car completely, “Nick has always loved you Bella, but please don’t ruin his relationship.”
“I won’t Kevin the one thing I want more than the two of us being together is for him to be happy, Miley makes him happy, I wouldn’t hurt him like that.” I said, and then my shoulders dropped.
“Thank You, he’s been hurt badly before I don’t want that for him again.”
“I get it Kevin!” must he repeat the same things over and over again?
He started the car again and drove me home. I got out of the car and went into my house. As soon as I heard Kevin pull away I broke down in the entry way of my house. I just sat there and sobbed.
A warm set of arms wound themselves around me. I turned to see Nick, I quickly wiped my eyes and he pulled me up so that I was standing.
“Bella? What’s going on?” he asked scared almost.
Of course I wasn’t going to tell him the truth “Sorry” I said.
“Are you okay?” He was genuinely concerned.
“Yeah” I sniffled “what are you doing here anyways?” I asked
“I came to see if you were felling better.”
“Wait, how long have I been home?” I asked shocked
“Two hours”
Two hours? I had just spent two hours on the floor crying over him?
“Where’s everyone else?”
“They went to the amusement park.”
“You didn’t want to go?”
“Not without you.”
“What about Miley?” This was the question I wanted to know most.
“She’s in New York” He shrugged not paying attention to any of the jealousy in my voice when I said her name.
I folded my arms over my chest avoiding his gaze. I made me scared how much power he could have over me.
“Want to watch a movie?” He offered
We went into my basement, I was big and we projected movies onto a plain white wall instead of buying a big screen TV. The other four walls were painted a vibrant green – my sister and I like bright colors. – The room was full of DVD’s games and CD ’s it was our personal hang out – beside the tree house, this was for everyone whereas the tree house was just for Nick and I.
We had decided on watching Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I was a light funny movie that would hopefully put me in a better mood.
We laughed a lot, but I could still felt the tension. How had Nick ever done this? He had been so good at acting normal that for the longest time I hadn’t noticed he was in love with me. Could I do that to?