I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops

There goes my hero.

Heroic Effort : Heroism of a kind that is likely only to be undertaken to save a life.

My father had displayed such heroism in his fight against the wall which I was slowly erecting between me and the cruel universe I inhabited. He had tried offering me a holiday - usually I would jump at the chance to leave the dragon's lair if only for a few days, but it also involved leaving the confines of my home which I was now not perpared to do under any circumstances.

"Morning Maddie!" my sister called from the doorway of my room, her head peeking around the door in unmasked hesitation. I gingerly gestured for her to come in, and she pranced across the messy floor, flopping down onto my bed with a soft thump.
Her delicate lips curled up into an encouraging smile attempting to get me to reciprocate. I feebly attemped to force a smile but it failed to reach my eyes; her grin faded in defeat.

"He's really worried about you, you know, Dad," she spoke so fast her words all ran together in one large sigh.

I remained silent. I had no response. I knew he was worried, I knew my recent behaviour plagued his mind and that he was having trouble relaxing. It hurt me so much to see him hurting like this that I almost broke through the wall - almost.

"Please Maddie, he needs to see that you're getting better, even just a little bit!" she pleaded, and I could see the desperation in her eyes.

This wasn't right, my eleven-year-old sister should not have to plead with me like this.
I crumbled then, remorse rushing through my veins; tears threatening to fall but the flodo gates held up.

"Okay Zoe, I'll talk to him today, I promise," I choked out, reaching over to give her a brief one-armed hug. Physical contact was something which I had not experienced in over three weeks and I had to admit, I missed it. She squeezed me back and sighed, "I'm gald you're back, at least a little bit!"

Her usual cheery persona had returned and she sprang from the bed and gracefully danced towards the door, turning to flash me a satisfied grin and waving her delicate hand in glee.

"Bye, off to school I goooo!" she sang as she exited the room, full of innocent excitment.
It was decided then I would give my Dad a tiny morsel of hope that I was improving, even if it was a shame faced lie....


Delicate fingers traced my hair line in a soothing manner, brushing my thick locks away fom my pale face. A familliar scent of peppermint and aftershave washed over me and the voice of own personal hero spoke in a deep, rough weary voice, "How you doin' sweetie?" as he softly stroked my cheek. I forced a brief smile and mustered up the optimism to convince my Father that I was indeed recovering.

"I'm feeling a lot better Dad, and I think I'm ready to go back to school!" I spoke airily, my grin never faltering.

The relief on his face was obvious the second I spoke those words. The crease between his eyebrows vanished and his eyes lightened, hope returning to his features.

"Really? Honey thats great!" Even his voice had lightened; the strain it had previously held vanishing.

He reached in to hug me, his large musclar arms enveloped me in their warmth; his familliar scent attacking my senses. In that moment I felt secure for the first time since falling ill. Hope began to rise up in me like a tiny ball of fire rising from the pit of my stomach through my entire body, warming every fibre of my being.
I sighed in contentment, my father's embrace had given me some perspective on my sitaution. I now knew that I could conquer this depression, break down the wall I had erected and begin to live again.

"Thanks Dad!" I chirped, the hope in my voice startling me somewhat.

"You know what, I think you deserve a treat, want to come get some ice-crem with me?" he offered, his proposition although tempting also frightened me somewhat.

I gulped and my grin faltered. Picking up on my unease, Dad offered an alternative; "How about I run out and get some, bring it back eh?" he finished, nudging me playfully.

"Sounds great Dad!" I grinned.

He reached in to give me one final warm hug and slowly retreated towards the door.
"Be back soon sweetie, I love you!" he called as he shut the door behind him.

"Love you too Dad!" I called after him and I heard his distant sigh of contentment in reply.

I had decided to take a quick shower while Dad was out. The warm water was comforting on my weathered skin, my matted hair was oh so very glad to see the bottle of lavender shampoo. I felt even more optimistic as I shut the water off, sighing in utter contentment as I walked across the hall to my room.

As I finished dressing, I heard the sound of the phone ringing somewhere deep in the house. Seconds later I heard my mother's anguished cry, my head snapped up instantly. I followed my instincts and rushed down the stairs towards the muffled sounds of my mother's sobs.

Upon entering the kitchen, a shiver ran down my spine as I found my mother and sister with tears rolling freely down their distraught faces. Holding each other for the support they so desperately needed.

"Mom? Zoe? Whats going on?" I cried, fearing the answer so much so that I could only muster the strength to whisper my question my voice catching in my throat.

"It's your Dad...."
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