Forgotten Eyes

Shipping Home

I clomped down the stairs in my old Skelanimals t-shirt and black jeans. I felt like being unhappy today. I was unhappy. The night after Alex had kissed me goodnight I had called Josh up and we had a very loud (well, it would have been if I hadn’t been whisper shouting) fight. That pretty much settled my day.
My hair was down and my makeup was dark.
“Delia, I don’t know if the vampires are here yet.” Mark laughed unbeknownst to why I was looking all dark and depressed and I was not planning on letting him off.
“Screw you.” I snarled making sure my tears didn’t fall smearing my mascara. He simply stood there dumbfounded.
Alex rushed up to me and put his arm around me. “Dels what’s wrong? Did you not like the CD?”
I turned to his bewildered face and couldn’t help but smile. “I loved the CD, Alex, I’m just not in a good mood. Mark?”
He came over and sat by me his arm around me but not in the same way Alex had his arm around me. Alex’s arm said “I love you.” while Mark’s said “You’re my friend.” complete differences.
“You don’t hate me do you.” Mark smiled.
“No, I don’t hate anyone here. I just had a fight and it doesn’t matter.” At that moment I felt like killing myself. It did mean something, I just was afraid to admit it.
“Was it Josh?” Alex asked, innocently.
I got up and in an attempt not to slap him across his face, walked out the door and straight into his car which we were going to use to get to the postal office to personally ship some orders. We weren’t leaving for half an hour so that gave me a good margin of cooling down time.
Unfortunately, people like to pursue problems therefor before I knew it, a bundled up Alex was thumping down the three steps to his car. I sighed. It was cold in his partially frozen car. I instantly regretted not wearing another layer over my clothes.
Alex silently pulled the door open and shut it. He sat like he were about to leave.
“I’ll hold another casting tommorow. You can pack your things and I’ll drive you to the airport.”
“I’ll hold another casting tommorow.”
“Alex, I don’t want to leave you. I’m just upset.”
“But Josh is eating at you.”
“Josh is just in a bad place but that doesn’t change how I feel for you.”
He used the side of his thumb and wiped a forming tear from the bottom of his eye. Whenever I see a male crying, I automatically begin tearing up.
“I just don’t want to lose you. You are perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I won’t let that go. Unless, you want me to.” Alex mumbled.
I reached over and hugged him. His arms wrapped around me, instantly warming me. I would’ve payed to stay in his arms, his cold eyes and pale skin masked in a dark knit hat and black peacoat made the outside snow seem incomparable to him.
“No matter how upset I am, I won’t put that into your lap but I need you to understand with Josh like this I just won’t be very... perky. But I still love you.”
“Oh that’s good.” he entertwined his fingers in my hair.
“Evans, Alex.” Alex mumbled to the overworked tired man working the counter.
“Six orders?”
“I don’t know” he sing-songed as he glanced over at Mark. Mark shrugged. “ONE of us has the sheet.”
My stomach began feeling sick again and I couldn’t help but acknowledge the fact that a man Spencer and I talked to about the camera had the flu and was a talking, breathing ball of germs.
Alex looked down at me. This morning before my melt down, Kenley remarked that I looked pale. I’m naturally pale but she did have a point. My normally pink lips were a dull baby pink. And the damn under eye circles that usually covered without a problem, were visible as ever even after I put on coat after coat of cover up.
“I’ll go check in the car.” I suggested, but he shook his head and muttered something like “It’s not that important.”
“If comes up like six orders than yes, six orders.”
Something in my stomach jolted and I ran to the bathroom.
Yes I did get sick but I will spare you of the details.
I had managed to shut and lock the door before anything happened so when Lena came in she was lost.
“Delia? Are you okay?”
I took my shoe and bashed it on the door to signify where I was.
My body decided to take over making me break out in a cold sweat and begin to shiver furiously.
“Oh Delia!” she cried as she flushed the toilet (I have good aim) and knelt by me. “You poor thing.”
She pulled me up but my legs were not going down (up?) Without a fight. I wobbled and fell.
“C’mon try to walk. Try to relax.”
I looked up and at that moment I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.
She looked down and decided to attempt to pick me up. You would be surprised. She held my shaking body and brought me out to the brighter light. Mark came up and took me. I couldn’t help but feel embarassed. Tears were streaming down my face.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry.” he whispered.
He carried me to the car and placed me in back. He took a blanket which just so randomly happened to be lying in Alex’s trunk and pulled it over me.
Then he went back to the office to herd up the others.
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I don't have a lot of readers so there might only be a couple more chapters.
I don't know