I’ll Go Until My Heart Stops

The End.

Everything Will Be Okay In The End. If It's Not Ok. It's Not the End.

"Hey!" I called to Zac with a grin as I crossed the threshold of my algebra class to find him leaning against the doorframe, a look of expectation on his face.

Slipping up onto my toes, I placed a chaste kiss to his lips; before he even had time to register what was happening I had slipped into my spot against his chest, moulding my body to his.

"Lunch, m'dear?" he asked with mock enthusiasm, his voice slightly catching in shock as he guided me toward the cafeteria.

"Yes, please!" I chirped as I laced my fingers through his.

Needless to say, Zac had remained my constant throughout my ordeal and I had, thanks to his support and occassional sleepovers, emerged out the other side almost unscathed. All that remained of those dark weeks was the trampled flowers that now fought for life in my Mother's front garden.

As we manouevred our way through the bustling students we slipped into comfortable silence as I placed feather light strokes to his palm. Walking toward our spot in the cafeteria we spied Taylor and Nat already seated side by side, their lunches laid out before them. In our distraction as we waved over at them, we failed to notice Hayley and Josh who stood in our path staring intently at the notice board that hung crookedly on the cafeteria wall. We collided with them with a muffled crash.

Curiosity overtook me when they shook it off and indicated toward the board. Turning my head slowly I spied the gaudy pastel yellows and pinks that were traditionally used on posters for...school dances! I sighed in desperation, turning to burrow into Zac, hoping it would all disappear before I emerged.

"Not a dance fan huh?" Zac asked, stroking my hair, his voice taunting. Reaching out, I smacked him upside the head; "No I'm not!" I answered in defiance.

"Ouch! Geeze woman! That hurt!" he scolded, rubbing the back of his head slowly.

"Yeah ease up Maddie it's just a dance!" Hayley called from over my shoulder. I whirled around just in time to see her give Zac a meaningful glance and a cheeky wink. Looks like my little crimson haired pixie wasn't going to let me get out of this one unscathed!


How is it that even when we loathe something so much we still have a soft spot for it if it's attractive? It's so superficial, so shallow, yet so human!

As my newly purchased prom dress hung proudly on the back of my bedroom door, I couldn't help but gaze longingly at it. Despite all it stood for, I still adored it. It was soft turquoise, strapless, sinched in at the waist and slightly flared at at the ends, only to come to an abrubt halt at my knees. I had also been persuaded to venture into my first pair of high heels - this was going to be an experience and a half!

Hayley had dragged me around our local mall twice over, scouring each shop with precision. On our final lap of the centre, she spotted it; her tiny features lit up and she began hopping from foot to foot pointing eagerly over my shoulder. I had spun around quickly, instantly spotting the source of her enthusiasm; as they say, it was a match made in heaven!

So despite my reluctance to go to this godforsaken dance, which Zac unwavering in his determination had convinced me to comply, I had agreed to go. I gazed adoringly at my garment for the evening and I still found myself eagerly awaiting the occasion.


The smell of popcorn wafted up the stairs in delicious waves. Mom and Zoe were having a movie night while I was out being tortured. Hayley had begged me to refrain from calling it that in front of Zac cause it might hurt his feelings. Well, my dance skills were going to hurt more than his feelings I had retorted, at which she fell silent.

I pulled back to look at myself in my newly purchased "ball gown". I was taken aback, my reflection did not in the slightest resemble me. The girl in the mirror had a smooth creamy complexion, plump glossy lips, wore a flowing dress that hugged her curves and last but certaily not least a pair of killer heels. Nope, this girl wasn't me!

"Maddie! Zac's here!" my Mother hollered from the foot of the stairs.

I sighed.
"Let's get this over with" I muttered to myself as I glided out of the messy sanctuary that was my room toward the stairs.

Zac stood at the bottom of the stairs clad in a shrp black suit over a crisp white shirt. No tie, thankfully; a tie is much too formal for me. As I descended the stairs he looked up to meet my eyes and his boyish face lit up in an adoring grin. He reached out to take my hand as I came to the end of the stairs, holding me away from him he looked me up and down, a look of fascination on his face.

Finally, he spoke; his voice hoarse, cracking as he spoke.
"You look unbelieveable Maddie!" he said, wrapping me up into a tight hug.

I sighed a "Thanks" and burrowed further into his chest, just breathing in his scent calming my nerves. Our silent reverie was broken by my Mother's cries of;

"You'll be late!" as she ushered us out the door somewhat frantically, not without a last wink at Zac.

"What was that?" I gasped in shock, turning on him as we trudged toward his waiting car or stumbled in my case.

"What?" he asked incredulously, giving me his best innocent look that he reserved only for parents and teachers.

"You just winked at my Mother, my Mother!!" I shrieked as I sat into the passenger seat, fastening my seat belt and turning to glare at him.

"No, I think you'll find she winked at me!" he replied in a teasing voice, giving me a quick wink as he put the car into drive and began the journey toward my undoing.


We drove in silence for a few minutes which should have been the entire journey; yet just as we passed the turn off for the school, Zac struck up conversation, in a bid to distract me I guessed. I happily complied.

The dense forest surrounding the town now flew passed my window in a blur of deep greens and burnt orange. The forest looked incredibly peaceful, just the unassuming trees and furry little woodland creatures for company; it was almost idealistic.

Yes, idealistic and too good to be true, when Zac pulled into a narrow parking spot at the edge of the woods. Turning off the engine he turned to me with a grin.
"We're here!" he smiled at me.

I stared ahead of me, not too far into the dense woodland I could see the twinkle of lights and smoke from a burning fire. My ears were filled with the distant notes of an acoustic guitar. My mouth flew open in shock.
Zac reached over, took my chin in his hands and turned me to face him.

"I told you I was taking you to the dance, I just never said where!" his voice was laced in victory and enthusiasm.

I reached over, throwing my arms around his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss; filled with thanks and longing. I don't know how long we sat there, wrapped up in each other, but we were rudely snatched from our little bubble by an insistent tapping at the window.

Glancing over Zac's shoulder I saw Josh smiling and waving in delight. I reached over and rolled down the window.

"Hey guys, Hayley sent me to come get you. She said something about a poor sense of direction!" he gasped out in one explanatory breath.

"That would be me!" I giggled, "I got lost in the mall parking lot once. Hayley is refusing to ever travel with me again!" My laughter was almost hysterical, I was so relieved and elated all at once.

I slid out of the car, pulling Zac with me. As he stood up, he wrapped me into his side. Reaching down he whispered in my ear; "You in those heels, is a recipe for disaster!" while indicating down at my new shoes.

"Tell me about it!" I grumbled, leaning further into him.

As we approached the clearing I took in the full view of this other world like scene. The overhanging fairy lights cast an almost magical glow over the scene. In the centre of the clearing was a large roaring fire surrounded by three long logs. On these make-shift seats sat Taylor and Nat who were roasting marshmallows while talking quietly to one another. On the opposite side of the fire sat Hayley strumming softly on an old acoustic guitar, a look of pure concentraion on her face. In the centre of the scene sat an unfamiliar blonde haired boy, and on the grassy ground between his legs sat an equally unfamiliar girl.
Upon our entrance to the clearing all heads snapped up to meet us.

"Maddie!!" my little red haired pixie sang as she threw the guitar down, running into my arms with a thump.

"Hey Hayles!" I smiled down at her, squeezing her in appreciation.

We settled into the rhythm of this, as Hayley called it, 'Anti-Dance'. Nat, Hayley and the unfamilliar girl who's name I learned to be Faye - she was the girlfriend of Jeremy, a friend the guys had made through their many musical endeavours - had explained that they had decided the conventional dance wasn't for them so they had organised their own.

Music flowed continuously; as one person ceased playing the next person began, filling the air with sweet melodies. We sat around the fire with the smell of buring marshmallows wafting across the clearing, a guilty looking Zac disposing of his charcoal blob; causing the rest of the group to collapse into hysterical laughter.

As darkness descended further on the clearing. Josh took control of the music snatching from Hayleys grip playfully. Carefully he began to strum, the heartbreaking melody he produced causing silence to fall over the group.

Cautiously Zac stood, reaching down to grasp my hand in his. Pulling me to him he began to softly sway to the music. We moved to the gentle rhythm of the music, completely lost in each other. Zac's hands skimmed down my body while coming to rest on my hips, guiding me, and despite my characteristic clumsiness I seemed to be gliding on air.

Softly he pried me away, spinning me gracefully and then returning me to my place in his secure arms, placing a soft kiss to my temple. Leaning down he exhaled softly against my ear. In one swift movement he whispered softly "I love you" and placed a soft kiss to my lobe.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared up at him, happiness swelling within me.

"I love you too Zac" I gasped between tears.

Placing his thumbs on my cheeks he wiped my tears away, leaning down to kiss the stains they left in their wake. His arms tightened around me, pulling me so close I could have been a part of him. We continued to sway to the sweet melody as the fire continued to burn brightly in the centre of our magical clearing, eternally.....
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*sniff* I shall miss this story.
I have an epilouge which I may post if you wish....