I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops


Time passed quickly, almost too quickly that week, in a blur of frustrating normality. Days were spent doing normal everyday things; the laundry was now fully up-to-date, we prepared all of our meals from scratch and the house was so impeccably tidy it was almost intimidating. All of these tasks we tackled together; all three of us, a family. I was slowly adjusting to my renewed relationship with my Mother and our friendship continued to blossom as we both took on the challenge of creating a normal living situation for Zoe.

But this bubble of simplicity and solace had to burst at some point, and the piercing knife came in the form of school. After my one month long stint away from the institution they referred to as school, needless to say I was filled with dread at the prospect.
On the morning of my return to school, Hayley had bounded in the door of our kitchen; excitement etched across her face, cheeks flushed due to the bitter cold of the November morning.

"Who is ready for school?" her piercing voice sang from her place at the edge of the kitchen.

"Morning Hayley!" my Mother called cheerfully from her seat at the glossy pine dining table. It was easy for her to be light hearted at the prospect of us returning to school, she had been given two months paid leave by her generous boss.

"Mornin' Mrs. S!" Hayley cooed in response, "Mom said to tell you she'd be around in about an hour for her morning coffee!" she added quickly, grining widely over at me. Something in her mischievous grin told me she was plotting. This sent my still fuzzy brain into overdrive, what on earth has she got up her sleeve now?

As Zoe brushed passed me in a blur of excitment, she grabbed a muffin form the counter, gave my Mom a quick kiss on the cheek and in a flash she was gone. Somebody was obviously excited to get back to school!

There was a loud slam of the front door and then silence descended on the house. This however was quickly broken by Hayley's somewhat timid remark;

"You ready to go hun?" she asked meekly; her sudden shyness surprising me, I turned automatically to face her.

"Yeah I'm ready when you are!" I called with a forced sense of flippancy.

I skipped over to where my Mother had remained seated in her fluffy white bathrobe and slippers, nursing a cup of balck coffee pensievely.

"Will you be okay Mom?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Don't worry about me sweetie, I have plenty to keep me occupied and besides I'll have Chrisie for company in a bit!" she replied, her voice laced in enthusiasm. There was so way around it, now I had to go to school.

Giving her a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek, I departed with Hayley leading the way out to the gate. The frost had settled during the night and every shrub in the garden was covered in a dewy veil. The tiny water droplets were sparkling in the early morning glow of the sun.

Distarcted by the simplicity of the immense beauty of the garden, I had failed to notice that our party had doubled in size, for we had been joined by two male figures who were strolling rapidly toward us.

Upon further inspection I identified the unmistakeable features of those irresistible Italian brothers.

"Are you kidding me?" I growled at Hayley under my breath. She of course had managed to grapple with me until I spilled my innermost secrets in regards to my encounter with Zac. Not that, of course, much had happened - I just felt something, but Hayley was instantly captivated by the idea of the two of us together.

"Just work with me here!" her voice pleading as she flashed me her best puppy dog look.

"Fine!" I sighed. "But you owe me!" I finished quickly as the boys were almost within ear-shot.

"Heeey!" Hayley called walking the last few steps to meet Josh, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Morning Maddie!" Zac chirped as he hopped from Josh's side to take the spot next to me that Hayley had vacated previously.

"Hey Zac, it's great to see you again. I would invite you inside, but it's school and all!" I finished with a teasing grin.

He laughed his booming laugh and I couldn't help but let a little giggle escape me.

"Oh, speaking of that night, did you guys like the lasagne?" he asked with genuine interest as we began to walk, following behind Hayley and Josh who lead the way hand in hand whispering quietly to each other. They were obviously lost in their own world, oblivious to everything around them.

My mouth began to water at the mere mention of that meal. It was one of, if not, the best dish I had ever tasted.
"Like it? It was the best thing I have ever tasted!" I exclaimed in admiration.

"Really? Thats good! Mom will be happy to hear it," he finished with a smile.

We slipped into comfortable converstaion from there on, chatting about our lives; he asked about my life before I moved here and I enquired about how he survived life in this town for so long, to which he replied; "We moved from New Jersey four years ago!" with a wink and a nudge. I shivered as an electric pulse ran through me at his touch.

"You okay Maddie?" he asked, his features crumpled in concern.

"Yeah I'm fine honestly!" I responded, my voice light and airy. I wasn't lying. When I was with Zac nothing seemed to faze me; he was captivating, his very presence relaxing me.

Even upon laying eyes on the red brick of the formidable looking buliding, I remained calm and almost light hearted. With Zac by my side I was walking on air, he held me above the crashing water as it swirled below, he protected me from the threat of the elements around me....
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