I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops

Resurfacing Part 2

"The snow won't stick to the weeping willows
the cold air won't blow open the windows
You've made it through the storm this far
You've done this dear, it won't be hard
The snow won't stick to the weeping willows"

We strolled idly down the river side, barely touching yet close enough for that electrical current to flow through me causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"Cold?" he asked, a shy smile spreading across his lips, causing my poor heart to stumble and start.

"A little," I whispered meekly, for I had not come prepared for a trip outdoors on this chilly November evening. Nothing however, could prepare my body for the overwhelming rush of sensory overload that came when he wrapped his strong arm over my shivering shoulders and wrapped me into his body like a precious possesion.

His intoxicating scent filled my senses; a mixture of herbs and spices and something organic, purely him, it was irresistible. I inhaled deeply from my position against his strong chest.

He laughed a deep growling laugh and I shook with the force of it.

"You okay down there?" he asked, peering down at me as I sighed in contentment.

"Yup! I'm great!" I retorted teasingly, flashing him a genuine smile; the one I reserved only for him, as I snuggled deeper into his warm chest.

We stood in our cosy embrace for what seemed like hours just basking in each others company. He leant against a large willow tree that stood on the bank of the river, its long branches swishing in the soft wind, just holding me securely to him, all the awkwardness of earlier forgotten. The water of the nearby river softly trickled over the large boulders in its path in no great rush, just moving with the gentle current.

The world passed us by as we remained in our own sanctuary. Couples passed us by, looking upon us with fond and sometimes nostalgic eyes, children ran passed in a frenzy but too engrosed in their games to notice our moment.

But time began ticking by and darkness descended on the river bank, turning the once crystal clear water of the stream to a deep blue. Tiny flickers of light reflected in the densely coloured liquid, the first of the November night's stars glittering overhead.

I felt him lean down as he placed a chaste kiss to my forehead, his silent attempt to get my attention and he certainly suceeded. My heart skipped a beat, my breath hitching. I gazed curiously up at him and he whispered tenderly;

"I should get you home soon," his voice filled with regret; he was obviously enjoying this as much as me.

"Do we have to? Can't I just live here now?" I begged, snuggling further into him. He chuckled softly, my head rising and falling with the expanding of his chest.

"Well...." he said, brushing a lock of my hair gently behind my ear "If I don't get you home on time, your Mom might not let me take you out again!" he finished with a cheeky grin.

"Well, we better get movin' then!" I coaxed, reluctantly moving from his comfortable embrace.

I took his hand in mine and began leading him down the river bank, the stream continued to flow softly over it's obstacles guided gently by the current.....
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Song at the beginning not mine, however props to anybody that knows who the artist's are!
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